привет, вьюи! я все еще учусь на лингвистическом факультете местного вуза, все еще мне периодически становится очень грустно и тоскливо, и хочется делать глупости и вести себя как ребенок, поддаваясь нахлынувшим эмоциям. хотя все-таки иногда хочется верить, что за эти года во мне что-то поменялось и я больше не воспринимаю жизнь так трагично, как в 2013-ом в самом расцвете подросткового максимализма (который, как оказалось, все-таки реально существующая штука, хотя и не заслуживает такого снисходительного к себе отношения со стороны взрослых).
так уж получилось, что вчера мне стало плохо.
сначала плакала сто лет в ванной, хотя должна была писать курсовую и тысячу бессмысленных заданий по физкультуре, потом гуляла одна по ночному городу и человек, который стал причиной всему этому, совсем мне не писал. а мне снова 14 лет и от этого было ой как паршиво.
а сегодня пришла сюда за тем, чтобы что-нибудь написать. "что-нибудь написать" всегда действует на меня успокаивающе, помогает распутать клубок из мыслей в голове и выйти из так называемого reactive placе, обрести некое спокойствие. но то, что я хочу написать, должно быть на английском, потому что в моей голове оно так и звучит. учеба делает свое дело.

Я люблю тебя, и это здорово
Ты принимаешь водного в два короба
И это вводная; смотрим Nickelodeon под бошками
Подпортим слизистую дорожками
Ты моя кошка, твой Куклачев ни на что не променяет эти моменты
Когда тлеет на конце сигареты
Или когда наконец на конце ты
Я певец, как Саня Зацепин
Сквозь марлю Боба Вавилон процедим
И те проценты, что остались целы, не подлежат наценке
Они бесценны, так что люби меня, как нарки группу Center
Как Real Trans Hair Гошку Куценко, лыс как коленка
Коммунист как Маленков, как сиротка, не могу надышаться моментом
Ты взяла мое сердце в аренду
И твой образ в мою Москву понаехал
Где были лишь рэп и курёха
Оставим в постели похоть
Я люблю тебя, и это вполне неплохо

Знаешь, а я ведь веду дневник. Не в рамках сентиментальностей, а для того, чтобы хоть что-то помнить. В течение полугода я как-то на это дело забила, но записывала некие основные положения дня, чтобы потом расписать. И вот наконец-то я закончила перепись своего недалекого прошлого. Так интересно, как менялось мое настроение из месяца в месяц. В октябре меня буквально поглотила депрессия: не хотелось ничего делать, я задерживалась на новой работе допоздна, а дома просто ложилась спать. В ноябре же наоборот ощутила приток сил и энергии: начала ходить в спортзал, со всеми встречалась, вечно пропадала где-то. В это же время я написала заметку, что нужно об этом написать пост: о том, как вдохновлена, как готова крушить стены и чудовищ и прыгать выше головы. Сейчас же я не ощущаю данных эмоций, а значит, мой замысел пропал даром. Я не умираю от тоски, но и не стремлюсь вести так называемую active social life. Мне норм. А тебе?

Получилось очень коротко, но так и надо, это just a gist.

Integrated marketing communications

  • strategic business process to
    plan, develop, execute, and evaluate
    coordinated, measurable and persuasive
    brand communication programs
  • with internal and external audience


  • short-term financial return
  • long-term brand and shareholder value
  • Marketing planning process

    • Mkt strategy analysis

    Opportunity analysis
    Competitive analysis

    • Target mkt process
    Identifying markets
    Market segmentation
    Selecting a target market
    Positioning through mkt strategies
    • Mkt planning program development
    Product decisions
    Pricing decisions
    Channel of distribution decisions

    Promotional decisions (ASPIDP)
  • Advertising
  • Sales promotion
  • Personal selling
  • Interactive/Internet mkt
  • Direct mkt
  • Publicity/PR
    • Target market

    Promotion to reseller

    Promotion to ultimate consumer

  • Consumers
  • Businesses
  • Growing importance of IMC

  • Strategically INTEGRATES various communication functions
  • AVOIDS DUPLICATION and takes advantage of synergy among promotional tools
  • Develops MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE mkt communication programs
  • Changing environment:
  • evolution to micromarketing
    consumers' unresponsiveness to traditional advertising
    changing rules of mkt

    Positioning strategies (APUPPCC)

  • Attributes and benefits
  • Price and quality
  • Use and applucation
  • Product class
  • Product users
  • Competitors
  • Cultural symbols
  • Advertising risks of using celebrities

