"You and him…..you and Mang’er…..in the end, are you….” The information he wanted to express was too hard to say, since it was about his own childhood friend. Although Lu Zhanxing’s face was so thick, he couldn’t help but stammer, "Were you two…."

Mo Xi said: "Yes."

дочитала книгу дней десять назад. с иронией несколько раз перечитала предыдущий пост, где я писала, как жду заботы о гу мане. как я начала плакать главе на седьмой. помню, как думала, что должно же наладиться все в конце концов.

я проревела всю книгу, вплоть до последней главы.


каждый год я хочу поехать в ботанический сад в это время, чтобы посмотреть на всю осеннюю красоту, и каждый год не получается. в этом году животный ужас настигает при мысли о пинании листвы. без ноги остаться не хочется ну вот вообще.

вчера мы с мамой проехали мимо него по пути в строительный гипермаркет, куда мы направились за тазиком для воды. наш загадочным образом и крайне необъяснимо треснул. этих гипермаркетов по республике штук 5, из них три в донецке и один сразу за. тот, в который мы обычно ездим, разбомбили два месяца назад. второй на жд, куда я и хотела поехать, но мама наотрез отказалась, потому что та часть тоже постоянно под обстрелом. но я настаивала. нам выходить из дома, и тут начинается обстрел как раз той части района, куда я хотела поехать.

уехали в другую сторону — за донецк. гипермаркет стоит на пригорке, и с него прекрасно видно один находящийся неподалеку завод.

— ЯКХЗ, – говорю я маме, тыкая в дребежащее стекло, – часто обстреливается.

возвращаемся домой, читаю новости, и, конечно, вижу про прилеты на ЯКХЗ.

новый тазик — красный.


у бабушки контузия. скорее всего, пострадала перепонка (мы это никак проверить не можем), но она заживает. из приятного — три дня назад у нее пошла вода в кране второй раз с марта, и она набрала воды. нам тоже дали воду после двух недель ремонта.

из неприятного — в воскресенье утром ракета хаймерса прилетела в здание администрации города, влетела в фундамент. если бы это был рабочий день, маму бы в лучшем случае очень сильно посекло стеклом и придавило мебелью. сломала бы что-то, не считая ударной волны и все такое. с обратной стороны ее крыла стены нет. в понедельник она по расписанию ушла в отпуск и пошла на работу выгребать стекло, а также принимать почту охуевших всех остальных, которым отсутствие части здания, света, интернета, стекол и проч. не мешает никак.

сижу в очереди к кардиологу рядом с пневмонийными, потому что кабинет врача, в очереди к которому я сижу от часа до трех, находится рядом с рентгет-кабинетом. из приятного — врач очень хорошая и докопалась до практически всех моих проблем и их последствий. из не очень — у меня какой-то зудящий почти-птср из-за событий зимы, и я дичайше боюсь заболеть опять. подходит зима (уже), у меня начинается очень тихая паника и "2 января мама уже температурила, а через неделю я".

мозгу не объяснишь, что в наших условиях быстрее и намного вероятнее получится умереть от обстрела. ему все страшно, что я опять задохнусь.


у нас сегодня была гроза. дома очень холодно, и неизвестно, когда дадут тепло. а когда дадут, неизвестно, продержится ли оно, или кто-то сольет воду с батарей. в горловке, где ситуация с водой ровно в три раза лучше нашей, ее тоже сливают, и люди остаются без отопления. вполне возможно, что на весь период, потому что взять новую воду элементарно неоткуда.

ем свои крамблы сама и проклятые эти семена чиа, привезенные ритиной начальницей по просьбе риты и мамы, тоже ем сама. повесила гирлянду на стену, достала свою новогоднюю кружку. больше месяца почти не разговариваю с ритой, но извиняться мама заставляет меня.

как-то так все. все как-то вот так.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I can’t escape the feeling I am a teenager and it’s 2009-13 now. Feels like life was better back tothose days: music was better, TV was better, fashion was better (we all remember preppy, don’t we?). Sometimes I listen to the Pussicat Dolls, or Nickelback, or Lady Gaga just to feel that moment way before the COVID-2019 sh*t. Or I watch "Pretty Little Liars" or "glee" like it’s going to make me younger to get it right. The more I dive the worse I feel. It’s hard not to even if I have life now: I have a job, hobbies, a nice flat, – I’ve grown up, it’s time to stop digging into the past that is NEVER coming back, and there’s nothing sad about it.

