Картинка с тегом «couple, goals, and sunset»

Сегодня муж сказал мне одну фразу: я знаю тебя лучше, чем ты сама себя…


Правда что ли?

Меня поражает примитивизм окружающих меня людей. Они и правда думают, что то, что я им показываю и есть я. Мой муж, с которым мы заделали ребенка (не переживайте, по договоренности) через 5-6 месяцев отношений, который не успел меня полностью узнать как начался токсикоз и я стала не просто другим человеком, я стала ужасным существом, которое нуждалось в покое, но появись мелкий раздражитель - взрывалось. После токсикоза было еще хуже. А еще больницы. Ну вот когда он меня мог узнать? А потом неожиданное появление сына на свет и снова больница. Наконец мы дома. Что происходит с женщиной, которая только вышла из депрессивной, болезненной беременности? Ах, да, депрессия и стандартный гормональный сбой. В общем, не смотря на то, что сыну уже 2 года, мы это время занимались только им. А в свободное время человек не меня узнавал, он узнавал что же произошло на его танковом поле и в киноиндустрии…

Моя мама. Я основную часть сове жизни ее возвышала и восхваляла, она была для меня кумиром и примером для подражания, ни одно ее слово не подвергалось опровержению с моей стороны. Пока я не обрела свою голову на плечах. Моя мама и правда золотой человек, который сделал для меня больше, чем большинство родителей для моих знакомых. Но она и правда уверена что тоже знает меня лучше чем я сама.

ООО, моя бывшая подруга. Недавно с ней общались, кстати. Она и правда думает что меня знает. Я тут недавно направляла резюме в организацию где она работает на неплохую должность. Ей я не говорила. Мне не ответили - значит ответ отрицательный, поэтому я поделилась с ней в тел.разговоре. И только потом я поняла, что она даже не удивилась и не раздумывая сказала: "Женя, это не твое место". Ну я ей говорю, что не смущаюсь плохого коллектива (у нее были проблемы в отделе где она раньше работала, ну я и подумала что в этом отделе тоже все плохо), а она говорит что не про это, что место не мое. Короче я выудила из нее, что она оказывается ДУМАЕТ, что эта работа не для меня, что она меня знает и я не смогу работать. Блять, сраным снабженцем! ОНа, которая просто была моей подругой, не работала со мной никогда, не видела моего рабочего процесса, не видела как я улаживаю конфликты, общаюсь с людьми и т.д. Она, человек, который у меня спрашивал подсказки по ее работе (отдел кадров), когда я вообще в другой сфере работаю! Она реально думает что знает меня и считает что может сказать где я могу работать и кем… Моя трудовая книжка даже до середины не дошла, хотя я работаю с 19 лет. Ее трудовая книжка закончилась давно и даже заканчивается вкладыш в нее… это ее нигде не держали и не ценили. Меня же с моими опозданиями и ленью всегда старались удержать в каждой фирме где я работала, даже на заводе, где работник это просто раб для начальства, который должен молча выполнять работу, и то не хотели отпускать, когда до меня с этого места никто еще сам не увольнялся, их увольняли через пару месяцев сами. Ну, конечно, я знаю откуда ноги растут у причины что мне не позвонили…. И если она так хорошо меня знает, то почему все ее советы закончились плачевно, даже туалетная вода, которую она помогла выбрать - стоит который год почти полная. Я была настолько тупа и ведома, что даже купила дорогой парфюм по ее рекомендации, и даже пробыла в токсичных отношениях полтора года, потому что она говорила мне "Женя, с ним ты настоящая, я вижу как ты счастлива и улыбаешься", - это когда я была с женатым, который меня обманывал, снова подсадил на антидепрессанты и единственное что было в моих глазах это слезы, я просто была всегда свободна для нее.

Опять все перерасло в обсираловку моей бывшей подруги))) ). Будет лишним напоминанием не верить ей.

Если кто-нибудь скажет вам что знает вас лучше чем вы сами, задайте этому человеку несколько вопросов, самых простых, типа "что сделает меня по настоящему счастливой" (на этот вопрос все вышеперечисленные бы сказали - деньги, магазины и еда… мимо), "какой мой любимый цвет" (у меня он редко, но меняется), "почему ты меня не поддержал/а, когда я была в депрессии?" (ведь если ты меня знаешь очень хорошо, то знаешь когда мне плохо, когда я притворяюсь).

Вспомнился момент… я как то на пределе уже своих сил, в депрессии, резала себя, не вены, а кожу, ну кто знает, поймет. у меня были ужасные незаживающие раны на предплечье, запястье и над коленом. Запястье я заклеила.. была зима и только его надо было скрыть. Моя подруга даже внимания не обратила, а она всегда все видела… вот насколько надо быть равнодушным к кому то, чтоб проигнорировать это. Тогда мой просто приятель забеспокоился, а она… Мама, кстати, тоже видела, ногу, промолчала. Я тогда почти пришла к нежеланию жить… и где же они были?