    • Overshadow the product
    • Overexposed, reducing credibility
    • Target audience not receptive
    • Celebrity's behavior pose a risk

    Source attractiveness

  • Similarity (resemblance)
  • Familiarity (knowledge of source)
  • Likeability (physical appearance, behavior or personal traits)
  • Message structure

    • One-sided (mention only positive attributes)
    when audience:
  • already likes the topic
  • less educated
    • Two-sided (mention both, good and bad)

    when audience:

  • hold opposite opinion
  • highly educated
  • Channel factors

    1. Personal VS. Non personal (recommendations from friends, family, etc. have more influence than media)

    2. Differences in info processing (can control pace when read a magazine, cannot control pace on the radio/TV)

    3. Effects of context and environment

    - medium's effect
    - image of media
    - nature of the program in which advertising is placed

    4. Clutter (amount of advertising in medium)

    Обнимаемся, как старые друзья. Тяну его к себе, целую в нос, а в ответ агрессия резкая.
    - Я думал, ты перебесишься и мы сможем попробовать быть вместе.
    Тихо удивляюсь, мы сто лет знакомы. Сто лет мы друзья с пошлым подтекстом. Никогда бы не подумала, что Старший брат думает о чем-то более близком. Смотрю на него с грустью, потому что это точка…конец истории.
    - Я люблю его.
    Мы тратим еще 15 минут. Я стараюсь не зареветь, как маленькая. Он холоден и, кажется, жалеет о встреча и словах.
    Последние 15 минут. Холодное расставание и ощутимая точка, без продолжения.

    Regardless of, every household has a kitchen area, however, a lot of them do unknown just what kind of cooking area they come from, thus the need for kitchen lighting design. Have you ever before categorized your cooking area? What sort of cooking area you have? Is it a rustic or nation design? Where design you wish to transform it, nation to modern or rustic to a streamlined modern-day cooking area? Someone like the elimination of all additional devices develops their cooking area to transform it into a minimal cooking area.

    Kitchen Lighting Design

    So, it is a reality that you need to understand about the kitchen lighting design you intend to make right into your kitchen area improvement. Whatever it might be, you have to maintain compared to factor in your mind that the cooking area is the only room where we invest one of the most beneficial time of our life. In contemporary idea, kitchen area is not just an office of preparing food. It is utilized as an analysis space; playing video games with your children or talking with your close friends also for organizing an event in the weekend break. In this perspective, you have to think of the enhancement of design as well as additional worth included products in a kitchen area along with the regular daily-useable devices.

    Creative thinking continues to be behind each of this revaluation, as well as an important part of that imagination results illumination in an appropriate reliable preparation. The correct illumination style depends upon the design of your cooking area and also on your individual psychology.

    There is a huge range of illumination components for the cooking area beginning with the island lights, necklaces, light fixtures, track lights, recessed lights as well as under cupboard lights. It is not that you will certainly be taken into consideration as a great developer if you make use of all type of lights her as well as inside the cooking area. Every design of illumination has its personality and also worth. A few setups of lights often functions far better compared to a lavish setup of all pricey lights. Success is restricted in the preparation.

    In the beginning, you need to separate the parts of the cooking area inning accordance with the sort of job. The workplace for preparing food is fairly various in capability as well as the value of the space of your kitchen area where you normally do some crucial documents or check out publications. Every component needs to be lit up by its very own relevance and also different interest is necessary to be attracted to each and every location. This sort of differential lights is called accent lights.

    For instance, if you wish to place a unique focus on a stunning huge paint or other artwork that is held on the wall surface or if you place some unique recipes planned for your family members to offer a shock on the table, you require a type of recessed cooking area lighting fixture or straight mounted lights for that. Those lights can be guided by a certain item and also placed added accent relative to various other things.

    Under closet, illumination is an additional design of lighting to produce a fantastic destination on the counter leading location which every proprietor prefers to concentrate on optimum. These lights are most cost-effective as well as are really soft as well as reduced. You could have numerous attractive under cupboard lighting fixture within seventy-eighty bucks. Usage most modern-day backsplash ceramic tiles with matching shade as well as structure inning accordance with your selection as well as the motif of the cooking area to include a unique worth of destination. Usage dimmer buttons to regulate the illumination and also the state of mind of cooking area at the various time as well as in various demand.

    A water heater is not something we consider frequently. It is only one of those minions that operates in the background and maintains your house in sync with each day to day actions.

    gas water heater NZ will collect sediments

    Whether you're cleaning or cooking, you expect the water to be hot once you turn the tap into the desired temperature. The exact same is anticipated when you turn on a light switch in a space.