I’ve always thought it was Aria, I’ve saved a lot of pictures of Aria on Pinterest bc I like her style and I find her really pretty. I also used to like Spencer or Emily (I mean, their style (c’mon, it has always been about fashion, hasn’t it?)), but now I can’t name enyone better than Hanna. She’s like the soul of the group, she’s been through a lot but became stronger and better and never lost her humanity or was annoying. We love Hanna here

Well, I guess, I have to say hello. I’m Roxana.

I can’t tell why I started this blog. I just want to share some things without people knowing I like them. So here I am, on Viewy. I won’t say anything personal about me like my real name, location and I’m, definitely, not giving any links here. It’s all about being honest but staying anonymous because I don’t want to feel like I overshare. I’ve always wanted to keep a journal or a diary about myself so later, in many years, people will know I existed. So mysterious… :D I hope not to put it off for a long time.

Okay, if you’re okay with it follow me. I noticed this platform isn’t in great request as it used to be, it’s for the best anyway.



sometimes i wake up and think that i’m you. if i stay still, if i don’t speak, there’s no difference. but then i speak, and i move, and he smiles.

i sit at the mirror, and look at your face. i think about you slashing your wrists, tip my head back. the hair he combs is your hair. i wonder if he misses the colour of my eyes.

i don’t think he thinks about it — about you. for him, having me here is a miracle, he’s never going to question it.

but i do.

what did you think i would be like? you gave me these hands to kill your enemies, but now they are the hands that i hold his with.

Я очень устала. Отпуск, после которого нужен еще один. Не представляю, как всё будет, не хочу никуда ехать уже. Не чувствую, что вот это детское чувство расторжения дел в голове, расторжения времени, когда отвлекаешься, обо всем забываешь и возвращаешься обновленным, возможно теперь.

Кстати о детстве. Почему все взрослые отношения на самом деле такие детские? Почему все реакции, попытки поговорить и решить «как надо» проваливаются с треском у взрослых, старых, умудренных людей? О чем это нам говорит?

Кстати о тебе. Когда я не думаю о тебе, ты сам вспоминаешь и напоминаешь — теперь протяжным и очень смешным «алеёёёёё». Меня слишком много в твоей жизни, в твоем поздравительном видео, в твоих сообщениях. Мне надо скрыться, свалиться, но я не могу, не получается. И по-настоящему ревную только к той, у которой шансов еще меньше, чем у меня (назовем это так). Бывают такие комплименты, после которых хочется сжечь комментируемую одежду и себя заодно. Это вот они.

Долгое время я спрашивала себя, смогу ли найти такого же достойного, морального, порядочного мужчину ? В смысле, реально ли одной женщине повстречать аж нескольких таких за всю жизнь, или это фантастика? И вот я сижу в ресторане в другом городе, смотрю и понимаю, что это реальность. Это реально. Ну, и раз вас уже двое, значит есть еще бесконечное множество похожих. Но оно мне, конечно же, не нужно.

Питер сводит меня с ума. Уставшая театральная декорация, город-сказка, город-мечта: о силе, о власти, о порядке. Ненастоящий город, который я обожаю и которым надо прививаться. Эрмитаж ужасен, кстати.

Ночами довожу себя до слез. Чем? Мыслями о том, насколько же я, черт возьми, далека от идеала. Это, наверное, реакция на отверженность. Да-да, детская реакция из абзаца выше. Уничтожаю себя, а толку? Лучше не становлюсь.

Сама себе с новой челкой кажусь совершенно другим человеком, незнакомым. Какие-то вайбы 60-х, 80-х, 90-х, которые я вроде и ненавижу, а вроде мне и очень идет. И никто не воспринимает меня другой, для всех я та же. А я в ахере от себя и от невыносимой легкости моего согласия, с которой ножницы резали выгоревшие волосы.

Я и правда горю как агония, и эта хуйня теперь в моей голове.