Картинка с тегом «couple, love, and Relationship»

Противоположности и правда притягиваются. Только не вот так - он любит футбол, а она танцы и общих интересов нет…. нет…. Он слабый - она сильная и наоборот. Разные слабые и сильные стороны…

Я слабая в жизни, в работе я преимущественно сильная и всех погоняю, а вот по жизни… Дома мне нужен сильный мужчина, вот прям чтоб я приходила и ныряла под крылышко и могла даже поныть. Может это замена отца, которого почти не было в моей жизни… не важно, теперь важно что мне нужно теперь. Мужчина, не тот, который вызывает желание трахаться и трахаться без остановки (со временем они приедаются, я знаю), а такая каменная стена. Я не хочу целовать нежно в лобик, как мамочка, я хочу чтоб это делали со мной.

И поэтому я рада, что мы разошлись с бывшим мужем… со всеми…. к сожалению мой муж слабый тоже

Картинка с тегом «love, couple, and kiss»

каждый день у меня есть мысли, которые хочу написать, но все останавливается на этапе поиска подходящей картинки))) ) в общем просто буду лепить ту, которая мне ну оч понравилась. Вообще она полностью отражает мои нынешние желания, мне больше и не надо.

Мой муж уверен что я категорически не приемлю вранье, то есть не вру, это мой принцип. Каково было его удивление сегодня узнать одно НО… Я не вру, это реально мой принцип, вранье это низко, но не обманываю я только тех, кто сам не опускался до того, чтоб обмануть меня. Мы взрослые люди и надо понимать, что глупо ждать к себе хорошего отношения, когда сам подорвал доверие. В общем был очень приочень удивлен и сразу начал мысленно копаться где же я его обманываю))) .

Хочу научиться рисовать акварелью…. вот когда? Все думают, что в декрете ты нихуяшечки не делаешь, но реально нет времени ни на что. Я тут на днях ушла в свою старую квартиру (мамину) делать себе ногти, в итоге я ничего не успела. Укрепила полигелем криво-косо…. лучше бы я кистью все делала, чем верхними формами, быстро перекрыла молочным лаком и закрепила. А потом вспомнила…. я же блять базу под полигель не нанесла, здравствуйте отслойки…. и тут уже названивает муж.

А еще думаю хотя бы на пол дня найти подработку. ЗП у мужа 20 числа, а у нас осталось на все про все 6000, вот как покупать сыну подгузоны, которые стоят со скидкой 1300? которые надо покупать каждую неделю, плюс смесь, как быстро она заканчивается я уже не пойму, вчера распаковали пачку, а она уже заканчивается. Куда она девается? сын три раза в день ее ест всего лишь….

Posting testimonials from your customers is a superb method to manufacture your expert believability. You should remember that you are the main individual who can't build your validity.

Being imaginative with where you post your testimonials

Generally, you may not consider posting your testimonials anyplace but rather on the customer's page (or in a region devoted to testimonials on the different online life channels). In any case, if you restrict the spots where you put testimonials, you are not utilizing a critical ability that can truly help your business a lot according to business expert, SunriseNews.co.

Why testimonials are essential

Testimonials are essential for some, unique reasons, including for the most fundamental reason of all. A testimonial contacts individual on an enthusiastic/human level.

Testimonials make individuals feel better and they propel individuals to enlighten other individuals concerning them. That goes far to building the connection between the individual who has posted the testimonial and the individual who has perused the testimonial. In the event that a man is persuaded that you have offered an astonishing item and additionally benefit, that individual will probably need to purchase what you are offering. For what reason wouldn't he or she need to get the best thing that is out there. For this situation, your item as well as administration.

It is protected to state that a testimonial is much more ground-breaking than any substance that you may have on your site. That is for the basic reason that the substance that shows up on your site was made by you. Then again, testimonials are not made by you. They are made about individuals who trust in you and who put stock in your business. Truth be told, they have confidence in you enough to impart that data to other individuals whom they know and trust. It is sheltered to expect that they wouldn't sing your business' commendations on the off chance that they didn't have faith in your contributions.

Getting your prospects off of the fence

In the wake of investigating the substance on your site, your forthcoming customers may at present be undecided about what you and your business bring to the table. Be that as it may, if that is the situation, once they have perused the testimonials from your customers, there is a likelihood that they will feel more anchor about the nature of what you are offering and of their choice to purchase what you are offering. Those testimonials may have the majority of the effect on the planet.

