Окна нашей квартиры располагаются так, что солнечные лучи попадают на кухню и в 2 комнаты после обеда. Прекрасно нам виден и закат. В один из таких солнечных апрельских дней я, пока сидела с дочкой на кухне, залитой солнцем, внезапно поймала свое кайфовое ощущение только потому, что с музыкальной колонки звучала спокойная мелодия без слов. Она напомнила мне те самые лучи солнечного света, которые я так часто наблюдаю дома, но которых мне очень не доставало в родительской квартире, откуда окна выходили на непроглядную темень по вечерам. В Яндекс.Музыке эта мелодия почему-то была подписана как remix, и только когда я поискала ее настоящее название и послушала звучание, офигела от точности своих ощущений: это был Debussy — Clair de Lune, Лунный свет. Я промахнулась только с солнечным светом ;)

Как всё меняется за каких-то 2 месяца. Я была уверена, что у меня еще есть 2 года, а в итоге к маю я должна найти другое жилье, и на этот раз платное: (

Я твердо решила уйти с работы, а затем раз десять передумала; поняла, что не хочу оставлять это место, но мне нужно будет оплачивать жилье.

До конца оборвала связи с людьми. Теперь думаю: правильно ли это было?.. Да, правильно. Я не хочу чувствовать себя использованной. Ведь я иногда думаю: "Когда я стала такой закрытой, вредной?", а затем понимаю, что дружить никто не умеет, – все обращаются только тогда, когда им что-то нужно. Да и за этот месяц я поймала кайф быть одной. Я имею ввиду, совсем одной. Мне даже не нужен кто-то, чтобы попереписываться, ТЦ тоже не нужны.

И, кажется, я мне нравится моя новая начальница. Это случилось после того, как мне приснился сон: я увидела мёртвого кота, который потом ожил. Я сильно испугалась, а Е.М. меня обняла, чтобы успокоить, повела в комнату и уложила на кровать, не переставая обнимать. Затем она меня поцеловала, а Л.А. после зашла в ту же комнату и поняла, что ЧТО-ТО было, она смотрела с раздражением и ревностью… В общем, после того сна я только и думаю о ней. Но так делать не нужно, поскольку мои увлечения НИЧЕМ не заканчиваются, только моей расшатанной нервной системой. Поэтому я решила ото всех закрыться и, как говориться, mind my own business, забить вообще на какие-либо отношения; всё равно не получается.

А еще сегодня я сходила в свой салон красоты. Думала, это поднимет моё настроение. Пока я была там, всё проходило хорошо, но дома стало, как прежде. Я пыталась уснуть — безуспешно, не прибралась, не сделала свою работу или еще чего полезного. С нетерпением жду понедельника, а послезавтра бал.

I let you make me feel this way.

фотопленка запомнила то что я не запомнил.

you drive us wild we’ll drive you crazy.

так прекрасно видеть сны, где тебя все также нет.

de omnibus dubitandum.

когда мы расстались, я сдох, но оказалось, тот день-мой день рождения.

думал, что ты ангел мой, оказалось, люблю зверя.

мы живем, чтобы умереть, а умираем, чтобы жить.

8 января, день, когда я понял, что окончательно в тебя влюблен.

ведь ты так сделала, что я себя виню во всем.

одиночество дает мне силу, поэтому я уничтожу всех вас.

надеюсь, ты придешь ко мне в самый трудный час.

мне больше на брудершафт вены не вскроем.

скоро мертвые будут живее живых, а живые закроют глаза.

в свои последние дни сделай все правильно.

а теперь ты мой страх.

et tous les bateaux portent ton drapeau.

je ne sais plus où aller. es partout.

может мы встретимся вновь.

как жаль, что тем, чем стало для меня твое существование, не стало мое существованье для тебя.

in vino veritas! — истина- в вине!

теперь он может управлять тобой.

главное помни, что у тебя под ребрами сердце живое, пускай и гниет оно.

and you don’t deserve all the bullshit i’ve put you through.

"I will support you, I will fight for you and above all, I will love you"

To my genuine surprise i’ve met the gaze of those blue eyes.

Я — Никто. А ты — ты кто?Может быть—тоже—Никто?Тогда нас двое.

Dead But Pretty.

trzymaj się.

It’s the sound that I hear, tells me not to give up. Oh can’t you see that it’s worth the fight?

I’m on my own, Am I gonna be alone?And if it’s only: me, myself and I, Will I be fine?

Ты отвергнешь всех ради него, но он не отвергнет никого ради тебя.

на улице давно растаял снег, а ты все сидишь и винишь себя.

неизбежное принимать равнодушно.

Дружба — подарок, который всегда стоит сперва осторожно взять пальцами, приподнять и с особым пристрастием рассмотреть. Подарки жизни таковы, что копошение в них множества червей — явление абсолютно нормальное. После пристального осмотра подарок желательно вернуть, если в нём нет надобности.

Гуманистическая мораль XXI века неистово и весьма двулично пытается диктовать, что дружба — акт чистой, искренней и бескорыстной помощи, воплощение братства и сестринства. Вопреки этому человек склонен вспоминать о имеющихся друзьях в трёх случаях: когда есть социальный фактор (необходимость выговориться, что-то обсудить), когда требуется помощь/вынужденное взаимодействие, когда друг рассматривается в качестве потенциального партнёра. Вне этих ситуаций каждый прекрасно довольствуется обществом спутника или своими хобби. Довольно распространено превращение дружбы в плющ вокруг шеи, если упомянутых факторов нет. Ведь все мы вне себя от счастья, когда в нашу размеренную жизнь кто-то врывается со своими проблемами.

Дружба — негласный пакт о взаимопомощи, подразумевающий, что его участники не только обязуются помогать друг другу, но и сокращают дистанцию между собой.Всё же другу можно рассказать то, чем вряд ли поделишься с обычным знакомым.

Потому у меня нет друзей. Есть ворон, но это односторонние отношения, в которых я считаю его своим другом, а он меня — нет. Хотя, всё возможно. Именно необходимость сближения является для меня ключевым фактором отказа от дружеских контактов. "Qui omnibus diffidit, is nunquam amicos comparat" — кто никому не доверяет, тот друзей лишён. Кроме того, уменя отсутствует нужда в чужих бедах. Наверняка нашлись бы те, кто до крови из носа меня уверяли бы, что это эгоистичная позиция, но это показная мораль. Практически каждый человек в глубине души, но отпускал в адрес друга безмолвное: "Как же ты надоел с…". И это нормально. Кто будет рад, когда его с безопасного берега вдруг утягивают в болото? Можно, конечно, потом пристыдить себя, дабы социум не заклевал за вопиющий эгоизм, но это уже индивидуально.

Необходимость сближения неизбежно включает в себя и эмоциональную сторону. Особенно, когда друг явился за утешением. Честно, я не намерен тратить свой и без того малый эмоциональный багаж на кого-либо, кроме Анны, брата, растений и животных. Да, можно смело меня окрестить эгоистом, а также мечтать разгневанно плюнуть от возмущения, что некто посмел контролировать "эмоциональный оборот". Плевок от социума не такой ощутимый, как трата нервов на каждого, кого прибило к моим берегам.

Но у дружбы есть одна положительная особенность — она пробуждает в человеке разумном первобытное стремление объединяться в стаи/стада/своры/кому как угодно. В своре проще облаять кого-то, проще решиться на какое-либо действие. Я люблю людей, объединённых по принципам дружбы и общих увлечений. В этом, казалось бы, слаженном круге всегда найдётся тот, кто станет причиной насмешек за спиной или иных перешёптываний. Это всегда было забавным. Своеобразное напоминание о том, что в роду у Homo sapiens явно есть утраченная ветвь с Homo crocuta, которая добродушно подарила нам основы социальных взаимодействий.

Дружба со мной — билет в одиночество, не наоборот. Не я становлюсь частью компании друзей, а несчастный становится частью моей добровольной изоляции. Едва ли кому-то придёт в голову согласиться на подобное. Едва ли я кому-то позволю. В конце концов, это билет в один конец.

Пелевин как Кодзима — чёртов гений. Не в плане конкретного сборника рассказов, а тонких и не очень отсылок к современности. Над некоторыми параллелями угораешь в голос! Ему бы в стендап.

Сам сборник не сказала бы что особенно сильно отличается от других работ автора. "Операция Burning bush" кайф, "Зенитные кодексы" мне зашли меньше. Затем идёт "Созерцатель тени", который всех больше напоминает Пелевина, после него "Тхаги", мне он особенно запомнился, так как я хихикала, не переставая, и завершал книгу рассказ "Отель хороших воплощений", где автор слишком ударился в осознание "я" как начало начал, как мне показалось, и на этом зациклился.

В любом случае, Пелевин это всегда что-то новое. Это соотечественная лав.

Угадайте, чья эта цитата в заголовке.

Я больше не могу держать это в себе.

Я устала от жестоких, подлых, недостойных мужчин вокруг моих подруг. Я устала от бессилия им что-то доказать.

Я устала от семейных тайн и травм. Я устала от работы, от невозможности сосредоточиться. От неумения считать деньги.

От необходимости пойти на терапию. От необходимости держать себя в узде. От необходимости быть анальгетиком другим.

Что же рассказать?

He’s got the lines for sure

And his hands have never done a manual day

Can’t give me what I need

But I’ll be there when he wants to get away

Call it so long ago

Oh, how he loves a girl in free fall

Forever the same

Spiral into me

I know the drops in corn has got you safely

Forever the same

’Cause I’m a better crowd and so are you

Another war of words will soothe me too

He’s killing time, for sure

Oh, how I love the sound of people begging for more

More of me

Big business, baby

And all this lying comes too naturally

Forever the same, you see

So the day, I sees it worse

You call my name and I’ll call yours first

But I’m happier now, happier now

That’s enough for me

I’m happy more, happy more

That’s enough for me

Call me hard work to keep me down

But I cannot be silenced now

Now it’s different, now it’s true

My decisions aren’t for you

I hoped for this, prayed for peace

Give up on stillness within me

I’m the peach you had to pick

Yet on I live, on I live

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

Yeah, I’m the peach you had to pick

I’ll show them how I exist

How I exist

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

It was never supposed to become a tradition or anything of the kind, really. It was just Wei Ying, just the first snow, the giddy feeling of it landing on your coat and open palms, melting instantly. But it did. Now, it’s him, the first snow, and the river bank. And the stranger.