Don’t know where you are right now

Did you see me on TV?

I’ll try not to starve myself

Just because you’re mad at me

And I’ll be in denial for at least a little while

What about the plans we made?

The internet’s gone wild watching movie stars on trial

While they’re overturning Roe v. Wade

Now all of my friends are missing again

’Cause that’s what happens when you fall in love

You don’t have the time, you leave them all behind

You tell yourself it’s fine, you’re just in love

And I don’t get along with anyone

Maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I’m the problem

Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I’m the problem

Baby I, baby I, baby I’m the problem

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия #дружба #питер #мысли

Наши глаза ведут свой собственный диалог. Его спрашивают: «я еще тебе нравлюсь? Я ведь тебе еще нравлюсь? Я ведь именно это вижу в твоей серо-голубой радужке? Ты правда так в меня веришь?» и «Я знаю, что ты поняла».

Мои глаза говорят: «Отпусти крючки из своих зрачков. Ну и что еще ты придумаешь? Я не сопротивляюсь, потому что мне интересно. Я вижу тебя целиком, без прикрас. Мне просто интересно, что еще ты придумаешь» и «Я знаю, что ты понял. Я тебя понимаю».

Мои глаза видят всё: красивые запястья, шрамы, истерпанность рубашки, родинку на боку, хитрость, голову леопарда, счет в банке, морщинки уголком. О да, морщинки у глаз уголком, которые будут только глубже и глубже, как и боль, наслаждение, радость, печаль, разочарование, гнев, напряжение, отчаяние, умиление.

Мои глаза видят всё. Твои глаза видят многое.

Я думаю, как я переживу вечер. Я думаю, что уже никому не могу объяснить, что происходит. Когда от человека пахнет родным, и это не кондиционер для белья. Когда от человека устаешь, сам того не замечая. Когда об человека режешься, как о бумагу, но также легко его сминаешь собой. Когда знаешь, что всё в итоге будет правильно и хорошо, но сам еще не знаешь, как.

I used to see the future and now I see nothing

They cut out my eyes and sent me home packing

To pace around the kitchen for scraps of inspiration

Crying like Cassandra, I

Used to tell the future, but they cut out my tongue

And left me doing laundry to think in what I’ve done

It wasn’t me, it was the song

I used to move into the future, bring it all back

Let it bleed through my fingers, a treasure in my hands

Now I creep out when there’s no one about

’Cause they put crosses on the doors to try and keep mе out

The garden’s overgrown

And I run in thе middle of the road (ooh)

Well, can you see me? I cannot see you

Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view

In this blindness I’m condemned to

Well, can you hear me? I cannot hear you

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия #дружба

кусаю сама себя чтобы хоть немного подуспокоить свои мысли

i think i fallen in love this time i think it’s for real

can i get a kiss and can you make it last forever I’m about to go to war and I don’t know if imma see you again

(и утопаю в романтичных песнях тайлера)

Viewy, никогда я себя не чувствовала настолько БЕСПОЛЕЗНОЙ. Это самое верное слово, которые несколько дней крутится в голове и задает вопрос: "почему, зачем?". Не находя ответ, я не могу просыпаться по утрам, мне тошно от этих стен, от этого города, не хватает сил кого-то выслушивать или с кем-то видеться, все же уже пройдено — чувствую себя ненужной, потерянной. И ощущение никчемности, отсутствия ответственности, отсутствия важных дел. Куда идти? С закрытием любимой пекарни и истечением срока абонемента идти некуда. И невыносимо грустно. Пару дней я правда сидела дома между книжек, мне вроде нравился дождь и холодная погода, может я пыталась себя чем-то спасти — любимыми передачами, музыкой, едой… но все как-то незачем. Остановилась в подаче резюме, так как совсем нет ответов, решила, что может где-то ошибаюсь, на каком этапе стоит пересмотреть свое отношение, роль? И нет сил вообще.

Из-за одной книги "Вверх". про карьеру, я подумала, что надо чуть почитать не про построение карьеры, а про пребывание в состоянии без карьеры, так как скоро год и не думать об этом состоянии и думать, что ничего в дальнейшем не получится, пришли на ступень "разрушать себя". Не знаю, как и где лучше читать статьи на эту тему. Хочу правда золотой сборник статей по разным темам — психологии, экономике, культуре, развитию, политологии и другим вещам. Глубина. Не хватает глубины и chellenge.