Sympathy with the customers who composed the testimonials

The quantity of testimonials that you post on your site and on different parts of your online nearness is less critical than what those testimonials say. Be that as it may, what is critical is the possibility that your intended interest group individuals can relate to what those testimonials say. They have to feel that they can identify with the experience that the customer had (and conceivably keeps on having).

Change isn't simple however some of the time it is important

In all actuality individuals for the most part don't care for change. In any case, now and then, change is vital. All things considered, you must roll out the improvements that need to happen as simple and as easy as could be expected under the circumstances. In the event that a man is happy with what they have, they won't be slanted to roll out an improvement. In any case, on the off chance that they feel that there is something out there that will serve their necessities all the more viably, they will in any event think about rolling out that improvement. In the event that they read your testimonials, it might simply be the push that they have to approach your side of the fence!


As you are contemplating how to use your testimonials, there are a couple of imperative ideas that you will need to remember. As a matter of first importance, you should ensure that the testimonials that you post are clear, succinct, and extremely significant. It is critical for you to recall that once you get a testimonial, you gathered change it at all. The words have a place with the other individual. You ought to arrange your testimonials in a sensible way. That will make it as simple as feasible for you to benefit from your testimonials and they will enable you to cause the most extreme effect for your intended interest group. Testimonials cause individuals to copy the encounters that other individuals had with your items as well as administrations. Keep in mind, the more significant testimonials you share with other individuals, the more they will be slanted to think toward you.

Day 1 - Favorite Doctor.

Я всех Докторов люблю, потому что каждый по-своему прекрассен. Но больше всего люблю Девятого и Двенадцатого.

Day 2 - Favorite companion.

Шикарная женщина Донна Ноубл! Такая яркая, экспрессивная и супер-крутая!

Day 3 - Least favorite companion.

Клара Освальд. Ужасно перетягивала на себя все внимание. Ее было слишком много.

Day 4 - Favorite villian.

Далеки! Они уже классика, их нельзя не любить.

Day 5 - Favorite alien.

Адипоуз? Очень милый жир.

Day 6 - Favorite special episode.

День Доктора/Время Доктора; Дважды во времени.

Day 7 - Favorite season.

Первый и Четвертый самые любимые, пожалуй.

Day 8 - Least favorite season.

Третий и Девятый.

Day 9 - Favorite Master.

Мисси! Мишель Гомез очень крутая актриса и их тондем с Капальди завораживает. Она полна харизмы и обаяния и заражает тебя своей энергией.

Day 10 - Saddest episode.

Винсет и Доктор.

Day 11 - Funniest episode.

Соучасники и Квартирант.

Day 12 - Episode that scared you most.

Не моргай и Полночь.

Day 13 - Favorite theme song.

Думаю, что эта.

Day 14 - Character you like that everyone else hates.

Многие не любят Донну, а я от нее без ума.

Day 15 - Most annoying character.


Day 16 - Favorite actor.

Девид Теннант. Безумно талантливый человек, обожаю его не только как доктора, но и как актера других проектов.

Day 17 - Least favorite actor.

Даже не знаю. В Докторе очень много хороших актеров, поэтому нечего ответить здесь.

Day 18 - Favorite actress.

Мишель Гомез!

Day 19 - Least favorite actress.

Билли Пайпер мне не симпатизирует как актрисса.

Day 20 - Favorite writer.

Рассел Т.Девис. Все самые лучшие серии были все-таки у него.

Day 21 - Favorite couple.

Рори и Эми. Потому что я не могу шипперить кого-то с доктором.

Day 22 - Favorite friendship.

Десятый и Донна.

Day 23 - Favorite doctor who spin-off.

не смотрела ниодин спин-оф по Доктору.

Day 24 - Favorite quote.

— Ты не можешь просто так уйти!
— Конечно, могу. Вот он я, и я ухожу. Пока!

Самые великие приключения не стоят ничего, если их не с кем разделить.

Чаю! Но самого крепкого! Пакетик не вынимать!

все, что смогла вспомнить.

Day 25 - Favorite doctor catchphrase.


Day 26 - Favorite doctor gadget.

Звуковая отвертка, конечно же!

Day 27 - Favorite interview.

Не читала ниодного интервью.

Day 28 - Favorite gif.

Эта, эта и эта !

Day 29 - Favorite guest star.

Мейси Ульямс. Мне нравится Мейси, но не нравится ее персонаж.

Джон Барроумэн! Обожаю Джека Харкнесса.

Day 30 - When do you became a fan of Doctor Who?

Примерно в 2014 году. ТОчно не помню. С тех пор я не разлучна с ним.

If you were to meet Dick and Nicole Diver at a party, a restaurant, or on the beach, you would leave them feeling as if you had been in the presence of greatness. They are both witty, charming, gorgeous, majestic, sexy, and in command of whatever situation they find themselves in. They are the sun and moon merged together, and no one shines brighter in the daylight or in the moonlight. They are what many aspire to be, but few will ever achieve, the suave assurance of the Diver couple.