Wei Ying has taken to coming to the river to watch the snow land and stifle the city that he has made his home. His, and A-Yuan’s, who is at home now, undeniably plastered to the window of his bedroom with their cat, watching the snow in the headlights of the passing cars. It’s Sunday, the day tellingly gloomy and lead-coloured. Wei Ying’s head knew about the upcoming snow before any forecast did, which still failed. It predicted snow for tomorrow, but it’s happening today already. A-Yuan thought it was ash from the bonfires at first.

Wei Ying is restless against the fencing, the carton tray he brought along is at his knees, resting on the fencing’s platform. It’s nearing five, he can’t feel his hands and nose, but Wei Ying tells himself that he’ll come. If he doesn’t – well. Maybe next year.

He busies himself with watching the snowflakes, or rather graupel, disappear once it reaches the surface. Water to water, stark white into the welcoming darkness of the same kin. It fits the city. It fits Wei Ying. Sometimes he envies the snowflakes. Sometimes he’s the river.

Despite it being the weekend, there’s no one around, because the wind is unforgiving and slashing. The nature invites to join its slumber, and Wei Ying almost did, with A-Yuan and Ghost tucked in on both sides. But he has a plan, a wish, a need to quench. Perhaps the snow will help.

Wei Ying nervously glances at his watch – it’s ten past five, tsks, turns his head and – the stranger is here, watching the snow exactly how Wei Ying’s been for the past hour. He doesn’t fidget – he never does, according to Wei Ying’s scanty data collected over three years. Wei Ying gulps, hands clenching into fists. His palms are clammy and ice-cold, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t disturb the stranger with them, he just wants to say hi.

The man is standing two spans down, the flaps of his grey coat hitting his legs. Wei Ying draws a breath. He wills his hands to cooperate, picks up the tray, and strides up to the stranger. Wei Ying is never shy about meeting new people, approaching them. With this man, it’s different. Wei Ying doesn’t know why, and it makes him quietly unsettled. Perhaps it will end today.

The man doesn’t turn as Wei Ying comes up to his side, and Wei Ying gives himself three hysterical seconds to realise that the man is gorgeous, even just one side of his face, taller than him, and completely expressionless. Still, he looks stern. Cold, like the river.

“Hi, ” Wei Ying manages, and coughs once to clear his stupid throat. “Hi, ” he repeats, brighter. The man turns to him slightly, still expressionless, which is fine, Wei Ying can work with that.

“I, uh, see you here watching the first snow every year, three years, actually. Me too.” Wei Ying’s heart leaps into his throat as the man turns to him with his whole body. Heavens, how can someone be so beautiful. If he fails, Wei Ying can’t even fling himself into the river from embarrassment.

“I am aware, ” the man says, and Wei Ying’s brain screeches to a halt.

“Oh, ” Wei Ying blurts out, and at least his cheeks start thawing from the blush. So the man has been watching him too.

“I’m Wei Ying, not a creep. I just wanted to say hi! And, ” Wei Ying points down with his chin. “I have coffee. And tea! I didn’t know what you like. I got both.”

The man inclines his head, gaze dropping to eye the tray. Wei Ying swears his brows twitch. Is that how he frowns?

“It’s freezing today, so I thought, ” Wei Ying cuts himself off. He didn’t really think that much, he just barreled into the coffee shop and ordered. “There’s a black coffee, a green tea, fruity, also black, and a cappuccino. Deflated, but, ” he shrugs, the warming talismans flapping on the wind. “If you’d like something else, I can get it! Just say the word, it’s not that far away. I just wanted to, ” Wei Ying parrots, desperate.

The man looks up at him, then down at the tray, then at him again. Wei Ying can’t feel his fingers, but he must be maiming the carton.

“Green tea, please, ” the man says, and Wei Ying breaks into a ready grin.

“Sure! I have sugar packets, in case you need them.”

Now, Wei Ying hasn’t thought of the logistics that well, so sue him.

“Ah, can you?” he says, and the man readily takes the tray from him. He’s wearing gloves, Wei Ying feels. “Thank you! Sorry, I can’t do it one-handed, I’d just spill everything.”


Wei Ying blushes violently. He tears the talismans from two cups, snatches the green tea one out of its nest, the cappuccino for himself, and ta-das victoriously. “Sugar?"

The man shakes his head. "Thank you."

Wei Ying smiles at him. Something in him unspools. The snow helps.

Wei Ying takes the tray back, hands the cup to the stranger, and lets the warmth from his cappuccino seep into his skin. He watches the snowflakes land on the man’s coat, on his dark hair, on his nose and lashes, melting. Wei Ying looks away, aware of his indecent staring.

He puts the tray on the platform – A-Yuan will enjoy the tea – and turns to the river. The ripples are soothing, nudged by the wind. The snow is growing stronger, the day darker, his trainers slippery on the wet pavement.

They keep silent, and Wei Ying is okay with that. More than just okay, if he’s being honest.

“Your hands are cold, ” he hears amidst the whirlpool of his thoughts. He turns around.


The stranger is done with tea, it seems, and he watches Wei Ying’s blisteringly red hands. “Your hands. You are cold.”

Wei Ying shrugs. “It’s fine.”

The man inserts his cup into the tray and takes his gloves off, which –

“No, it’s fine, no need! I never carry gloves, and A-Yuan always scolds me for it, but even if I do, I always forget to wear them, or I lose them, so I never even carry gloves."

The man takes Wei Ying’s cup next.

“You can lose them, ” he says, taking Wei Ying by the wrist and shoving his hand into the glove. It’s fuzzy on the inside and treacherously warm. Wei Ying’s stomach lurches from the touch of fingers on his skin.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

It’s first snow again, late this year – it’s December already. It’s Wednesday, past Lan Zhan’s bedtime, but it’s snowing, so he made amendments. Wei Ying unscrews a thermos with tea, while Lan Zhan holds out two cups. The tea steams in the cold. Wei Ying is wearing Lan Zhan’s gloves, ultimately too big for him, but he refuses to wear another pair. Any of the three pairs Lan Zhan had bought him.

“You should have worn a hat, ” Lan Zhan says, ever the worrywart. “Your hair will get wet.”

"If i get sick, you’ll kiss it away."

Lan Zhan hums his assent, and takes the thermos from Wei Ying.

The river is already hidden under a thin layer of ice, almost translucent. The snow is soft and slow, like an early morning kiss.

Lan Zhan hugs him from the back, warm, familiar. The river bank is empty, people getting warm elsewhere, on the night of the first snow.

Wei Ying is shivering in the embrace, overwhelmed and grateful. More snowflakes in the tea, on his gloved hands, on Lan Zhan’s hair.

Wei Ying watches the river. He doesn’t feel like it anymore.

"Если я в чем то сомневаюсь, я возвращаюсь к началу". Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Это не первый мой пост здесь, но первый за очень долгое время. Не знаю задержусь ли надолго, но обещаю заглядывать, когда душу будут терзать сомнения и переживания, требующие немедленной трансформации в печатные знаки, чтобы не висеть неподъёмным грузом у меня внутри. В мои 16 блог мне здорово помогал в этом, надеюсь поможет в неполные 25.

"С возвращением, В.", говорю я себе и делаю Kings of Leon — Waste a moment громче.

Non enim dies nostri transierunt, ex quo non dividit me cogitas te. Scribere litteras adsidue eradi. Difficile est pro me, quia tu es aliqua et ut animadverto ut vos sentire malus. Ego autem volebat secum assumere primum gradum, sed non videbo ultra sensum. Quotidie magis et ego fugio. Ita, quod unum diem terret me ut et ego excitare inanis evadat vel fons semper urunt ex te mihi mens suggesserit. Nolo hoc tantum. Et facti sunt pars de me tot annos. Et tu, etsi ego perdidit in vita mea, et te perdere noluit omnio facere in corde meo. Volo ut in memoriam vos pro reliquis diebus vitae meae, quia non habent neque alienae pepercit. Ego autem in loco sacro, occupant, ut nullus tute tibi soli reservatur. Talis est fides, quae est fides. Non possum credere es abierunt literum. Et speravi. Et crediderunt donec consumatur. Usquam, non sumpserunt mei vobiscum, quo modo ego possum non amare literum.

Et gratias agens pro eo.

Ego adhuc recordabor vox illius tamquam vox mea, quae una erat, quod sonat in capite quod si meditabar. Est etiam nunc in somnis audiri.

Ego adhuc recordabor hieme in detail misit me ut video, cum illa equitantes bus ad vesperam. Ego memini in secundus. Hic est vultus in camera eius ardens oculos fuerint felicitatem, hoc est scriptor tenebris extra fenestram bus eius capillus color est tenebrosa lignum est, hic est ille. Quod si non est ita ut non usque quaque prostrati sunt et quae intus est, intumescunt gurgites rogo. Et vidi quod diu video. Fere vespera.

Rideat me adhuc recordabor eius. Ut ea quæ non risus. Et adoraverunt eum. Si enim Graecorum sirenibus erant in mundo, tunc cantus suum venuste esset fortitudo eius irridebit. Est sicut puer risu — purissima atque sincerissima.

Ego adhuc recordabor eius capillus — vrinitus et aliquando non satis hirneam ebiberim meri. Deorum: quomodo non ire! Capillum leviter Iliades passis peplumque unum hominem non aliter frui solebam fecit me quasi quæ fecit in hac forma. Et quod colores refert. Quod verum est, et vidi mirabile.

Ego adhuc recordabor eius iocos. Interdum stultus, si non omnino exterminare in tristitia, tristis tamen et vita decessit, non casu. Ego nunquam lusit cum quis in faciem et risit sincere reditus.