Основные моменты в научно-популярной заметке, что происходит с эмоциональным состоянием безработного человека:

— “Income losses might forcethe unemployed to reduce their living standards drastically which, of course, could influence both the physical and mental health ofunemployed workers” (Björklund, 1985, p.471).

— “Those who are economically insecure, employed or unemployed, have a lowermorale” (Eisenberg and Lazarsfeld, 1938, p.361).

—Becoming unemployed can result in a drop in status amongfriends and family, and in the community at large. This can leadto a loss of self-esteem (Björklund, 1985).

— "a feeling that lifeis not under one’s control” (Darity and Goldsmith, 1996, p.123).

— The loss of a job typically means a loss of contact with workcolleagues and a shrinking of social networks. That loss ofengagement and “social capital” can bring about a decline inpersonal well-being (Helliwell and Putnam, 2004).

Прошли все.

The National gives me some thoughts about how to feel about the love in its common sense. It is a little bit difficult to start write in English, because of luck of practice. The thing is that many people feel exhausted after ending their relations. I feel that love only expands inside of me. It rises and breaths higher comparing with the previous periods of life. I am searching for a real person, making philosophical questions how people interact with each other, how they create their individuals, help and invest their time. Many different questions and not the same text in English.

Почему застрял в моей памяти, совершенно случайный образ? Отличный от моих рациональных суждений и открывающий совершенно другой, но более развитый интуицией, подход к жизни? Философия, история? Поезд чуть задерживается. Почему иногда мы можем себе позволить не только откровенные беседы с совершенно незнакомыми людьми, но что-то большее? Для меня «да» на орешки со сгущенкой было не только удивлением об открывшейся внешней стороне, но и о самой себе. Почему-то это откладывается.

В поисках своей морали иногда плутаешь в критических точках или смотришь на людей, которые уже рассказывают о своем «дне». При чем это может происходить так легко и незаметно в диалогах, а всегда остается притягательным. Я много ошибалась, выбирая, на свой взгляд «антиморалистов», а на самом деле, всего-то раздолбаев, которые вследствие могли потеряться без анализа событий и ошибок.

*старые заметки. 09.11.2019

Прошло много времени с прошлого блога. Даже не могу открыть записи, чтобы посмотреть, на чем я остановилась. Просто сообщаю вам, что это не первая моя заметка. Я долго капризничала, не могла взять ручку в руку и начать писать. Мне нужно было именно это окошко, ноутбук на коленках, музыка, стук по клавиатуре и поток мыслей. Когда пишешь о том, что приходит в голову. Это не обязательно негативный опыт и переживания, может пора уже пойти направленности и настойчивости в другую сторону?

Вымучивая 2,5 часа, я посмеивалась над поверхностными структурами, глупыми вопросами и другими вещами. Это еще хорошо, что на презентацию пришли девочки с MAE и BAE, доверие было (говорю об открытом кейсе McKinsey). Еще год назад для меня эти люди, нет, даже люди из компании поменьше, не будем уточнять ее имя, казались образцами — много читают, знают о деловом бизнесе и переговорах, как приоткрывают завесу другого, незнакомого мира. А те, кто умело орудует темами, в которых я не смыслю, часто поднимает внутри уважение. (но, к сожалению или к счастью, это не касается творчества). Будь это политика, география и история, физика, математика. В общем, презентация была долгая. но слушала я внимательно и в этой безмятежности могла понять, что мне нравится, а что нет. Как когда пристально смотришь за людьми в метро и подмечаешь детали (резкое сравнение).

Необходимо: А. Понимать, какие отделы есть и какие стажировки, также способы подачи резюме на работу.

В. Редактировать резюме.

С. Вытянуть разговорный английский, больше учить слов.

D. What about the data?

Интересно, это я сама намедетировала?

Интересно, это все по-настоящему?