With the substantial innovations that we have actually seen in innovation over a previous couple of years, without a doubt among the coolest and also most hassle-free up as well as coming creations are most likely to be employing home automation installers Sydney to manage whatever in your residence. Automation could be so hassle-free due to the fact that you could regulate lots of features throughout your residence with a straightforward one touch or movement into a control pad. There are several fantastic means automation could be valuable to your day-to-day life.

Home Automation Installers Sydney

Residence Automation Offers Convenience

Among the very first means, automation is making our lives simpler as it would certainly permit you to regulate all the illumination in your home in the power of your hand. State you are lying comfortable on the sofa, all covered with a comforter, as well as you, recognize you have to transform the light in the kitchen area off prior to you could view your flick. Or your children are pursuing the evening as well as you could inform that they left all the lights on upstairs, with numerous automation tools; you could regulate that quickly without leaving the sofa. Lower the lights or transform them off, you regulate it in your hand. With automation, you could shut down lights in any type of space from any type of space, therefore, conserving on your own loan on your electrical expense.

Residence Automation Supplies Benefit

One more fantastic advantage of hiring a home automation installers Sydney - smarthomeworks.com.au/service is the capacity to utilize the drapes as well as blinds from the remote. Among the most awful times is when you obtain comfortable on a sofa to see a film as well as you see that irritating glow beaming off of the TV. Well, say goodbye to stress due to the fact that with an automation system, you could manage the blinds as well as drapes from the convenience of your sofa. Say goodbye to destroying your convenience to be able to see the TV. With automation systems, all that power will certainly relax at the grace of your fingertips.

House Automation Gives Simpleness

With automation systems, the opportunities are unlimited and beyond your imagination. You are likewise able to regulate the temperature level of your home easily without your presence at home. You can do it while on your way home from the office, or simply drinking your favorite coffee at the nearest restaurant. It additionally allows you to establish your house safety and security system from the convenience of your room without needing to stroll downstairs as well as inspect if you were not sure about what's happening in the dark. The countless manner in which automation systems could be useful as well as boost your lifestyle as well as make points in your family run even more efficiently and also effectively. It really is just one of the lots of innovations of the future that are most likely to profit our lives for many years to find.

Prior to you take into consideration where to take your car for repair and maintenance, you have to recognize the distinction in between both. Regular upkeep products and Brisbane automotive service are those detailed in your automobile's proprietor's handbook as part of the version's solution timetable. They are planned to maintain your automobile in leading operating problem. Fixings are solution that has to be executed to deal with a trouble. Where you take your automobile might rely on exactly what has to be done.

Brisbane Automotive Service

Set up upkeep can be carried out at any kind of dealer; you do not need to go to the one where you got the automobile. Similarly, you could take your automobile to an independent auto-repair store or franchise business, which are usually less costly compared to car dealerships.

Since upkeep things are rather fundamental, nonetheless, any kind of specialist car store need to have the ability to do the essential jobs.

Fixings could vary from standard jobs such as a brake task or auto-body repair work to complex solution such as revamping a transmission or identifying an electronics-system trouble. Most likely to a dealer if your vehicle is covered by the initial guarantee and also you desire the supplier to spend for the repair. Make use of a car dealership, as well, if your cars and truck has actually been remembered or is the topic of a "solution project" where the car manufacturer uses to remedy a problem. If you have an extensive service warranty, you'll have to examine the terms to see that need to execute protected fixings.

A Brisbane automotive service - sandgateautoelectrics.com.au must have the ability to deal with most typical repair work. Shops that concentrate on your lorry's brand name are most likely to have the appropriate training, tools, and also updated details. A great specialist will certainly allow you recognize when an issue calls for a journey to the dealer or a specialty store.

Yet determining a technician you could rely on for your vehicle takes a great deal greater than allowing your fingers do the strolling. You need to do a little antique sleuthing. There's no solitary hint to just what makes a great service center, yet right here are some points you must search for:

Discover a look for your brand name of vehicle

Numerous garages focus on particular makes. Those that concentrate on your kind are most likely to have the current training and also tools to repair your lorry.

Ask your friends and family

Specifically look for suggestions from those that have a lorry just like your own.

Look for qualification

Offer the store a trial run

Prior to your vehicle requires a huge repair work, you could wish to check out some neighborhood shops with smaller sized fixings or upkeep things, such as oil as well as filter modifications.

Inquire about service warranties

What sort of assurances does the store give on repair? Guarantees could differ significantly amongst stores, so inquire about them beforehand. Utilize a typical repair work, such as brake job, as your overview.

Make certain the store is convenient

Also, the most effective store could not deserve the initiative if its hrs. contravene your routine or you have couple of transport choices after you hand over the cars and truck.