    Regrettably, the water heater is not usually given any idea until it is too late. Water which is not heated, or even worse, a cellar filled with water.

    The cellar circumstance looks pretty tame in comparison with water heaters which are stored in the loft. Our neighbor was discovered firsthand as she cleared her feet. She was only bought the townhome next door and had the house with all appliances.

    Listed below are some of the components that may break and require repair during the Lifetime of your water heater:

    The pilot light goes out

    The electrical circuit breaker is triggered

    A broken thermostat

    A faulty heating component

    A stuck valve

    All those things can be repaired and can not be helped.

    The life expectancy of a traditional water heater is a a 6-year warranty. We analyzed our own lately and recognized it had been 14 years of age. We arrived at the consensus that 'our water heater had been living on borrowed time'. Through the year's gas water heater, NZ will collect the sediments at the bottom of the tank which can not get flushed out any longer. Your device will use a lot more energy, whilst heating less water, along with the corrosion.

    Tank-less vs Traditional - After speaking with all of our neighbors and friends. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.neighboursand friends, as we were, decided to go with tankless unit. The upfront price was likely to be, however, the energy in the future was planning to spend money on the apparatus inside of a couple of years. It appeared like the choice was comparatively simple to create. The plumber is said to be a different narrative.

    For your tank-less water heater to operate properly it requires a 3/4 "gas line coming to the apparatus." Our gas line was a mere 1/2 "and we had to update. The expense of the installation. Only the radically jumped up and we'd be left with a mess.

    Replacing the older gas water heater NZusing a traditional one was not just the most sensitive to your own house, but it was also much easier on the pocket.

    The upside - Due to technological improvements newer versions of traditional gas water heaters are not only more energy efficient but are assembled in this manner that they are inhibited.

    You need to weigh your choices and discover which sort of unit. Cost-efficacy versus your upfront cost. It surely does not hurt to find a couple of different kinds of quotes for the occupation out of local plumbers.

    Routine maintenance pays off at the conclusion - here is a small tip that will add to your own water heaters life and its own performance. Flush your water heater yearly! This involves shutting up the unit and hooking up a normal garden home to it. By flushing your water heater you'll be eliminating the most of the mineral residue that could corrode inner pieces.

    Do not allow the 'out of sight out of mind' habit.

    A busted down water heater. By being proactive you can budget for this price and with the annual maintenance, you will be able to guarantee that the very best functionality and long life expectancy.

    If you're keen to compose exemplary guest articles which readily acquire accepted with the blogs you wish to get published on, and also that will help you receive more site traffic, then search engine optimization benefits and much more readers, follow along with seven strategies for optimum guest blogging sites for SEO which will allow you to choose your weblog to a completely different level.

    1. Show Confidence When Enhancing Your Thoughts

    If it comes to guest posting that the first prospect for failure can be the pitch, therefore make sure you exude confidence as of this time. Actually compose the guest article you are telling before you toss it doing to assist you to sell your own idea longer successfully.

    2. Concentrate on Wowing Their Clients By the Start

    Ensure that you demonstrate your proficiency and also effervescence from the comfort of the commencement of one's guest article. Do not write carefully and gently. Begin your guest article having a bang for catch the interest of your audience instantly and also maintain up the energy all of the way during your article so as to operate a vehicle readers in to actions in order they click your connection at the ending.

    3. Submit 100% Particular Authentic Content

    Do not take action that's been achieved previously. It's nice to retread old ground at a fresh and intriguing way though. Covering older themes at a fresh manner is really a excellent method to compose a favorite guest article. Just make sure you put in your very own unusual spin or angle and you are bound to have a success in your hands on.

    4. Do not Shamelessly Plug Your Own Personal Website On Your Guest Post

    If you are away being a spammer your article is highly unlikely to become taken by anybody for novel, and thus do not fit your connection in to the article anywhere apart from on your author bio at the ending.

    5. Make Your End As potential

    Make sure your guest article finishes as engagingly because it started and also make sure you incorporate a powerful proactive approach that drives readers to check out along with the way you really would like them.

    6. Make Courteous For Your Own Host

    You may most likely need to socialize a little with your server because they ready your article on your novel. Make sure you demonstrate to them anyhow by answering questions and providing some extra information that they ask instantly.

    7. Dedicate For Your Guest Post Whole Heartedly

    Commit whole-heartedly to your guest article and then milk it for all its values by responding to comments, encouraging it upon Twitter and face book, and by simply writing a article all on your site to enjoy whole benefit of their traffic that it sends your own way.