Скольжение. Еще чуть-чуть, и… Ну не буду же я сразу кидаться в крайности. Лучше буду скользить по острию ножа. Лучше буду надеяться на продолжение банкета.

Лучше буду искать в соннике только мне нужное значение. Лучше буду…

Боже, какая Эйфория невозможно красивая. Премию тому извращенцу, что придумал так снимать.

A thousand boys that look like you

Cover my eyes eletric blue

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out I don’t know shit

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out

A thousand girls that look like me

Staring out at the open sea

Repeat the words until they’re true

Cover my eyes electric blue

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out I don’t know shit

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it

But I found out

Now you’ve got me so confused

’Cause I don’t know how to sing your blues

Jesus Christ, what could I do?

I don’t know how to sing your blues

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it, but I found out

Cover my eyes electric blue

Cover my eyes electric blue

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night I dream about you

Every single night

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия

Выгляжу точь-в-точь как Кэрри Бредшоу у её легендарного окна. Строчу в очках, то бишь. Знаю, звучит смешно, слова и ритмика выбраны специально. Показать кому-то — стыдно.

Выдуманные сценарии. Я пропустила момент когда могла бы, могла бы по-настоящему соскочить. Писала же об этом. Я упустила момент, когда могла бы заткнуться и сделать это тайной, маленькой, чистой, своей. Я упустила момент. Ночью подумалось: насколько я вообще сильный человек? Здесь за один сезон я повернула историю на 180 градусов, продвинула вперед и даже попутно сложила личную жизнь подруге. Я, я, я. Я упорная девочка. Я упорная, но зачем мне это такой ценой? Перевернула игру блять.

Я упустила момент. И этот разговор, как обычно, ниоткуда в никуда, с его невероятно точно сформулированной жизненной позицией, пробил. Как будто узнала сразу всё, что необходимо знать. И невозможно согласиться больше. Это сообщение меня добьет.

А внешне ничего и не происходит. Но внутри…so cold outside, so freaking hot inside…never moderate

Хотя вообще мне нравится, что это заставляет вспоминать всех, о ком плакала. Вспоминать и сравнивать, и думать. И думать. Всё в голове.

Теряю нить разговора.

You’re in the getaway car

You don’t care about us (oh oh)

You don’t care about us (oh oh)

You don’t care about us (oh oh)

You don’t care about us

You’re too complicated, we should separate it

You’re just confiscating, you’re exasperating

This degeneration, mental masturbation

Think I’ll leave it all behind, save this bleeding heart of mine

It’s a matter of trust

It’s a matter of trust

It’s a matter of trust

It’s a matter of trust


You don’t care about us

#писатель а #дневник а #мысли

Картинки опять не видно, но ладно. Мы снова общаемся с ней, и чувствуется взаимное облегчение. Научись прощать. Научись зачеркивать ошибки аккуратно.

Если это — чистой воды разводилово, стыдно ли мне в него играть? Стыдно ли мне чувствовать, обижаться, покупаться? Верить или не верить? Стыдно ли, в моем возрасте? Испортит ли это мой прекрасный образ завуча школы сук, хоть полноправно я в нем и никогда не существовала?

Стыдно, если тебя обыграет малолетка? Или это весьма адекватная цена за то, чтобы чувствовать себя снова живой?

Doesn’t care, I’m always on my Blackberry

All the time, all the time, buying into every lie

I’m a flashy little lush, but he thinks I’m really fine

Notorious and wild, takes me where I’m gonna shine

Where the bad boys roll hard, dressing like James Dean

And the vixen starlets feels so good to be

We’re children of the bad revolution

And partying’s the only solution

In our minds, there ain’t any confusion

About who we are and what we’re gonna be

We’re gonna get free, free, free, free, free, free, free

Get free

#писатель а #дневник а #рефлексия #чувства

The facts of life can sometimes make it hard to dream

Life rocked me like Mötley

Grabbed me by the ribbons in my hair

Life rocked me ultra-softly

Like the heavy metal that you wear

I’m flying to the moon again

Dreaming about heroin

How it gave you everything and took your life away

I put you on an aeroplane

Destined for a foreign land

I hoped that you’d come back again

And tell me everything’s okay, ay

Babe, yeah

And all my friends have gone, ’cause they still feel him here

I want to leave, I’ll probably stay another year

It’s hard to leave when absolutely nothin’s clear

Life rocked me like Mötley

Bad beginnin’ to my new year

Life rocked me ultra-softly

Like the heavy metal that you hear

#lana del rey

Страшный момент в ТЦ. Страшный момент, всё как в фильмах-катастрофах (Слава богу, обошлось). Подумалось — до пандемии подобных мыслей было больше или меньше? Кажется, что меньше. Потому что такой страх, до основания, до корней, страх потерять всё, он случился со мной первый раз в жизни.