Here are a number of reasons why folks purchase the best spas gift card for other people to celebrate exceptional events. For starters, there are cards available to invest at all kinds of businesses. Alternately, gift-givers may also buy debit gift cards which may be used in just about any kind of business. Simply speaking, the gift-giver has tons of alternatives. Discover some other explanations for why these cards are popular with gift-givers!

Someone could purchase the best spas gift cards which are worth any quantity of money. Another individual might purchase a $100 card to his parents in their wedding anniversary. Normally, shops, restaurants and other companies sell these cards even quantities of cash so the trade is as straightforward as you can.

Pick a Spa Gift Card together with the Present Recipient in Mind

Lots of folks enjoy giving those cards as presents since they can select one which allows a friend or relative to see a place they enjoy. For example, a 100 card which goes to a buddy's favourite day spa would offer her the chance to treat herself for a day of pampering. A spouse may give her husband a card which belongs to his favourite steak restaurant . He will be delighted with the possibility of enjoying a tasty meal without needing to cover it!

Unlike other gifts, a card into a favourite eatery or store does not have to be decorated with intricate wrap paper or maybe a decoration. Most stores and restaurants decorate their cards using the title of the company and an appealing layout. There's absolutely no demand for a gift-giver to invest additional cash on decorative information.

Some gift-givers appreciate how these spas gift cards do not need to be used straight away. The gift recipient gets to think of what they need for many days or maybe a couple of months. On the flip side, the receiver is free to devote the card straight away if he or she favors. Most cards contain specific details about use. Lots of cards never expire and some do not charge any fees in the event the card is not used within a particular quantity of time. The receiver of a card may use it in her or his leisure.

Online or In-Store

Gift-givers adore these cards since they may frequently be utilized for both online store purchases. This is just another element of advantage added to a thoughtful present. It is a simple procedure for a individual to devote their card online in a shop or a different business enterprise.

In the end, those who purchase the best spas gift cards for loved ones are receiving them something that they will surely use and appreciate. If the card belongs to a favourite company, the individual will be anxious to escape and devote this generous gift! No need to stress yourself thinking of what kind of gift should you give, for there are the the est spas gift card that is always beneficial and great to be given as a gift.

Certainly one of the worst scents to keep could be your lingering 'odor' of this garbage in the tin. And now most of us understand just how hard it's to remove this smell when it erupts from the inside plastic of one's garbage can. Whether you own a trashcan, then a garbage can, a garbage disposal, so it will not matter: it stinks after the garbage was disposed.

It's perhaps not simple to eliminate this heavy sweetish sometimes sickening smell of this disposed crap, especially from tight areas which don't have enough outdoors. In addition, the issue with garbage is the fact that it is made up of several matters, meaning it's quite hard for air fresheners to work in eliminating a specific odor. Yet all isn't lost: you are able to efficiently and economically get rid of the odor of garbage out of the kitchen or some other place on your property at which you had the litter removed. And on top of that, you have the majority of the tools directly at residence. With all the tips below from a rubbish removal company, you’ll be able to eliminate litter could odor in virtually no moment:

Tidy your garbage can shortly after removing the crap out of this. Put hot water from the tin with a couple squirts of bleach and as you've got plastic gloves, utilize a kitchen sponge to scrub the container out soon after having disassembled the garbage.

Utilization charcoal - it's an item that's incorporated in many smell removing commercial services and products since it's a successful smell absorbent. Simply set a sheet of charcoal within the bin and then leave it for a couple days (of course remember to scrub the bin out as per the very first hint).

Utilize baking-soda - baking-soda at your kitchen is similar to aspirin to get medicine: some cure all sort of thing. Baking soda can be an excellent absorbent, exactly like charcoal. Put the complete spoon (or 2) of baking soda inside the tin then leave the lid available. Leave it for a couple of days and then take it off and place a fresh spoonful of pop in it. Continue repeating the procedure until all traces of this smell are eliminated from the trash can.

Use ground java - Place some floor coffee at the base of your garbage can in a tiny container and then leave it for a couple of days. Coffee won't expel the heavy odor indefinitely, but it'll hide it and leave as an alternative the smell of coffee till you're prepared to manage the recurring smell more effortlessly. Leave them for a couple of days at the tin with the lid shut and remove once the smell is substituted with all orange.

Based on how significant the lingering smell can be, you could need at least one of these aforementioned recommendations to eliminate odor. But regardless of what you do, then you need to wash the bin out after following the garbage. This could be the most effective means to get your crap can't merely smelling fine however also free from germs which is left from the eradicated gunk.

The way to apply for a divorce. Divorce is almost always interchangeable with the language of cluttered, costly, and protracted. But, there's a need for wind up in court. That you do not will need to become a part of the divorce lawyer. Lately, two techniques are known to cause a less debilitating divorce. When working with both techniques.

