Ссылка года: x videos точка ком

Знакомство года: Анжелика — мой личный ангел. Заразительный смех и добрая поддержка

Фильм года: братья Марио в кино

Сериал года: приключения silvername в hearthstone

Блюдо года: сырный гриль чиз с рваной говядиной

Напиток года: кофе

Ощущение года: я обязательно выживу

Язык года: английский

Экстрим года: купание сфинкса в ванной

Концерт года: блеянье сфинкса во врем течки

Интерес года: криптовалюта

Мечта года: жить свою жизнь свободно

Несбывшаяся мечта года: найти партнера

Город года: Волгоград

Место года: вкусно и точка

Открытие года: я оказывается люблю пуэр

Событие года: впервые в жизни установил тиндер

Исполнитель года: Anna con hausswolff

Песня года: не грусти и так хуево — шмели

Поездка года: ветеринарная клиника

Традиция года: кофе на завтрак

Настроение года: подавленность/воодушевление/подавленность

Фраза года: шаурму с курицей в сырном лаваше, пожалуйста

Разочарование года: знакомства в интернете

Вещь года: сковородка гриль

Пожелание года: будьте счастливы и процветайте

Аромат года: rose magnetic от essential parfums. Элегантная Роза со сладкими нотками личи

Цвет года: белый

Время суток года: солнечный день

Книга года: Мураками 1Q84

Одежда года: белая футболка с джинсами

Обувь года: кроссовки Nike air

Подарок года: гейзерная кофеварка

Кафе года: coffe line

Вывод года: если лошадь сдохла, слезь с нее.

Внутренний крик от возможности нового локдауна, неоплачиваемых выходных, статистики, новостей. Внутренний крик и понимание, что я этого просто не переживу.

Надо было толкнуть ту мерзкую брюнетку в розовом. Все люди в общественных местах без масок, все купившие сертификаты, все орущие про свои несуществующие права — я искренне и с полным чувством желаю вам никогда не попасть в эти 34 тысячи.

Но ведь мы пережили 2020. Год, разделивший век на до и после. Год, разделивший жизни на было и стало. Год судьбоносный.

Никто не знает, как было плохо. Никто не знает, каково это — прощаться в крематории в одиночку с паршивым гробом мерзко-шоколадного цвета. Внутри, в целлофановом пакете — твое было. Твое альтер-эго, твоя кровь, твои воспоминания, твоя жизнь, твой украденный день рождения. Внутри — пустота.


В те мартовские предпоследние дни мы тоже ходили каждый день в кафе, в старбакс, куда угодно, потому что чуяли, что как раньше будет не скоро. Тогда мы не знали, что будет, и пережили.

Теперь мы знаем. Переживем?

Надежды на пятницу.

No one lives forever

But that’s no reason to give up

Don’t you wanna fall in love?

No such thing as heaven

And I’m the last girl on Earth

So, baby, let’s get it on

#писатель а #дневник а

think i just have to start making notes like this otherwise im going crazy

i just re-watched one of my favorite teenager films. one of the first of that type — meaningful, deep, but for someone — stupid and shallow

so there were two — Keith and Natalie

god I hope nobody finds this when I’ll die

and they, actually he, screw their relationships, but he’s the one who started them, she didn’t needed them at all. or did she?

and this moment, when she came out for bowling with him and gave him that look. they’re looking for each other like there’s no thigs in the world they can screw ever again

like we’re sometime

when it seemed like earth stopped turning and there’s no life after, like we’we ruining each other’s lifes enough


you met me

i met you

and it started all over again, but with more sad look at each other

and one day it was over

Натыкаюсь еще иногда на "картинки из прошлого" - идеальные, скомпонованные натюрморты со всеми культовыми признаками wellfare state: макбуками, помадами MAC и Tom Ford, кофейными чашками и бокалами с Moёt, круассанами только из печи, сумочками Furla, флаконами Byredo и стыдливо раскинутыми лепестками роз, тюльпанов, пионов. И были эти снимки - в прошлом - таким будоражущим, живым доказательством существования красивой жизни, амбиций и абсолюта в материальном мире планеты Земля. Были. Были! До тех пор, пока суровая жизнь не показала изнанку блогерского делопроизводства, пока сказка не превратилась в тыкву. Этого абсолюта не существует. И не существовало. Иллюзорный виртуальный мир ты никогда не перетащищь в сбербанки и собесы, в ясли и забитые вагоны метро, не предъявишь для скидки на кассе "Пятерочки". Депрессию, скуку, похоть, болезнь - ты спрячешь, обрежешь квадратиком и отфильтруешь до необходимости, но наоборот - нельзя. Зато ты очарован. Хоть на миг насладиться сотворенным диджитал-совершенством - и умереть, заполняя бланки на шенген в душной очереди. C'est la vie.