Ego adhuc recordabor eius, quam volebat omni nocte insomnia et scripsit omnibus grata sunt, postea quam vellent bona cum illa scriberem ad me mane, et reversus est a me aut vapor est ad esse diligenter. Non sum quis enim haec, ut in vita mea. Numquam.

Ego adhuc recordabor quod ex affectu ad beatitudinem periti cum ea. Post auroram similis diu expectata nocte saeculorum. Hoc de me fessum sol in me non posse videre quod factum est in mundo omnino diversis coloribus.

Ego adhuc recordabor quomodo paratus essem ad ullam negotii relicto, mox ad eius auxilium. Et non erat qui direxerunt ad repellendum egoismum me in background. Cui fuit experiri paratus eram quasi ipse fecerit.

Ego adhuc recordabor eius sollicitos esse quam cum ei aliquid nocere, neu regressa in duobus ex hibernis et iam tenebris et in domum suam non mansit solus: et ibi iurgium fuit quo familia eius.

Ego adhuc recordabor quam fruendum ea victoria plus ac meus. Et hoc nunquam factum est in conspectu suo. Quisque victoriam, etiam quae ponderis minimi videbantur eritis mihi in victoria.

Ego adhuc recordabor quam ex relatione ad primis diebus, ut ipse narravit, quod erat ’in eodem’ gratum est, quod ipsa defendat, et ad amorem. Quod non opus sit alterum quod non alia — et capere non patitur aliquem in loco isto, et in solitúdine vitam minas.

Ego adhuc recordabor quomodo omnia concidit.

Ego adhuc recordabor quam ipse promisit, non meminisse sui.

Ego adhuc recordabor quam promisi non dicere lacrimam per eam amplius.

Ego adhuc recordabor.

Nos coepi, et verisimile non male finem. Communionem Satiati sumus non habent inter se, cum fugit in scis sunt adhæsit in invicem, sicut mel et conteram ne ab invicem. Omnino sit amet motus ab gratum admodum.

Et docuit inter Lectiones neque mutabunt ut ita dicam, vita experientias adducere. Scio pro certo, quod non solum conveniunt, et hoc conventu non erat exceptio. Transivimus per tempus; sed quia illa hora erat, et non est aperire clausa manus nostras. Nullum laborem dolor gestus, non sustinentes invicem in cerebro irarumque non erat cur tanto itinere.

Cum enim iam fortasse docto atque breakups vanilla lacrimis finem filum. Etiam non haec morsu animi contentione iaculis hinnite contra hominem mundum "alicui dabo". Tantum enim punctum: in navem subaquaneam natantia in terram manere intra.

Postquam de relatione didici disciplinam valde bona est, non tenere. Et tu scis, illud facio non realiter Cras extenduntur, non est anima mea ad te beat pieces XXXII. Mox eodem animo se ire. Quod si dicit aliquis: ’sicut et ne dimittas amoris, "Et respondet:" Per caritatem, non sunt conpedibus et te ". Si quis enim mi. In summa forma amoris, hac hominum non impediant bonum.

Hodie iam pervenit ad terminum, et tandem factus sum quia actus conscii se debere.

Ad initium. Ita, esset nice quod. Memoria tenet imaginem enormis aestatis calidae. Aut calida non subest quo cingitur a quo sederit diebus officina. Subest ratio non tam in ipsa. Et fuit ubique. Circuitu intrinsecus et forinsecus, ad caput. Et quoniam memor trepidatio. Terribile erat sed etiam optima. Hoc erat, quod aestate non inveni in homine optimum in vita mea.

Et factus est iste homo a maledictione mea, qua hodiernus homo indiget ad esse remotum est.

Ne derelinquas me statim. O ego dabo ei cunctis retro dolor.

Etenim mi, tu in plena merentur.

Однако, сделав новости в Фактсе, это было очень неблагоприятно - факты были приведены, но они были составлены таким образом, что сразу после сообщений о медсестрах, которые не хотят работать за зарплату голодом, было 10000 судей (конечно, ничего не было сказано о работе в нерабочее время), что звучало очень неудобно и, кроме того, руководство сформулировало некоторую тарабарщину о том, что итальянская забастовка состоит в том, чтобы перестать судить.
Классическая архитектура, красивые виды и необычная еда с одной стороны, с другой стороны, авангард, искусство, красота и чувственность.
В неземном опыте путешествие в Страну Басков доставит вас к Марии Латино, владельцу Prestige Voyage, с которой мы поговорим о том, как увидеть больше и путешествовать, чтобы открыть для себя уникальность ощущений каждый день https://gotovim-v-aerogrile.ru/buterbrody-s-krasnoj-ryboj-gorbushej-gotovim-ekonomno/.
Испания - мой второй дом и любовь всей моей жизни, а Страна Басков - это квинтэссенция всего, что я ищу в путешествиях, то есть глубоких впечатлений, новых и уникальных впечатлений, ощущения присутствия здесь и сейчас в симбиозе с природой и среди интересных, вдохновляющих людей.
Наши путешествия предназначены для всех, кто хочет увидеть больше, жить за городом и посетить уникальные места.
Дорога, движение, улица, шоссе, город, асфальт, путешествие, транспорт, пригород, огни, пересечение, лейн, освещение, юг, проезжая часть, инфраструктура, латынь, светильник, дорога, Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес, окрестности, Буэнос Айрес, дорожное покрытие, окрестности, не строительная конструкция, шоссе

Проблема заключается в правильном вводе десятичных чисел: на английском языке используется десятичная точка, а запятые используются для разделения тысяч (например, 3.
I4 и 123'000).
эта система, особенно десятичная точка, неизбежно будет преобладать во всем мире, поскольку она приведет к стандартизации компьютерных технологий и всемогущему доминированию английского языка в науке и технике https://4users.info/kak-ustanovit-avg-antivirus-free-2015/.
На данный момент существует еще одна норма на польском языке, и это должно соблюдаться в текстах, написанных на польском языке: трехзначный гнр десятичной запятой, разделенный пробелом: (3, 14 и 123 000).
Если по каким-либо причинам англосаксонская письменная норма iczb принята в тексте, написанном на польском языке (я считаю это оправданным - и таким распространенным - написание таким образом dyserracja '54 Польская Норма, pogopz 70-х годов, Стандартная организация za | ecelia International не адаптируется к письму даты в обратном порядке, чем в остальном мире (не говоря уже о польском обычае).
Это должно было быть признаком современности, потому что оно якобы соответствует требованиям компьютера Официальный журнал даты: третье мая 179 года, поэтому он гласит: 179.
Между тем, современные правила На Западе рекомендуется переписывать запись в следующем порядке: день - месяц _ год: 3 мая 1791 г.
(с полным названием месяца) или «милитаминая» система: 3'5.
I791, и компьютеры полностью однозначны (они принимают к сообщению t объединяются все возможные комбинации.) В любом случае принятый способ написания дат должен последовательно использоваться в тексте.
Программа семинара, которая состоялась 15-16 ноября этого года, охватила вопросы в области: автомобильной техники, в том числе систем повышения безопасности водителя, обеспечения безопасности места дорожно-транспортного происшествия (м.
Воскресенская обл.
дюйм раскрытие и защита от следов), а также анализ и реконструкция дорожно-транспортных происшествий.
В совещании приняли участие ученые из машиностроительного факультета Люблинского технического университета, в том числе др.
Яцек Черниговский - проф.
Люблинский технологический университет, а также представители Индустриального автомобильного института, компании CYBID из Кракова, EvoBus Polska Sp.
z o.
o и MAN Truck Автобус Polska Sp.
z o.
кто вел лекции и оказывал техническую поддержку во время практических занятий.
Осуществление семинара также осуществлялось сотрудниками полиции Отдела дорожного движения Департамента дорожного движения Варшавского городского управления полиции и преподавательского состава Департамента дорожного движения и Центра специальной подготовки ПСУ.

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.

идеально? нет, исчерпывающе. максимально. попадание в самую точку. но что же выбрать? вот это вот один большой вопрос, ответа на который нет

Bene. Ego autem omnia custodi apud ipsum, quod factum quod. Dies unus quod conteret mihi, quod destrui quod. Dies unus de finibus erit superare, quod erat superare ipse habet. Tum ego obtinebimus maxime pluma pontem, quod dies unus superare quod. Quod nostrorum altiore fatum. Et lassata est negare.

Я живу в Харькове и, ясен пень, что всем охота на моря и олл инклюзив. Но туда не поедешь на 2-3 дня, да и по карману оно немножко бо-бо. А вот автобусные туры из Харькова в Европу - хоть каждую неделю! А с безвизом, так вообще можно объездить все, что видела только в фильмах!
Автобусные туры в Европу
Я для себя нашла близкое по духу и родное сердцу турагенство Незабудка и понеслась!
Здесь уже все украдено собрано и сделано до нас. Выбираешь страну, дату и все, что нужно для счастья и - вперед!
Сначала я съездила в Германию на Октоберфест - https://nezabudkatour.com.ua/avtobusnye-tury/avtobusnye-tury-v-germaniyu-iz-kharkova

Ну, пиво там как пиво, может я, конечно, не шарю, но чего-то особенного я не почувствовала, а вот атмосфера! Это - бомба! У нас так не умеют радоваться жизни и веселиться! Можно расслабиться, отдохнуть душей и получить удовольствие.
Немки там все страшные как немецкий язык, поэтому, если вас природа не обделила, то есть шансы на шансы!
Скажу честно - жопа от этого автобуса болит, но оно того стоит!

Дальше - Париж! https://nezabudkatour.com.ua/avtobusnye-tury/avtobusnye-tury-v-parizh-iz-kharkova

Париж - это же пуп Земли, центр моды, парфумов, женственности и красоты! Наверное. Меня, почему-то он не впечатлил. Может быть из-за завышенных ожиданий и жажды чего-то волшебного, а может потому, что нужно было туда ехать на какой-нибудь праздник. А может быть и нет уже никакой там особой атмосферы и шармы - не знаю. Город как город. Ну, Эйфелева башня, ну арка, ну арабы. Да, арабов, кстати, больше чем в Дубаи! Ну, или примерно так же.

Ах, да. Вино пила. На Монмартре была.