Therefore, the way to apply for divorce less annoyance?


Mediation is the process in which a 3rd party mediates a gathering between you and your better half. The meeting will be kept confidential and private. The plan is a neutral 3rd party. He or she's going to help you with your own problems. Certain problems need to be resolved. Whenever you repay on those problems beforehand, the divorce process will soon be smooth and easier. Revenge and one-upmanship during the particular divorce event.

Throughout the personal sessions, even as you and your partner. He or she can not give advices for you personally or your better half. But he or she will be what matters. By way of instance, the mediator can be mentioned underneath all the issues, the both of you.

Mediation is just a means for the bingo to maintain charge of this divorce. Your emotions are not in control. You will not be filing for divorce together with pride in your mind. After the couple can solve their problems through mediation, then the couple is very likely to attain a quicker agreement on the prosecution, divorce land, spousal support, and so forth.


Still another less debilitating reply to this question, the way you can apply for divorce would be cooperation. Uncontested divorce is the procedure by which you and your spouse negotiate a deal without realizing the courtroom. The target here will be to avoid lawsuit. Legal counsel practicing. The contract also claims to be in violation of law.

The attorney will steer you in attaining an agreement on child care, custody, etc. Collaboration saves money, time, plus it saves heartache.

Hopefully, you would not need to ask, the way you can apply for divorce, but in the event that you do not have to ask that question, at least you realize the two painful methods of filing for divorce.

Картинка с тегом «couple and love»

Я постоянно страдаю шейным остеохондрозом, думала сижу неправильно, ну вообще я реально сутулая и сижу не правильно, но стала себя ловить на осознании, что я просто не расслабляюсь, разучилась.

Хочу на работе взять отпуск, блять, отпуск, находясь в декрете(!!!). Моя голова не справляется и с работой, и с личными проблемами, которые пиздец уже какие огромные, и я вообще не успеваю готовиться к экзамену. Я выдохлась и мне нужна пауза во всем.

Картинка с тегом «couple, sun, and sunset»

Я сегодня стала человеком))) ) наконец я сделала перманентный макияж бровей. Мастера я выбирала ооооочень долго и долго к ней собиралась, наблюдая за ее работами. Теперь больше недели не мочить(( (ну как раз сейчас пару дней проливных дождей намечается…

Сижу слушаю Calvin Harris…. умираю с каждой второй песни, мне и хорошо и плохо одновременно, вроде как бы какие то воспоминания, но не могу ничего конкретно вспомнить, кроме летней ночи и все, никаких личностей.

A water heater is not something we consider frequently. It is only one of those minions that operates in the background and maintains your house in sync with each day to day actions.

gas water heater NZ will collect sediments

Whether you're cleaning or cooking, you expect the water to be hot once you turn the tap into the desired temperature. The exact same is anticipated when you turn on a light switch in a space.

Regrettably, the water heater is not usually given any idea until it is too late. Water which is not heated, or even worse, a cellar filled with water.

The cellar circumstance looks pretty tame in comparison with water heaters which are stored in the loft. Our neighbor was discovered firsthand as she cleared her feet. She was only bought the townhome next door and had the house with all appliances.

Listed below are some of the components that may break and require repair during the Lifetime of your water heater:

The pilot light goes out

The electrical circuit breaker is triggered

A broken thermostat

A faulty heating component

A stuck valve

All those things can be repaired and can not be helped.

The life expectancy of a traditional water heater is a a 6-year warranty. We analyzed our own lately and recognized it had been 14 years of age. We arrived at the consensus that 'our water heater had been living on borrowed time'. Through the year's gas water heater, NZ will collect the sediments at the bottom of the tank which can not get flushed out any longer. Your device will use a lot more energy, whilst heating less water, along with the corrosion.

Tank-less vs Traditional - After speaking with all of our neighbors and friends. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.neighboursand friends, as we were, decided to go with tankless unit. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.

For your tank-less water heater to operate properly it requires a 3/4 "gas line coming to the apparatus." Our gas line was a mere 1/2 "and we had to update. The expense of the installation. Only the radically jumped up and we'd be left with a mess.

Replacing the older gas water heater NZusing a traditional one was not just the most sensitive to your own house, but it was also much easier on the pocket.

The upside - Due to technological improvements newer versions of traditional gas water heaters are not only more energy efficient but are assembled in this manner that they are inhibited.

You need to weigh your choices and discover which sort of unit. Cost-efficacy versus your upfront cost. It surely does not hurt to find a couple of different kinds of quotes for the occupation out of local plumbers.

Routine maintenance pays off at the conclusion - here is a small tip that will add to your own water heaters life and its own performance. Flush your water heater yearly! This involves shutting up the unit and hooking up a normal garden home to it. By flushing your water heater you'll be eliminating the most of the mineral residue that could corrode inner pieces.