P.S. Меня тут так красиво поснимали, выложу позже. Оля <3

Farewell the ashtray girl
Forbidden snowflake
Beware this troubled world
Watch out for earthquakes
Goodbye to open sores
To broken semaphore
You know we miss her
We miss her picture

Sometimes it's faded
Disintegrated it
For fear of growing old
Sometimes it's faded
Assassinated it
For fear of growing old

Farewell the ashtray girl
Angelic fruitcake
Beware this troubled world
Control your intake
Goodbye to open sores
Goodbye and furthermore
You know we miss her
We miss her picture

Hang on
Though we try
It's gone

Even though a huge portion of earth's population drinks wine, a lot of us haven't any clue what’s actually inside the jar in front a person. But the simple fact is that there are over ten thousand unique grape varieties which may be made to wine, and heaps of countries producing wines of every shape and size.

… and color.

Wines, you notice, don't just come in white and reddish. In addition they arrive in sorted colors of pink and also orange and brownish (but we're getting way ahead of ourselves).

The simple fact is that the area of wine is unknown and misunderstood by the typical wine consumer.

What exactly is an aspiring wine lover to accomplish when faced with mountains of drinking options from your wine shop?

Here is a suggestion from Dawine: don't stay on your rut. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those grape varieties. However, in the event you'd like to find a happy medium between the ignorant wine consumers, and also the Know-it-all wine snob, then here's what you need to do:

Know some basic rules

It's commonly known that white wines go with fish and white meat, and that red wines choose red meat. But that is merely the start of narrative. Wines that are created to move along with food have a significant selection of capabilities. In fact, it is possible to come across excellent pairings that totally go against the conventional wisdom and old school rules. So rather than pairing predicated on color, try contemplating dominant tastes in the weight and texture of a certain dish… and then find wines that work well in combination with those traits.

What does that mean? Well how about pairing an earthy, soulful salmon and mushroom dish with and earthy, soulful Pinot Noir? Blasphemy? Not in the modern wine world.

Know it is ok to not know

Too a lot of us feel as we will need to posture concerning our wine wisdom and wine encounter. You notice that sommelier heading toward the dining table and you also start grasping for wine words that you see in a magazine or attempt to impersonate a spectacle you saw in a picture.

Look, not many people are anticipated to be conscious of wine. And the sommelier isn't there to quiz you on your knowledge. They have been there to assist you in making great decisions that fit your taste and budget. So do yourself a favor and small up and get several questions for those who will need to.

Love the experience

Wine does not have to be approached academically by most people. So don't be concerned about studying up, and focus on appreciating the wine experience.

Observe those characteristics you prefer and what that you do not like… and utilize that new knowledge to maximize your potential pleasure by researching more and new wines that fit your preferences.

With the increasing development of transportation, all countries are closed and their time standards can no longer meet world-wide requirements. Therefore, in 1880, a legal form of the United Kingdom established the Greenwich Standard Room (GMT). Since then, all countries in the world have agreed. Divide the world from east to west into 24 time zones.

Watch timer

The general table, continuously indicates the passage of time. The chronograph is different Chronograph is a professional name, of which chrono means "time" in Old English and Latin, and graph in English means "recording tool.", It is free to record the length of any period of time. Standard chronograph has 30 minutes or 12 hours of timing. Central seconds hand, usually stopped at the zero position. In order to show the timepieces are walking, most of them are equipped with a small moving second hand. Chronograph divided into two kinds, the first one is only an ordinary chronograph measurement object, and the other is a two-second hand measuring objects segmented chronograph.

Watch calendar

The "calendar" is an exaggeration of Chinese people, but the British more exaggerated, called "permanent calendar" form (Perpetual calendar). In fact, the so-called "permanent" only means that there is no need for manpower adjustment. If it is put on a daily basis, it does not need adjustment to indicate the correct date. That once every four hundred years, a leap year in February only 28, most of the calendar table can only accurately indicate that by 2100, IWC launched in 1985, "Da Vinci" can automatically be directed to 2500. The calendar is a complex mechanical watch that can indicate the date, month, week, and even can indicate the year and automatically adjust leap year.

Wrist watch average time difference

The so-called "time difference" refers to the difference between the average solar time and the stellar time based on real celestial bodies. The average solar time is commonly used time indicating the time, also known as the average time. In fact, the length of the day is not equal. The elderly have 24 hours 14 minutes, the short only 23 hours 44 minutes. People take the average 24 hours a day, for the convenience of everyday life. Stellar time does not measure the sun as the standard to another fixed star prevail, a day and night time is 23 hours 56 minutes and 41 seconds. This method is more accurate, suitable for astronomy and space science, but for the daily life will be out of touch, a lot of inconvenience.

The average time and star time are exactly four times a year, with differences for the rest of the year. Breguet studied outdated indications in the eighteenth century, adding dials on pocket watches and counter clocks that indicate the difference between the average sun and the stars.

In addition there is a time difference, known as the regional time difference. With the increasing development of transportation, all countries are closed and their time standards can no longer meet world-wide requirements. Therefore, in 1880, a legal form of the United Kingdom established the Greenwich Standard Room (GMT). Since then, all countries in the world have agreed. Divide the world from east to west into 24 time zones. To zero at the Greenwich Observatory near London, call meridian through the zero line, which divides the Earth into two hemispheres. The whole world is divided into 24 time zones from east to west with a longitude of 15 degrees in each zone and an hour difference with neighboring areas. This is the regional time difference.