Продолжение следует

You know the scenario. A car owner strolls right into a vehicle body store requiring small cars and truck fixing and also walks out with an expense for countless bucks. If this has actually happened to you, you understand how frustrating this unexpected walking in cost can be. You also know the significance of utilizing a reliable technician for car repair.

It must be said that not all auto mechanics are bent on empty to your pocketbook. Similar to every occupation, there are equally as numerous trustworthy auto mechanics waiting to help you with your car as there are base professionals out to manipulate their customers' absence of expertise. It is just a matter of discovering a cars and truck repair work professional that both understands your lorry and also is an upstanding person.

Car Repair

When it pertains to car repair - www.sandgateautoelectrics.com.au/services/car-repairs after a minor car accident or comparable accident, you ought to initially seek to your day-to-day technician for advice. They might be able to do the repairs right in your normal store. Otherwise, after that they may have recommendations for a vehicle body store that will certainly focus on mending your automobile. It is extremely important not to randomly choose a new mechanic for something like major repair work. You want to make sure that you recognize the job of the individual or somebody has actually recommended them to you.

If you do not have a daily store you go to for oil changes or tire repair work, try asking good friends, family members or neighbors to suggest somebody. It is feasible that a family member has a store they have been most likely to for several years. Obtain the name of the store as well as give them a call to see if they agree to deal with the sort of damage that your car has actually received.

You can also check on national internet site directories to discover suggested automobile body shops. Trustworthy as well as top quality auto repair organizations are regularly included on the Better Business Bureau site. Research study the name of the vehicle repair shop that you are interested in taking your vehicle to. Ensure they obtain an excellent rating from the BBB; this is an outstanding indicator of the quality of the service you will likely receive.

If you have found a name and inspected the Better Business Bureau condition, call the shop itself and request for any referrals. Business might be able to offer you the name or names of previous vehicle bodywork that they have done for other clients. If you can, call these previous customers as well as ask to see their auto. Figure out if they have been pleased with the service they got.

As long as all the referrals and references check out, you ought to feel comfortable recognizing that you have done the right sort of research study. Talk with your newly found mechanic as well as see if they agree to give you a complimentary price quote. It is possible they can take a minute to sit down with you and discuss the job that requires to be done as well as just how much you can anticipate it to set you back.

Tension isn't essential in the process of locating a trustworthy, quality auto fixing auto mechanic! Just do your research and be positive that you are leaving your cherished automobile in experienced, qualified hands.

Vos tantum quibus ego patitur facite ita apud ipsum. Et ratio est valde ridiculam. Sed omnia sunt amissa. Et ut vestri culpare. Tu ad reprehendo. Non me. Ego feci omnia quod vos intellegere autem vos et noluerunt. Amor non vivet aeternum.

Posting testimonials from your customers is a superb method to manufacture your expert believability. You should remember that you are the main individual who can't build your validity.

Being imaginative with where you post your testimonials

Generally, you may not consider posting your testimonials anyplace but rather on the customer's page (or in a region devoted to testimonials on the different online life channels). In any case, if you restrict the spots where you put testimonials, you are not utilizing a critical ability that can truly help your business a lot according to business expert, SunriseNews.co.

Why testimonials are essential

Testimonials are essential for some, unique reasons, including for the most fundamental reason of all. A testimonial contacts individual on an enthusiastic/human level.

Testimonials make individuals feel better and they propel individuals to enlighten other individuals concerning them. That goes far to building the connection between the individual who has posted the testimonial and the individual who has perused the testimonial. In the event that a man is persuaded that you have offered an astonishing item and additionally benefit, that individual will probably need to purchase what you are offering. For what reason wouldn't he or she need to get the best thing that is out there. For this situation, your item as well as administration.

It is protected to state that a testimonial is much more ground-breaking than any substance that you may have on your site. That is for the basic reason that the substance that shows up on your site was made by you. Then again, testimonials are not made by you. They are made about individuals who trust in you and who put stock in your business. Truth be told, they have confidence in you enough to impart that data to other individuals whom they know and trust. It is sheltered to expect that they wouldn't sing your business' commendations on the off chance that they didn't have faith in your contributions.

Getting your prospects off of the fence

In the wake of investigating the substance on your site, your forthcoming customers may at present be undecided about what you and your business bring to the table. Be that as it may, if that is the situation, once they have perused the testimonials from your customers, there is a likelihood that they will feel more anchor about the nature of what you are offering and of their choice to purchase what you are offering. Those testimonials may have the majority of the effect on the planet.

Sympathy with the customers who composed the testimonials

The quantity of testimonials that you post on your site and on different parts of your online nearness is less critical than what those testimonials say. Be that as it may, what is critical is the possibility that your intended interest group individuals can relate to what those testimonials say. They have to feel that they can identify with the experience that the customer had (and conceivably keeps on having).

Change isn't simple however some of the time it is important

In all actuality individuals for the most part don't care for change. In any case, now and then, change is vital. All things considered, you must roll out the improvements that need to happen as simple and as easy as could be expected under the circumstances. In the event that a man is happy with what they have, they won't be slanted to roll out an improvement. In any case, on the off chance that they feel that there is something out there that will serve their necessities all the more viably, they will in any event think about rolling out that improvement. In the event that they read your testimonials, it might simply be the push that they have to approach your side of the fence!


As you are contemplating how to use your testimonials, there are a couple of imperative ideas that you will need to remember. As a matter of first importance, you should ensure that the testimonials that you post are clear, succinct, and extremely significant. It is critical for you to recall that once you get a testimonial, you gathered change it at all. The words have a place with the other individual. You ought to arrange your testimonials in a sensible way. That will make it as simple as feasible for you to benefit from your testimonials and they will enable you to cause the most extreme effect for your intended interest group. Testimonials cause individuals to copy the encounters that other individuals had with your items as well as administrations. Keep in mind, the more significant testimonials you share with other individuals, the more they will be slanted to think toward you.

Do you have to send reports or ship things for your exchange frequently? On the off chance that this is the reason, at that point you should make a legitimate research of the administration choices that the messenger organizations give in momentum days. All the organizations chiefly utilize rumored administrations of package conveyance that charges overwhelming rates. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you need to guarantee protected and opportune conveyance, you should dependably pick an administration as indicated by the conveyance needs that you have. The dispatch organizations, nowadays, for the most part accompany shifted administrations. In any case, dependably consider picking an organization that offers numerous conveyance choices at pocket-accommodating rates. Here are some factors for you to remember before hiring a delivery or courier company for the business according to Clear Publicist, a popular business blog:

1. Type of Delivery Service

Being a business person, you should choose the sort of administration that proficiently meets the transportation needs that you have. In any case, this significantly relies upon the volume and the tally of bundles. Plus, you should consider the separation and pick an administration based on how far and where you are exchanging the packages. On the off chance that a man is shipping the materials having extensive volumes over a long separation, you should pick national or else the provincial cargo transporter administrations. Then again, for single day conveyance inside 24 long stretches of light bundles and little records, select the confided in neighborhood dispatcher or messenger benefit.

2. Security

Prior to choosing a dispatch office, watch that the organization has the permit to direct exchange the particular territory. Additionally, ensure that the organization protected and fortified.

3. Speed of Delivery

Conveyance speed is a pivotal factor and the exchange holders primarily think about the speed of administrations before agreeing to an organization. Now and again, the business visionaries run over specific circumstances where they need to surge the requests. In this manner, they should pick an organization that offers various conveyance administrations like medium-term administrations, single day administrations, crisis administrations and significantly more. Picking such an organization can spare the exchange notoriety that you hold.

4. Reliability

At the point when a business person guarantees a conveyance, he or she, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way tend to offer reliable service. In this manner, the exchange holder must pick an organization that promises him or her to offer tried and true administration. Get some information about the bundle of the conveyance benefits before thinking about an organization. Additionally, look at the survey and appraisals of different messenger organizations on the destinations through the Internet.

Alongside this, you should likewise realize that the aggregate methodology of a courier company that incorporates the appearance and introduction if the staffs, drivers' vehicles mirrors the business to an incredible level. Accordingly, pick an organization where the drivers are sufficiently adequate and similarly keep up the perfect methodology of vehicles.

Получилось очень коротко, но так и надо, это just a gist.

Integrated marketing communications

  • strategic business process to
    plan, develop, execute, and evaluate
    coordinated, measurable and persuasive
    brand communication programs
  • with internal and external audience


  • short-term financial return
  • long-term brand and shareholder value
  • Marketing planning process

    • Mkt strategy analysis

    Opportunity analysis
    Competitive analysis

    • Target mkt process
    Identifying markets
    Market segmentation
    Selecting a target market
    Positioning through mkt strategies
    • Mkt planning program development
    Product decisions
    Pricing decisions
    Channel of distribution decisions

    Promotional decisions (ASPIDP)
  • Advertising
  • Sales promotion
  • Personal selling
  • Interactive/Internet mkt
  • Direct mkt
  • Publicity/PR
    • Target market

    Promotion to reseller

    Promotion to ultimate consumer

  • Consumers
  • Businesses
  • Growing importance of IMC

  • Strategically INTEGRATES various communication functions
  • AVOIDS DUPLICATION and takes advantage of synergy among promotional tools
  • Develops MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE mkt communication programs
  • Changing environment:
  • evolution to micromarketing
    consumers' unresponsiveness to traditional advertising
    changing rules of mkt

    Positioning strategies (APUPPCC)

  • Attributes and benefits
  • Price and quality
  • Use and applucation
  • Product class
  • Product users
  • Competitors
  • Cultural symbols
  • Advertising risks of using celebrities

    • Overshadow the product
    • Overexposed, reducing credibility
    • Target audience not receptive
    • Celebrity's behavior pose a risk

    Source attractiveness

  • Similarity (resemblance)
  • Familiarity (knowledge of source)
  • Likeability (physical appearance, behavior or personal traits)
  • Message structure

    • One-sided (mention only positive attributes)
    when audience:
  • already likes the topic
  • less educated
    • Two-sided (mention both, good and bad)

    when audience:

  • hold opposite opinion
  • highly educated
  • Channel factors

    1. Personal VS. Non personal (recommendations from friends, family, etc. have more influence than media)

    2. Differences in info processing (can control pace when read a magazine, cannot control pace on the radio/TV)

    3. Effects of context and environment

    - medium's effect
    - image of media
    - nature of the program in which advertising is placed

    4. Clutter (amount of advertising in medium)

    Prior to you take into consideration where to take your car for repair and maintenance, you have to recognize the distinction in between both. Regular upkeep products and Brisbane automotive service are those detailed in your automobile's proprietor's handbook as part of the version's solution timetable. They are planned to maintain your automobile in leading operating problem. Fixings are solution that has to be executed to deal with a trouble. Where you take your automobile might rely on exactly what has to be done.