И сразу фоном слова Ларисы Владиславовны о том, что в кризисные моменты именно семья становится оплотом человеческого существования. Где вы? Видите ли это всё?

Долго думала про жалость. Последнее время посещает меня такое желание, чтобы взяли на ручки и пожалели [Это падает первая сердечная печать, видимо]. Порыдать всласть, и чтобы просто пожалели. Почему всех так бесит жалость? Почему все считают её чем-то негативным, предосудительным, страшным? Почему?


Истинная сущность жалости не есть простое отождествление себя и другого, но признание за другим собственного значения — права на существование и наибольшее благополучие (B.C. Соловьев).

Жалость есть разделение богооставленности твари, соединение с нею в этой богооставленности (Н.А. Бердяев).

Какого черта ты мне не пишешь?

Ada, don’t talk about reasons

Why you don’t want to talk about reasons

Why you don’t wanna talk

Now that you got everybody you consider sharp

All alone, all together, all together in the dark

Leave it all up in the air

Leave it all up in the air

Leave it all up in the air

Ada, put the sounds of your house in a song

Try to be speechless for a minute

If you think you’re gonna faint, go out in the hallway

Let them all have your neck

#писатель а #дневник а #мысли #чувства

20 000 фотографий — это метод само-терапии. Карусель, цветы на Манежной и вкусный тыквенный суп. Зафиксируй это, не анализируй это.

Обида — камень в твоей душе. Обида — тяжкий дух в комнатах, тягучий и заунывный. Спроси себя, кого ты хочешь уничтожить?

Я правда смогу с кем угодно не разговаривать больше до конца своих дней. Но надо ли?

I’m always thinking about useless things

I’m always checking out

I’m always mothering myself to bits

I’m always checking out

Forget it, nothing I change changes anything

I won’t let it, I won’t let it ruin my hair

I only take up a little of the collapsing space

I better cut this off, don’t wanna fuck it up

I only take up a little of the collapsing space

I better cut this off, don’t wanna fuck up the place

I better walk it back, walk it back

Oh, I better walk it back, walk it back, walk it back, walk it back

I try to save it for a rainy day

It’s raining all the time

Until everything is less insane

I’m mixing weed with wine

Forget it, nothing I change changes anything

I won’t let it, I won’t let it ruin my hair

I only take up a little of the collapsing space

I better cut this off, don’t wanna fuck it up

I only take up a little of the collapsing space

I better cut this off, don’t wanna fuck it up

I only take up a little of the collapsing space

I better cut this off, don’t wanna fuck up the place

I better walk it back, walk it back

Oh, I better walk it back, walk it back, walk it back, walk it back

Oh, I better walk it back, walk it back, walk it back, walk it back

Oh, I better walk it back, walk it back, walk it back, walk it back

I can’t stay here

And I can’t come back

I’ll just keep awake

And I won’t react

I’ll walk through Lawrencetown

Along the tracks

My own body in my arms

But I won’t collapse

So don’t go dark on me

It’s all alright

#рефлексия #писатель а #дневник а


Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity

When you look in the mirror, do you see yourself?

Do you see yourself on the tv screen?

Do you see yourself in the magazine

When you see yourself, does it make you scream?

Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity


Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity

When you look in the mirror, do you smash it quick?

Do you take the glass and slash your wrists?

Did you do it for fame, did you do it in a fit?

Did you do it before you readaboutit?

Identity is the crisis, can’t you see?

Identity, identity


Анна около двух недель назад: please tell me if you’ll start feeling different about me

я, понимая, что дифферент по отношению к ней я себя никогда не почувствую: окей.