Do not allow the 'out of sight out of mind' habit.

A busted down water heater. By being proactive you can budget for this price and with the annual maintenance, you will be able to guarantee that the very best functionality and long life expectancy.

идея и оформление: maze

" мужское женское": в этом доме от страшной сырости на стенах стали расти грибы!
Л.: странно было бы, если бы начали расти ягоды

С.: we are straight white couple of a man and a woman and we want to fucking know, where is our 10th season of RuPaul's Drag Race, netflix u bitch

Д.: (про литературных негров): у меня диплом на тему аутсорсинга в Украине, вот я его и аутсорснул :)

Д.: Блять в стадиуме (спортивный магазин) на нижем этаже связь как в параше какой-то на зоне

When you think of wine delivery Shanghai as a gift to a friend or loved one, there are many reasons why it makes the perfect gift. It can be presented on a birthday, an anniversary, a milestone, as a thank you gesture, engagement, or any other occasion. What makes things even more interesting is that you can find so many different options that there is something special for every occasion.

Occasions for a Wine Gift

There are many occasions when a bottle of wine can make the perfect gift.

• Friends-Giving: Your friend’s favourite wine can make the perfect gift for friends-giving. The gift can be properly boxed to ensure that there is no shattering.

• New Parents: When you want to present something special to new parents, you should consider intoxicant order Shanghai that lasts for long. Some of the options include Auslese, Chenin Blanc, Muscat, or German Riesling. The wines can age for decades and you shouldn’t be surprised if they would preserve it for the next generation.

• Anniversary: When it comes to anniversaries, champagnes make the perfect gift. And you can make it even more special by offering rose champagne. It is great to taste and looks elegant. And if someone is celebrating a work-related anniversary, consider giving them a magnum.

• Engagement: When it is an engagement, sparkling wine can be the perfect toast for the couple to start their new life. Choose from a wide range of flavours and bottle designs to ensure that they match the occasion. You can customise the gift with the date in a special font that makes the couple feel special. And it is highly likely that they are going to keep the gift forever.

• A Milestone: It can be anything. The person may have achieved something significant in life, published a book or done something big. If it is time to celebrate, you can deliver wine Shanghai to celebrate the moment. Choose a classic red wine that age well such as Napa or Bordeaux.

• Housewarming: When a friend is a young man who buys a new house, it is one of the most important moments in their life. Make it even more special by congratulating them with alcohol shipping Shanghai. A perfect gift can be a great way to honor their accomplishment. Red wine can make the ideal gift and you can personalize it to make them feel more special. And the bottle is surely going to find a place in the new home.

• A Wine Aficionado: If your friend is a wine aficionado, a bottle of exotic wine can be the perfect gift on any important occasion in their life. In this case, you would want to deliver liquor Shanghai that is special. For example, Nerello Mascalese is one of the most sought-after premium wines among wine geeks.


You can also consider gifting wine as a thank-you gesture to a teacher, friend, or a mentor. A bottle of wine can also make the perfect gift for someone who has found a new job or is celebrating their retirement or birthday. Thus, there are many reasons why wine delivery.

Wedding period of time is about to dominate the interpersonal calendars of the many, and if you’re clever, you’ll appear prepared. How can one plan for the slew of “I do’s”, you ask? Well, obtaining the grooving competencies not out of par is probably the initially order of business. You’d hate to feel confused on the dancing floor. And also, if you’re single, exactly how are you going to match anyone by simply staring from the sidelines, swirling your iced-down drink around? That’s no chance to enjoy yourself.

The bride and groom don’t should get all of the enjoyment. You may also have a lot of fun at the wedding day when you learn a few truly amazing dance methods, letting you experience a lot more assured and also willing to rejoice.

You Ought To Get Wedding Dance Lessons If…

You’re The Mother And Father of the New Bride or Maybe the Groom

Because you knows the majority of the citizens, there will probably as well be a large amount of focus on you. Your pals, spouse and children, as well as brand new in-laws are just waiting for you to enlighten them—don’t let them down! That is your own opportunity to create a great effect.

Wedding day preparing is known to get all sorts of anxiety on the household of the happy couple. The wedding celebration is the instance to at last take pleasure in the fruit of your labor––celebrate and even bash such as you mean it.

Utilize this possibility for come up with a celebratory, expert dance to begin one’s own child’s new chapter of existence. Because of wedding photographers, your dancing will probably be a gift that retains on providing.

You’re In the Big Event

While an affiliate of the gathering, a big part of the function is to assist take the gathering. In case simply no one’s on the dancing ground, it’s the job to just go start the entertaining. With awesome techniques under the strip, you’ll create the dance floor an encouraged, celebratory, and secure location.