    Brisbane Automotive Service

    Set up upkeep can be carried out at any kind of dealer; you do not need to go to the one where you got the automobile. Similarly, you could take your automobile to an independent auto-repair store or franchise business, which are usually less costly compared to car dealerships.

    Since upkeep things are rather fundamental, nonetheless, any kind of specialist car store need to have the ability to do the essential jobs.

    Fixings could vary from standard jobs such as a brake task or auto-body repair work to complex solution such as revamping a transmission or identifying an electronics-system trouble. Most likely to a dealer if your vehicle is covered by the initial guarantee and also you desire the supplier to spend for the repair. Make use of a car dealership, as well, if your cars and truck has actually been remembered or is the topic of a "solution project" where the car manufacturer uses to remedy a problem. If you have an extensive service warranty, you'll have to examine the terms to see that need to execute protected fixings.

    A Brisbane automotive service - sandgateautoelectrics.com.au must have the ability to deal with most typical repair work. Shops that concentrate on your lorry's brand name are most likely to have the appropriate training, tools, and also updated details. A great specialist will certainly allow you recognize when an issue calls for a journey to the dealer or a specialty store.

    Yet determining a technician you could rely on for your vehicle takes a great deal greater than allowing your fingers do the strolling. You need to do a little antique sleuthing. There's no solitary hint to just what makes a great service center, yet right here are some points you must search for:

    Discover a look for your brand name of vehicle

    Numerous garages focus on particular makes. Those that concentrate on your kind are most likely to have the current training and also tools to repair your lorry.

    Ask your friends and family

    Specifically look for suggestions from those that have a lorry just like your own.

    Look for qualification

    Offer the store a trial run

    Prior to your vehicle requires a huge repair work, you could wish to check out some neighborhood shops with smaller sized fixings or upkeep things, such as oil as well as filter modifications.

    Inquire about service warranties

    What sort of assurances does the store give on repair? Guarantees could differ significantly amongst stores, so inquire about them beforehand. Utilize a typical repair work, such as brake job, as your overview.

    Make certain the store is convenient

    Also, the most effective store could not deserve the initiative if its hrs. contravene your routine or you have couple of transport choices after you hand over the cars and truck.

    In an extremely competing economic system in which web-based income are gaining more profits than the returns of typical merchants, the latter should try to become much more functional than ever in an effort to thrive and build their businesses. For that reason, competing along with improving the proficiency of aspects of their functions. One essential part that a lot of vendors must put emphasis on strengthening is supplied control but this could easily be taken care of with inventory management software.

    There are plenty of categories of a software program which work for a different function. Choosing and implementing types of system is an arduous duty. Good choice of software that may be helpful to finalize the work nicely without taking so much time is the key to fix the issues faced by the concern. So before employing application good decisions has to be taken since it is destined to be fairly essential to the growth and development of an affiliated business. Inventory is certainly an acquainted term to businesses. Running inventory is regarded as the challenging duties. Right now, there are sorts of inventory management software which helps in dealing with inventories proficiently. Inventory is comparable to the supply of raw substances or stuff saved in the warehouse that is available by the corporate in coming days.

    Supervising inventories in the storehouse could be an extremely laborious mission seeing that checking every commodity or stuff stocked there can be very time to consume and demands loads of endeavors. Consequently, it is really advisable to utilize inventory management software. The inventory management software package reduces hard work and also will save you lots of valuable time. Inventory management software Datapel records all the number of goods or material stored in the storehouse, date of purchase of the merchandise, keeps or records sales proceedings, presents a description of goods and many more. This has served the management of firms to keep the entire course of inventories easily.

    Inventory management program can be used by agencies no matter if big or small to control inventory effectively which can give you a helping hand in improving earnings and reduce the expenses drastically. This software program will also help the handling to a stock accurate degree necessary to sustain stock amounts in the stockroom. Prediction of looking after asset levels has found a standstill due to this software. Inventory management software has also assisted corporations in making correct buying decisions. These applications support the companies to distinguish which goods, supplies or items are sold better and which goods, materials or objects have sluggish sales proceedings. This will help the firms to maintain suitable supply quantities of the product that are marketed more which will make certain that no demands from the consumer are rejected due to a deficit of goods. This would provide client satisfaction and will enable them to make increased prospects.

    Thus, Datapel inventory management software is regarded as vital for inventory-based companies, retailers, sellers, agencies etc. Therefore, inventory management software is deemed as a tool to take a business to a higher level.

    Here are a number of reasons why folks purchase the best spas gift card for other people to celebrate exceptional events. For starters, there are cards available to invest at all kinds of businesses. Alternately, gift-givers may also buy debit gift cards which may be used in just about any kind of business. Simply speaking, the gift-giver has tons of alternatives. Discover some other explanations for why these cards are popular with gift-givers!

    Someone could purchase the best spas gift cards which are worth any quantity of money. Another individual might purchase a $100 card to his parents in their wedding anniversary. Normally, shops, restaurants and other companies sell these cards even quantities of cash so the trade is as straightforward as you can.

    Pick a Spa Gift Card together with the Present Recipient in Mind

    Lots of folks enjoy giving those cards as presents since they can select one which allows a friend or relative to see a place they enjoy. For example, a 100 card which goes to a buddy's favourite day spa would offer her the chance to treat herself for a day of pampering. A spouse may give her husband a card which belongs to his favourite steak restaurant . He will be delighted with the possibility of enjoying a tasty meal without needing to cover it!

    Unlike other gifts, a card into a favourite eatery or store does not have to be decorated with intricate wrap paper or maybe a decoration. Most stores and restaurants decorate their cards using the title of the company and an appealing layout. There's absolutely no demand for a gift-giver to invest additional cash on decorative information.

    Some gift-givers appreciate how these spas gift cards do not need to be used straight away. The gift recipient gets to think of what they need for many days or maybe a couple of months. On the flip side, the receiver is free to devote the card straight away if he or she favors. Most cards contain specific details about use. Lots of cards never expire and some do not charge any fees in the event the card is not used within a particular quantity of time. The receiver of a card may use it in her or his leisure.

    Online or In-Store

    Gift-givers adore these cards since they may frequently be utilized for both online store purchases. This is just another element of advantage added to a thoughtful present. It is a simple procedure for a individual to devote their card online in a shop or a different business enterprise.

    In the end, those who purchase the best spas gift cards for loved ones are receiving them something that they will surely use and appreciate. If the card belongs to a favourite company, the individual will be anxious to escape and devote this generous gift! No need to stress yourself thinking of what kind of gift should you give, for there are the the est spas gift card that is always beneficial and great to be given as a gift.

    These days, rubbsih removal is emerging as a significant action to guarantee you a pleasant environment for healthier living. To meet this growing demand, many rubbish removal businesses have arrived at the marketplace. Every one of these businesses promise you to provide exceptional quality functions in the cheapest prices. They promise you that they'll clear unwanted clutter and crap carefully and efficiently. But, you'll discover a difference in what they say and do in fact. A wrong decision could lead to wasting of money and time. This is the reason why finding an expert rubbish removal organization is a challenging task. But, following a few helpful ideas may assist you in finding out a expert crap clearance firm.


    This is definitely the main point to think about in the time of picking a corporation. So as to do it, you want to study about the neighborhood rubbish removal businesses. You may ask your friends and family regarding the very best service supplier in your region. Taking the support of the world wide web is a fantastic idea. You may look online with different search phrases that are most applicable to rubbish removal. With this technique you can readily discover the title of those firms supplying rubbish clearance service in your area. Create a list of those firms. Once it's completed, begin searching about the businesses one by one. Proceed to their official sites. Carefully examine the testimonial and support segments. In case the provided services match your requirements, it is possible to mark the business as your preferred option. Now it's your turn to experience the reviews and testimonials posted on several sites. If you find the majority of the reviews are favorable testimonials, you can choose the business under consideration.


    Pricing comes only after standing. Request a few rubbish removal firms to deliver you their estimates. Today earn a comparison of their costs and the services supplied by the firms. Try to select one, which will be offering the highest quality services in the cheapest prices. Here you have to examine the prices and the amount of services provided under a service. Only considering costs isn't great constantly. There are various additional variables to take into account. You have to be aware of the grade of the service along with also the expertise of the business. You need to be well conscious of the rubbish removal techniques and recycling policies of an agency supplier.


    Justifying the ability of the business is consistently excellent. It ought to be taken under consideration. An individual has to be quite clear about the potential of the provider. You ought to be aware of if the corporation may give you quality functions in the competitive rates. Assess whether the business ensures healthy cleaning by employing many environmentally friendly cleaning stuff. Know if the business has implemented a broader array of functions. Attempt to acquire a firm specializing in the service which you're searching for.

    These are the 3 major facts to think about prior to employing a specialist rubbish removal firm.

    Очень плохая привычка - писать сюда только в плохие моменты. Я люблю перечитывать свои воспоминания, но стоит ли это делать, если здесь будет накапливаться один негатив? Есть в этом и плюсы, конечно, но всё-таки хочу восстановить привычку писать сюда о повседневности, а не только вот эти "ой пиздец как всё плохо".

    Расскажу про учебу. Учебный год закончен с оценкой 15 из 20 за весь год. У французов совсем другая система в универе, очень сильно отличается сессия и тот момент когда она считается "закрытой". Система чудесная для тех, кто хорошо учится, а для тех, кто нет - наверное так себе. Объясню попозже.