Анна сегодня: "you are…..incomprehensibly perfect to me"


забыла, как быстро и внезапно для самих себя люди влюбляются в меня, если мне этого хочется.

Successful people try things they know very little about and trust themselves to figure it out along the way.

Unsuccessful people avoid things they know very little about because they don’t trust themselves outside of their zone of comfort.

The difference is trusting yourself

Where does the pressure to succeed come from?

We often talk about the pressure social media puts on us to succeed — but what about the pressure we put on ourselves?

Admittedly, the pressure we put on ourselves will in part come from seeing other peoples achievements online, but I think there’s another layer to it, too.

We put pressure on ourselves because we know we’re capable of achieving things.

We know we’ve got the potential to do good shit.

But there’s just something stopping us from taking that leap — usually it’s confidence or, at least, it was for me.

But once I realised I wasn’t expected to achieve it ALL straight away, I could work on chipping away at things that would help me get there in the end.

Putting pressure on yourself can sometimes be a good thing.

But don’t let it be all-consuming. (c)

Чатрубейт, конечно, самый классный вебкам сайт. Мне Флирт подключили, я его уже игнорб лол. Потому что в Чатрубейте мемберы заходят в комнату я говорят, какая ты красивая, интересуются твоей жизнью, ну поэтому он так и называется лол, не только про письки, ещё и про разговоры. А во Флирте заходят без бабок чуваки и такие сразу покеж пизду. При этом во Флирте дрочить не разрешено какбы, но и не запрещено. Лол блядь, мне тоже, может, им первым сообщением писать BOTHERED ABOUT FUCKING?? Пхаха) Мне там вообще сегодня писал братишка 16летний, пиздосики.

Какой-то ком: физический и моральный. Каждый вечер я засыпаю, прокручивая тексты в голове, прокручивая мысли, которым не суждено быть высказанными.

Какой-то ком, не от обиды, от тяготения человеком даже. И уже как-то стало некрасиво прощаться по-английски, и еще пока не стало красиво отодвигать человека назад на расстояние вытянутой руки.

Я уговариваю себя, уговариваю себя. Хороший человек. Хороший. Я в это верю, но я не хочу уговаривать себя. Я не хочу жить с ощущением и установкой "ничего лучше не будет", даже если и правда не будет. И это какая-то странная, временная штука — ведь интересные мне в данный момент тоже когда-то могут оказаться в таком же положении. Но сейчас мы с ними на равных. Но сейчас мне с ними интересно.

А с ними — нет.

I’m not your friend

Or anything, damn

You think that you’re the man

I think, therefore, I am

I’m not your friend

Or anything, damn

You think that you’re the man

I think, therefore, I am

Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha

Get my pretty name out of your mouth

We are not the same with or without

Don’t talk ’bout me like how you might know how I feel

Top of the world, but your world isn’t real

Your world’s an ideal

I’m sorry

#друзья #рефлексия #дневник а #писатель а

It was never supposed to become a tradition or anything of the kind, really. It was just Wei Ying, just the first snow, the giddy feeling of it landing on your coat and open palms, melting instantly. But it did. Now, it’s him, the first snow, and the river bank. And the stranger.

Wei Ying has taken to coming to the river to watch the snow land and stifle the city that he has made his home. His, and A-Yuan’s, who is at home now, undeniably plastered to the window of his bedroom with their cat, watching the snow in the headlights of the passing cars. It’s Sunday, the day tellingly gloomy and lead-coloured. Wei Ying’s head knew about the upcoming snow before any forecast did, which still failed. It predicted snow for tomorrow, but it’s happening today already. A-Yuan thought it was ash from the bonfires at first.

Wei Ying is restless against the fencing, the carton tray he brought along is at his knees, resting on the fencing’s platform. It’s nearing five, he can’t feel his hands and nose, but Wei Ying tells himself that he’ll come. If he doesn’t – well. Maybe next year.

He busies himself with watching the snowflakes, or rather graupel, disappear once it reaches the surface. Water to water, stark white into the welcoming darkness of the same kin. It fits the city. It fits Wei Ying. Sometimes he envies the snowflakes. Sometimes he’s the river.