The reason why be an important part of the gathering, but is not an important part of the PARTY? You’re honoring considered one of your dearest friends’ spousal relationship; dancing about this!

Set off to viral with the rest of the bridal celebration and thus build a wonder dance that bangs everyone away and provides you with your own 15-seconds of popularity. The dancing learned from Care To Dance these types of groomsmen did was an immediate impression.

You’re A Committed Couple Attending Friends’ Matrimony

Occasionally functional life gets occupied and even we don’t create sufficient time for those we admire. Use the upcoming wedding party in your own organizer being an excuse to reconnect with your wife or husband. Having wedding party lessons is proved to be even better as compared to counseling. And, yes, you may get your partner to take lessons with you.

You realize it’s certainly not you will get to wear and have a night out. Let it go slightly and move onto the dance area thinking self-confident. You’ll certainly not would like to quit grooving after you learn how!

You’re Flying Solo

Rather than dreading another wedding ceremony that renders you recognize how single you might be, make the most of the opportunity to wow someone amazing on the dancing floor! Number of arrangements are usually more passionate to get together people today as compared to weddings—love is in the air along with the vigor is high. You’ll really like making use of your brand new competencies seeing that an ice-breaker, and also dancing is actually a beautiful function.

Using wedding dance training is a good approach to encounter a person new. Men and women seize training lessons all the time, and thus it’d be pleasurable that you can perform with someone who possesses the same plan in mind… Perhaps by the next wedding ceremony, you’ll obtain a plus-one to have!

Wedding Day Dancing Classes to Obtain

If you’re willing to create those legs of at your feet a little fancier, it’s time and energy to decide on just what kinds of dances to find out. In the end, you’d dislike to enroll in a dance class, only to realize it’s not the best for wedding circumstances. Underneath are our proposed wedding day dancing lessons to make certain you’re wanting to experience the tune.


привет, я влюбилась в сорокалетних мужчин.хаха ладно, им всего 37-39 лет :D и да, снова - корейцы. аха но блин, их песня couple не выходит из моей головы уже второй день. а все началось с эпизода "knowing brothers" с ними. вообще, я несколько месяцев назад смотрела кулинарное шоу, где гостями были Чимин и Джин из bts и Джедок из sechskies и Тони из H.O.T. еще тогда мне приглянулись "старички", но сейчас я просто очарована sechskies, правда. вот не скажешь даже, что им под 40 скоро. как сказал бы лидер:

вообще эта группа раньше состояла из 6 мемберов, и выступали они всего три года, распавшись в 2000. по их рассказам, раньше фандомы воевали друг с другом так, что лезли в драки. ахах а какие у них терки были с H.O.T. фанатки также ночевали у квартир участников, что те даже вызывали полицию, чтобы выйти из дома. а после объявления о распаде группы, фанатки расфигачили машину директора компании и попали в полицейский участок за это.ахах серьезно, с фанатами 90х было лучше не шутить :D

и вот, через 16 лет, ровно к 20й годовщине, sechskies снова решили порадовать своих фанатов, правда впятером. посмотрев "бесконечный вызов", я аж расчувствовалась. их возвращение так поддержали, очень трогательно было. а потом у меня понеслось: "running man", "weekly idol", "radio star". парни - находка для развлекательны шоу.

  • 3D парень - Джэджин, который заставляет самого Джэсока удивленнно раздражаться во время записи шоу. он также отличный художник, а его сестра - жена самого YG. ахах не удивительно, что sechskies сейчас находятся под крылом его лейбла*_*
  • вспыльчевый, иногда матерящийся лидер Дживон. но в тоже время он тот еще очаровашка.

а как эта парочка на weekly idol играла в игру, где нужно спускать яблоко.просто :DD

  • всегда с одним и тем же выражением лица робот - Сувон.хах он, кстати, макнэша. и вообще он очень добрый, но в тоже время любит подколоть своих хенов, как и любой младшенький :D

  • милашка и танцевальная машина Джэдок, посмотрите на него.уии их с Тони все в шутку называют женатиками, но, на самом деле, у них действительно крепкая дружба, которая длиться уже более 7 лет.

  • ну и конечно, вечно молодой ангелочек Сонхун. вы бы дали ему 38 лет? а еще я балдею с его розовой шевелюры. хотя блондином ему тоже круто*__* а какая у него прекрасная улыбка.ваа

в общем, странно писать такие вещи, типа "милашка" про мужчин, которые старше меня почти в 2 раз, но они действительно притягивают к себе внимание своей харизмой, талантом и забавными выходками. я рада, что они вернулись на сцену, снова выпускают альбомы и получают первые места в музыкальных шоу. серьезно, я бы сходила на их концерт*__*

дорки же, ну :D люблю их:3