    Первая сессия была закрыта на 13 баллов, что немного, но нормально, ведь главное иметь больше 10. И вот честно - первый семестр был намного проще в сравнении со всеми моими семестрами на бакалавриате в России. Здесь всё зависит от специальности (моя - управление международными проектами), и мне повезло - почти не было домашки, очень редко были контрольные (но они все влияли на итоговую оценку за семестр - надо было учить). Я всегда хорошо училась и как-то вот привыкла учить. Но опять же - такое ощущение, что в России мне было сложнее, хотя тут ведь всё еще на французском.

    Наверное это потому в России я открывала все лекции только перед экзаменами, и хорошо, если не в последний день. Здесь же я сразу перечитывала лекции с целью лучше понять материал и посмотреть новые для меня слова (иногда приходилось писать наугад, а потом искать, что же это за слово, как оно правильно пишется и т.д.). Таким образом я уже многое запоминала. Было много пар права, и вот теперь есть вещи, которые я могу объяснить на французском и понятия не имею, как это будет по-русски. Ну и гражданское право Франции я, кажется, знаю лучше нашего..

    Знаю тут еще одну русскую девочку, но она на другом факультете. У них и домашки больше, и может быть сложнее пары. Но и знание языка необходимо. Ей было сложно именно поэтому, именно поэтому первая сессия была незакрыта - знаний по французскому не хватало. Мне было намного легче, чем ей. У меня за плечами хорошие 4 года на фак-те лингвистики и три стажировки в отеле-ресторане на юге Франции + 1 лингвистическая стажировка два года назад, в городе, где я в итоге живу сейчас. Она же закончила не лингвич фак-т и во Франции была один раз. Короче, бесконечная домашка по французскому в универе в Мск окупилась для меня. Языка мне вполне хватило, чтобы понимать как минимум 90% лекций с первого раза, доводя это понимание до полного уже работая дома.

    Второй семестр был посвящен проекту в группе. Пар не было вообще. Проект - слабое слово на самом деле, это включает в себя очень многое.. Мы работали на предприятии с целью вывести его продукцию на экспорт. В нашем случае это была замороженная выпечка. Сначали мы изучали рынки - в какую страну податься. Затем изучали, что там любят люди и т.д., короче говоря, составили "портрет" типичного покупателя такой вот продукции в Бельгии, Великобритании и Швейцарии. В итоге это была работа BtoB - business to business, а не BtoC - business to customer. Проще говоря, мы искали посредников - кофейни, рестораны, отели, имея цель предложить им сотрудничество с французским предприятием. И это настоящее погружение в рабочую атмосферу, лучше, чем любая практика в наших универах (во всяком случае в большинстве случаев в России практика -полная лажа). При этом, конечно, надо было еще написать отчет на 100 страниц, но нас было 4 в группе. Написали, закончили проект, защитились, оценка 17 из 20. Это на самом деле дохрена, такое вообще редко ставят. И вот в итоге за год у меня 15 из 20 и это охуенно.

    Cleanliness offered rightly!

    They say - 'Home is where the heart is! And no one likes walking up to a messy home after a tired office day. The cozy vibe is what suits any home the best. Home is a place to relax in our comfort zone. In today's busy life, we find it hard to maintain our home, and to find out. There are a number of firms that serve with cleaning services in a customized way. They offer a variety of services by sending the people to us.

    ongoing Excel Cleaning - house cleaning companies Melbourne

    Offering and services

    Companies to serve various types of services such as - short term, temporary or permanent / ongoing Excel Cleaning - house cleaning companies Melbourne committing clients with an exceptional level of facilities. There are a variety of packages to choose from as per your need and requirement. They offer premium package, specialized packages and so on. And if you, as a customer are unsure and confused of what you should choose, they also provide you with personalized advice. Cleaning companies are affordable, efficient and highly helpful in cleaning all areas including kitchen, bedroom, living halls, bathrooms, lawns, etc. with the use of high-quality products.

    Work culture and employees

    A dedicated professional staff is trained to handle all kinds of properties and cleaning tasks. They understand the home as an intimate and personal space. They pay attention to detail and guarantee to provide the highest quality cleaning solutions. They also provide pest controls and other such specific cleaning solutions. They are professed with professional skills and quality types of equipment to deliver outstanding results. The cleaners are certified and reliable with years of experience in the cleaning field. They are highly reliable and efficient in doing all the tidy tasks.

    The staff is selected based on their history, background checks, and thoroughinterviews. The company takes on full responsibility for them and ensures that no damage is caused to you.

    How to avail their facilities?

    There are online booking processes and telephonic bookings as well. One can surf various home cleaning services Melbourne throughthe web. They can browse through their website content for the facilities.

    Such companies usually realize themselves through the word of mouth and can be trusted easily. People turn out to be happy and satisfied with their services and they are highly recommendable.

    A water heater is not something we consider frequently. It is only one of those minions that operates in the background and maintains your house in sync with each day to day actions.

    gas water heater NZ will collect sediments

    Whether you're cleaning or cooking, you expect the water to be hot once you turn the tap into the desired temperature. The exact same is anticipated when you turn on a light switch in a space.

    Regrettably, the water heater is not usually given any idea until it is too late. Water which is not heated, or even worse, a cellar filled with water.

    The cellar circumstance looks pretty tame in comparison with water heaters which are stored in the loft. Our neighbor was discovered firsthand as she cleared her feet. She was only bought the townhome next door and had the house with all appliances.

    Listed below are some of the components that may break and require repair during the Lifetime of your water heater:

    The pilot light goes out

    The electrical circuit breaker is triggered

    A broken thermostat

    A faulty heating component

    A stuck valve

    All those things can be repaired and can not be helped.

    The life expectancy of a traditional water heater is a a 6-year warranty. We analyzed our own lately and recognized it had been 14 years of age. We arrived at the consensus that 'our water heater had been living on borrowed time'. Through the year's gas water heater, NZ will collect the sediments at the bottom of the tank which can not get flushed out any longer. Your device will use a lot more energy, whilst heating less water, along with the corrosion.

    Tank-less vs Traditional - After speaking with all of our neighbors and friends. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.neighboursand friends, as we were, decided to go with tankless unit. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.

    For your tank-less water heater to operate properly it requires a 3/4 "gas line coming to the apparatus." Our gas line was a mere 1/2 "and we had to update. The expense of the installation. Only the radically jumped up and we'd be left with a mess.

    Replacing the older gas water heater NZusing a traditional one was not just the most sensitive to your own house, but it was also much easier on the pocket.

    The upside - Due to technological improvements newer versions of traditional gas water heaters are not only more energy efficient but are assembled in this manner that they are inhibited.

    You need to weigh your choices and discover which sort of unit. Cost-efficacy versus your upfront cost. It surely does not hurt to find a couple of different kinds of quotes for the occupation out of local plumbers.

    Routine maintenance pays off at the conclusion - here is a small tip that will add to your own water heaters life and its own performance. Flush your water heater yearly! This involves shutting up the unit and hooking up a normal garden home to it. By flushing your water heater you'll be eliminating the most of the mineral residue that could corrode inner pieces.

    Do not allow the 'out of sight out of mind' habit.

    A busted down water heater. By being proactive you can budget for this price and with the annual maintenance, you will be able to guarantee that the very best functionality and long life expectancy.

    You can have customized NDIS children services that come to your house. Traveling to meet with your therapist, trying hard to beat traffic and rushing to meet up with appointments can all be avoided when you have child occupational services delivered at home. Another advantage for this is the comfort of the child. Learning in their own environment is less stressful and has higher impact on their development results. The option of NDIS youth therapy at home is overall more practical and convenient. Some service providers work flexible hours, don’t charge extra for coming and can deal with your busy schedule just fine. If you need child therapy sessions on weekends or holidays, you can rely on such services to cover you.

    Why occupational therapy for NDIS kids?

    Occupational therapists for children will help them develop significant areas to help accomplish more activities. Children’s NDIS therapy will help:

    • Grow a structure for their future

    • Improve their ability for self-care and capacity for independence

    • Improve their ability to participate and interact with other kids and the surrounding community.

    Services rendered

    • Special equipment needs assessment: if your child has been diagnosed with a disability after an accident or illness, they will need time to be accustomed to any special equipment needed for their new lives. NDIS kids can help teach these children how to operate equipment like hearing aids, wheelchairs and splints.

    • Self-care and independence: due to some physical or mental impairments and disabilities, some children have a problem with normal self care and independent routines like feeding, toileting, dressing up and bathing. NDIS for youth can help teach them these skills for the future.

    • Developing fine motor skills: skills like writing or using cutlery can be affected by certain disabilities. Having a therapist to handle such lessons with your child can make a world of difference in their quality of life.

    • Developing gross motor skills: skills like jumping and running are very important in the life of any child. Children with disabilities might have problems with these skills and need help from NDIS teenager specialist to overcome their barriers.

    • Developing social skills: social skills are very important, even for children. Your child should learn how to mix up with other children, so they don’t stick out as socially awkward. NDIS child therapy is a good way to get this done.

    • Travel training: your children with disability will still take trips like normal children. Since their needs are different, they might need special training for this too and a therapist can help.

    Children with mental or physical disabilities can be a challenge to teach. NDIS children services are available for their development but you can choose more flexible options that will be there for you every time you need them.


    Having your therapist come to you is convenient, practical and has a more positive impact on the child since they get to learn in a familiar environment.

    How we eliminate trash and crap is something that lots folks do not think about broadly. We often underestimate the crap and clutter that we have piled up and accumulated within our premise already. These kinds of scenarios are the ones where it is helpful to think about an expert Sydney rubbish removal company for your home or business.

    If you are handling a particular scenario, such as seasonal cleaning, moving into or from a place, or cleaning up after a bigger than normal occasion, it is possible that the quantity of garbage, trash, and clutter that you need to dispose of may be notice greater than normal. In these kinds of scenarios, it might be that your normal garbage collection is not sufficient to accommodate the debris that needs to be eliminated, or that it will not have picked up or dealt with at the proper time period. In this kind of situation, calling the aid of a trusted rubbish removal firm is a fantastic plan. These professionals specialize in carrying away all levels and sorts of trash. A business offering garbage or garbage removal in your town will have the ability to pick up and get rid of any quantity of garbage that you place out. Having to hire such firm, all of the crap elimination procedure will be handled by these experts, without you needing to do anything. These experts are well-equipped with the appropriate materials needed for the crap of discarding a job as well.

    Another crucial service offered by personal garbage and trash hauling companies is having the ability to remove debris that's oversize or otherwise away from the purview of classic garbage services. If you are getting a brand new washing machine for your house, as an instance, or a brand new. If you require anything along the lines of an appliance, or on a personal junk hauling business. This way, you do not run the risk of having a fine for improperly disposing or dumping of your waste , and you are going to find the unwanted substances from your own hair. Eliminating old appliances is such a daunting task specifically for those bigger ones. You need to haul them away to where they are allowed to stay. With an expert Sydney rubbish removal company, you will not need to be bothered with these problems.

    It is usually not necessary to hire a person for a personal junk or trash removal firm for each and every trash situation. But if you have to remove more than a normal amount of garbage, then it is undeniably a need for you to ask the aid of an expert Sydney rubbish removal for you to effectively and efficiently eliminate your rubbish. Having such firm will be an advantage especially with the fact that they have the appropriate and complete equipment, plus the knowledge and training in handling and dealing with all sorts of waste. With them, you can take care of all your waste in the most conveninent way, no hassle and no more stress.

    House automation is the brand-new means of making our residences almost run themselves. From the lights to an e-mail or SMS message allowing you recognize your youngsters are the house from college automation is the brand-new method of running your residence. There are many points you could establish to run immediately as well as the advantages are excellent also.

    Just how would certainly you want to really feel even more comfortable when it pertains to protection? Automated protection such as c bus home control could offer you satisfaction when it involves your family members and also residence. There are alarm systems that will certainly trigger when a trespasser attempts to breach your house.

    C Bus Home Control

    The very same alarm systems could activate all the lights, make the front illumination of your residence flash, shut off the air and also heating unit in case of fire to maintain it from spreading out. The systems additionally have cellular phone systems in case your home phone is not functioning because of the line being reduced. Security cams could track the home in and out. There are cams that can be established to keep an eye on every angle of your house so the home windows along with the doors can be covered.

    The security system can be regulated utilizing your telephone or the web from an additional place such as your task. You could also utilize your personal organizer to manage the system! There are many brand-new means of establishing your residence as much as for being regulated immediately. What happens if your house was geared up with touchpads that would certainly permit you to:

    • Transform lights on and off in your house
    • Switch on your preferred program
    • Examine the kids
    • Readjust the lights
    • Check your outdoors safety electronic cameras
    • Transform your protection system on or off
    • Readjust the temperature level of your residence
    • Transform lawn sprinklers on or off

    The houses of the future will certainly have the ability to do this and also a lot more. Innovation is reaching the factor where we will certainly understand every little thing that takes place in the house regardless of where we are.

    One means automated systems job is using a system such as X10. With X10 the existing electrical wiring in your house is made use of as a communications channel to send out messages in between X10 tools (the information is comprised of an address and also a command from the controller to the gadget being managed). These gadgets can be connected to a wall surface electrical outlet or they can be set up in ceiling devices. X10 has the advantage that no added wires have to be run nonetheless some residential properties (based on exactly how the electrical wiring was set up) is not matched to it and also X10 might be undependable.

    One more kind is the c bus home control which is a 2-cord bus that transfers power and also information. Although this kind is generally utilized to regulate your lights it can be adapted to regulate lots of various other gadgets. One C-Bus could regulate 255 various points. There are additionally bridges which can be bought to contribute to the C-Bus.

    When searching for a residence automation system there are numerous different kinds on the marketplace for that reason you must very carefully consider your choices when purchasing.

    Finding the right or the ideal caterer is very important because it is essential in ensuring that the event or the party will be a successful one. Whether you are planning a simple gathering with friends, an intimate reunion with your family and relatives or a great celebration, where you will be invited by a reliable caterer. You can not expect to have a fun-filled and memorable party if you try and do everything on your own. You will definitely need assistance from professional staff and from trustworthy.

    There are a few things that you need to know when hiring paella party catering services. First, you have a lot of companies that can offer you with this type of service. You can try and do some internet research. If you check out the list of caterers in your area, you might get overwhelmed by the numbers. To help you with this, here are a few things that you need to do first:

    Make a List of Questions- You have to prepare for a series of questions. Here are some of the things that you might want to ask these companies:

    • How much does your services cost?
    • Do you offer promos or packages?
    • What are included in your services?
    • Do you offer other services like venue styling, etc?
    • Do you provide your clients with a contract?
    • When is the payment needed for your service? Is there a reservation fee? Do you require an initial deposit?

    Think about Your Demands- When we say demands, this includes the amount of food and drinks to be served. Think about what type of paella do you want to have. Is there a specific food item that you want to include on the menu? Do you want to cross out a particular item like seafood because you want to avoid food allergies? How long will you need the caterer's services? Make sure to finalize all of these. Then, they can tell you.

    Check out their Reputation- This has something to do with evaluating the quality of their work. This is not only their quality. The way they are. You can easily check this out. Check out the Facebook reviews or look for mentions on Twitter. There are tons of reviews that you can check there. If not, you can visit online review sites such as Yelp or Better Business Bureau. There, you can check out how people check out which catering service providers are best rated or liked by the reviewers.

    A hair salon can be a place where a person is mostly out of compulsion, when it is mandatory to get a good haircut. Although there are a few who may visit them out of choice, like while getting a new hair style, a mustache job, etc. But for me, that's hardly the case and consequently I look forward to hair salons. Well, to be precise, one can find a lot of hair salons in the vicinity but then there are some other things that can not be compromised upon in addition to getting a neat cut. I think many people can find these 'other things' too much on them.

    The experience of craftsmen must be known

    It is very important to know the kind of hair that can be provided by a hair salon. Many hair salons near me have a catalog or a booklet that I can expect from them. This type of booklet can be really helpful in finding out the offerings of the business. It can also provide good insight on the craftsmen's experience in the trade. Also, there are salons that have everything about the business that can be arrived at easily. Now, each time I make up my mind, I choose to visit a new experience.

    Convenience and ambience does matter too

    Most hair salons near me. In fact, a place where I landed for the 30 or 40 odd minutes, I do it the same way. I always try to find out the conveniences and ambience of the place before I take the call of hair cutting. For instance, in the summer seasons, it is essentially important to have air conditioners. I believe most people would also share this concern genuinely for all the frankness.

    Any type of offers can be useful

    There are hair salons near me that offer many types of offers and discounts. Some offer a 10% discount on the first visit and there are others that give a 15% student discount and so on. Well, these things can be invited to the point. Anyway, for some people, these discounts and offers can vary from person to person.

    Last but not least, the cost of service should be competitive and economical. I am fortunate in this that the hair salons. Although these are some of the most reputed brands in the business. It can absolutely lend a value for the money.

    каждое утро я просыпаюсь все более опустошенной. я понимаю, что стала abusive и это не есть хорошо. совсем не хорошо. еще я понимаю, что если мы сейчас разойдемся - мне будет незачем жить. я не знаю, смогу ли я выдержать такое. при этом я понимаю, что ни о каком светлом будущем речи не идет, этого просто не будет, мы живем слишком разными жизнями, мы слишком далеки друг от друга. 5885,371 км и 6 часов разницы во времени. он не понимает меня, я не понимаю его. я стараюсь, но мне просто обидно от того, что кажется, будто я одна прилагаю усилия в наших отношениях. для меня каждый день проходит в постоянных мыслях о нем, о нас. наверно, он даже и не думает обо мне в течение дня. занимается своими делами, а я вот не могу. не могу заниматься ничем. что же я делаю со своей жизнью. вот тебе урок номер один - не привыкать к людям. никогда больше. но это уже не поможет.

    Wedding period of time is about to dominate the interpersonal calendars of the many, and if you’re clever, you’ll appear prepared. How can one plan for the slew of “I do’s”, you ask? Well, obtaining the grooving competencies not out of par is probably the initially order of business. You’d hate to feel confused on the dancing floor. And also, if you’re single, exactly how are you going to match anyone by simply staring from the sidelines, swirling your iced-down drink around? That’s no chance to enjoy yourself.

    The bride and groom don’t should get all of the enjoyment. You may also have a lot of fun at the wedding day when you learn a few truly amazing dance methods, letting you experience a lot more assured and also willing to rejoice.

    You Ought To Get Wedding Dance Lessons If…

    You’re The Mother And Father of the New Bride or Maybe the Groom

    Because you knows the majority of the citizens, there will probably as well be a large amount of focus on you. Your pals, spouse and children, as well as brand new in-laws are just waiting for you to enlighten them—don’t let them down! That is your own opportunity to create a great effect.

    Wedding day preparing is known to get all sorts of anxiety on the household of the happy couple. The wedding celebration is the instance to at last take pleasure in the fruit of your labor––celebrate and even bash such as you mean it.

    Utilize this possibility for come up with a celebratory, expert dance to begin one’s own child’s new chapter of existence. Because of wedding photographers, your dancing will probably be a gift that retains on providing.

    You’re In the Big Event

    While an affiliate of the gathering, a big part of the function is to assist take the gathering. In case simply no one’s on the dancing ground, it’s the job to just go start the entertaining. With awesome techniques under the strip, you’ll create the dance floor an encouraged, celebratory, and secure location.

    The reason why be an important part of the gathering, but is not an important part of the PARTY? You’re honoring considered one of your dearest friends’ spousal relationship; dancing about this!

    Set off to viral with the rest of the bridal celebration and thus build a wonder dance that bangs everyone away and provides you with your own 15-seconds of popularity. The dancing learned from Care To Dance these types of groomsmen did was an immediate impression.

    You’re A Committed Couple Attending Friends’ Matrimony

    Occasionally functional life gets occupied and even we don’t create sufficient time for those we admire. Use the upcoming wedding party in your own organizer being an excuse to reconnect with your wife or husband. Having wedding party lessons is proved to be even better as compared to counseling. And, yes, you may get your partner to take lessons with you.

    You realize it’s certainly not you will get to wear and have a night out. Let it go slightly and move onto the dance area thinking self-confident. You’ll certainly not would like to quit grooving after you learn how!

    You’re Flying Solo

    Rather than dreading another wedding ceremony that renders you recognize how single you might be, make the most of the opportunity to wow someone amazing on the dancing floor! Number of arrangements are usually more passionate to get together people today as compared to weddings—love is in the air along with the vigor is high. You’ll really like making use of your brand new competencies seeing that an ice-breaker, and also dancing is actually a beautiful function.

    Using wedding dance training is a good approach to encounter a person new. Men and women seize training lessons all the time, and thus it’d be pleasurable that you can perform with someone who possesses the same plan in mind… Perhaps by the next wedding ceremony, you’ll obtain a plus-one to have!

    Wedding Day Dancing Classes to Obtain

    If you’re willing to create those legs of at your feet a little fancier, it’s time and energy to decide on just what kinds of dances to find out. In the end, you’d dislike to enroll in a dance class, only to realize it’s not the best for wedding circumstances. Underneath are our proposed wedding day dancing lessons to make certain you’re wanting to experience the tune.

    Non intelligitis, rursus cur venis? Is vultus alia ludicra. Et haec tantum odio fortior. Ego quid cogitas? Numquam tibi mutatio non. Vos iustus fregit. Beatus es? Beatus tibi mea miseriae? Intellegere non possum. Et non intellegunt. Et hoc est quod ipse voluisti? Interficias me fides hominum? Quare sic fecerit? Volo ire. Satis. Necesse est ut iret. Intelligo omnia, non opus est tibi. Me quoque. Iam. Hoc est meum tandem nuntius tibi. Ego fugeres. Vacat vobis liberum. Parce mihi quia erroribus. Credebant in te ut prius. Sed ita oportet. Horret me quod haec scribo. Puto quia non amo te. Haec autem non. Ego iustus fiducia. Etsi dolet mihi. Ego quietly effugium. Parce mihi. Paenitet. Nolo effugium. Parce mihi. Vellem volui. Ego never vos non turbare.

    Ego tamen non obliviscar. Gratias ago.

    Много думаю в последнее время про работу/самозанятость/бизнес.

    Я ушла из найма больше года назад. Что произошло за это время? Я металась из стороны в сторону, прошла несколько разных курсов, хотела полностью погрузиться в IT, но уже в роли «ремесленника», а в итоге начала свой бизнес. Господи, это звучит так странно, что хочется закавычить.

    Ок, справедливости ради стоит указать, что я не просто так – оп! – и прыгнула в предпринимательство. Мои попытки «начать свое дело» были предприняты еще в 2014-2015, когда мы вместе с Т. хотели попробовать заниматься совместным бизнесом. Тогда у меня ничего не получилось. Я поняла, что совмещать основную работу с дикой нагрузкой и бизнес – идея херовая. Я откровенно проебывала свои задачи, очень уставала и очень себя винила. Винила потому что со стороны Т. я часто слышала, как он хочет чтобы у нас было общее дело, чтобы мы были командой и т.п. На самом деле, тогда и он особо не участвовал, потому что не мог себя организовать, но речь сейчас не об этом.

    Периодически ко мне закрадывается подозрение, что искренность порыров Т. была обусловлена теми навыками, которыми я обладаю. Теми навыками, которыми он как раз не обладал и в которых очень нуждался. Рациональный подход, замаскированный под желание делать что-то вместе. Я даже не виню, но сейчас и не об этом тоже.

    Тогда после неудачной попытки была предпринята еще одна, затем мы решили, что попробуем еще раз, когда я уйду из офиса. До запланируемой даты ухода оставалось 3 месяца, а на мое «место» Т. нашел другого человека, т.к. «не мог больше ждать». Конечно, Т. говорил, что я могу в любой момент присоединиться, что я могу полностью взять на себя руководство, когда захочу и так далее. Для меня это выглядело как предательство. Может потому что до этого я была на волне эмоционального подъема и действительно наконец доверилась и представляла, как у нас все пойдет в гору, а может потому что это по-настоящему было предательством. Не знаю, но эта ситуация не отпускает меня уже третий год и по-прежнему болит, несмотря на все попытки простить и понять. Я допускаю, что it was strictly business и что те мои наивные сентиментальные ожидания не являлись гарантом стабильности для Т.

    Что было дальше? Я решила покончить с иллюзиями и продолжать иметь разные «кошельки» и разные сферы занятости. Кроме этого, тогда я сумела собрать себе небольшую финансовую подушку и даже купить проект, чтобы иметь свой собственный дополнительный доход на всякий случай. Конечно, я планировала откладывать определенную сумму каждый месяц, чтобы в итоге попробовать заняться тем, что и Т. только полностью на свои деньги.

    Время шло, наступил конец 2016, дела у Т. шли в гору, я ушла из студии, мы расписались, у меня была накоплена долгожданная сумма, которую я планировала полностью вложить в дальнейшее обучение и наконец начать бизнес.

    Разумеется, планы изменились, К началу 2017 Т. заебался впахивать и хотел поехать в путешествие и я его поддержала. В итоге наша поездка растянулась на полгода и накопленной мной суммы не осталось и следа. Бонусом в первую неделю путешествия у Т. уходит один важный работник и мне приходится экстренно взять на себя его обязанности. Напомню, я только уволилась, хотела отдохнуть, затем поучиться на курсах и попробоваться плотно заняться проектами. В итоге меня затянуло в тот самый пресловутый и долгожданный совместный бизнес, но удовольствия я никакого не получала. Да и не должна была, ха.

    Меня все это угнетало. Мои цели не реализовывались. Я окончательно подкисла, когда начала осознавать, что теперь моя жизнь – это достигание целей Т., которые преподносились как общие. Поскольку у нас все ок с коммуникацией и вообще с отношениями (хотя по тексту может показаться не так, но здесь я пишу только про бизнес) – Т. понял, что я гасну. Он хотел и пытался помочь, но ему тоже было больно от осознавания того, что нам скорее всего не по пути в плане зарабатывания денег.

    По возвращении я взялась за учебу и прошла интересный хм.. марафон. Т. меня во всем поддерживал, периодически вербуя в общий бизнес. К октябрю 2017 я снова расстаяла и решила все-таки попробовать…

    We all dispose of significant amounts of wastes in our homes or business locations. If we left all these scraps to accumulate in one spot, we would be posing a lot of danger to the people, animals, and pets in the area. These hazards come from the stench and the risk of coming into contact with this garbage. Sydney companies. This is one of the many reasons why people seek the services of rubbish removal. Additionally, these companies understand the best ways of disposing of these wastes either by dumping in landfills, incinerating or recycling. Therefore, when seeking these services, we believe that the rubbish will be appropriately handled without causing harm to the environment, human beings, and animal species. However, there are those rubbish removal Sydney companies that do not treat the customers or collected rubbish as recommended.

    · Their reputation: It is easy to identify a rubbish elimination Sydney Company that has a good reputation and one that does not. Information about a company's reputation can be obtained from friends and relatives. Their feedback provides accurate information on the effectiveness and overall customer service of the company's employees. Additionally, a firm that has created a strong online presence. Checking the feedback from the past customers on the site.

    · Promptness in responding to customers calls: A junk disposal Sydney Company needs to invest in reliable employees who understand the need for prioritizing the needs of their customers. When clients call to ask something about the removal services and their calls go unanswered, they are a proof of unreliability. The promptness also extends to the time they take to the place to remove the garbage. If the company takes more than three days to respond to, or show up to, the site. Clients' dislike such delays especially when they intend to put the trashed space into useful use.

    · Methods of dealing with the collected garbage: It is essential to choose a trash disposal Sydney Company that uses eco-friendly practices of disposing of wastes . Good companies begin by sorting the scraps into different categories; say the recyclables, those going to charity and those to be eliminated by either dumping or incineration. Dumping should only be done in the recommended landfills. Customers prefer companies that dump their garbage responsibly.

    · Excellent communication skills with customers: Some debris removal Sydney companies' staff take time to explain to their customers. That way, they keep different trash bins for keeping the organic and non-organic wastes.


    When looking for an excellent rubbish removal, Sydney Company, ensure that you take the cost factors as well.

    Я не умею писать рецензии, я не скажу, что абсолютно поняла этот фильм, но то, что он особенный - это точно. Я ловила каждое движение Дженнифер, вдумывалась в каждое слово и жест. И это доставляло мне удовольствие. Куча крупных планов, а еще мы наблюдаем за происходящим как будто бы из-за плеча главной героини. Много безумных мыслей и сравнений. "Он" - это кто? Бог? Творец? Дьявол?

    Просто рой мыслей в голове. Одно могу сказать точно, это заставит ваш мозг думать и вспоминать. Порой, слишком сильно и из-за этого можно не заметить чего-то явного.

    С детства помню все эти маленькие книжки, которые находила у бабушки и разглядывала. Моя бабушка - человек религиозный, поэтому я с детства знала, кто такие Адам и Ева, Каин, Авель, Ной, Лот, Моисей, Соломон. Не то чтобы я этим серьезно увлекалась, нет, просто эти имена были на слуху. Но все-таки, несмотря на это, фильм остается для меня загадкой.

    Вот не хочу спойлеров, поэтому, кто не смотрел, не читайте дальше.

    Обожаю эту замусоленную тему о создании Богом людей. Они его чтили, уважали, боготворили (естессно, он же бог!), фанатики блин. Просто одновременно грустно и интересно смотреть на то, как Бог отсутствует в моменты, когда он нужен этой земле, но вместо этого жаждет слепого почитания. Эх. И все прощает и прощает людям их грехи, их похоть, злобу и преступления.

    В общем, я впечатлилась. Весь день думаю об этом фильме.

    I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.

    I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done.

    You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.

    —Tomas Young, The Last Letter