Despite it being the weekend, there’s no one around, because the wind is unforgiving and slashing. The nature invites to join its slumber, and Wei Ying almost did, with A-Yuan and Ghost tucked in on both sides. But he has a plan, a wish, a need to quench. Perhaps the snow will help.

Wei Ying nervously glances at his watch – it’s ten past five, tsks, turns his head and – the stranger is here, watching the snow exactly how Wei Ying’s been for the past hour. He doesn’t fidget – he never does, according to Wei Ying’s scanty data collected over three years. Wei Ying gulps, hands clenching into fists. His palms are clammy and ice-cold, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t disturb the stranger with them, he just wants to say hi.

The man is standing two spans down, the flaps of his grey coat hitting his legs. Wei Ying draws a breath. He wills his hands to cooperate, picks up the tray, and strides up to the stranger. Wei Ying is never shy about meeting new people, approaching them. With this man, it’s different. Wei Ying doesn’t know why, and it makes him quietly unsettled. Perhaps it will end today.

The man doesn’t turn as Wei Ying comes up to his side, and Wei Ying gives himself three hysterical seconds to realise that the man is gorgeous, even just one side of his face, taller than him, and completely expressionless. Still, he looks stern. Cold, like the river.

“Hi, ” Wei Ying manages, and coughs once to clear his stupid throat. “Hi, ” he repeats, brighter. The man turns to him slightly, still expressionless, which is fine, Wei Ying can work with that.

“I, uh, see you here watching the first snow every year, three years, actually. Me too.” Wei Ying’s heart leaps into his throat as the man turns to him with his whole body. Heavens, how can someone be so beautiful. If he fails, Wei Ying can’t even fling himself into the river from embarrassment.

“I am aware, ” the man says, and Wei Ying’s brain screeches to a halt.

“Oh, ” Wei Ying blurts out, and at least his cheeks start thawing from the blush. So the man has been watching him too.

“I’m Wei Ying, not a creep. I just wanted to say hi! And, ” Wei Ying points down with his chin. “I have coffee. And tea! I didn’t know what you like. I got both.”

The man inclines his head, gaze dropping to eye the tray. Wei Ying swears his brows twitch. Is that how he frowns?

“It’s freezing today, so I thought, ” Wei Ying cuts himself off. He didn’t really think that much, he just barreled into the coffee shop and ordered. “There’s a black coffee, a green tea, fruity, also black, and a cappuccino. Deflated, but, ” he shrugs, the warming talismans flapping on the wind. “If you’d like something else, I can get it! Just say the word, it’s not that far away. I just wanted to, ” Wei Ying parrots, desperate.

The man looks up at him, then down at the tray, then at him again. Wei Ying can’t feel his fingers, but he must be maiming the carton.

“Green tea, please, ” the man says, and Wei Ying breaks into a ready grin.

“Sure! I have sugar packets, in case you need them.”

Now, Wei Ying hasn’t thought of the logistics that well, so sue him.

“Ah, can you?” he says, and the man readily takes the tray from him. He’s wearing gloves, Wei Ying feels. “Thank you! Sorry, I can’t do it one-handed, I’d just spill everything.”


Wei Ying blushes violently. He tears the talismans from two cups, snatches the green tea one out of its nest, the cappuccino for himself, and ta-das victoriously. “Sugar?"

The man shakes his head. "Thank you."

Wei Ying smiles at him. Something in him unspools. The snow helps.

Wei Ying takes the tray back, hands the cup to the stranger, and lets the warmth from his cappuccino seep into his skin. He watches the snowflakes land on the man’s coat, on his dark hair, on his nose and lashes, melting. Wei Ying looks away, aware of his indecent staring.

He puts the tray on the platform – A-Yuan will enjoy the tea – and turns to the river. The ripples are soothing, nudged by the wind. The snow is growing stronger, the day darker, his trainers slippery on the wet pavement.

They keep silent, and Wei Ying is okay with that. More than just okay, if he’s being honest.

“Your hands are cold, ” he hears amidst the whirlpool of his thoughts. He turns around.


The stranger is done with tea, it seems, and he watches Wei Ying’s blisteringly red hands. “Your hands. You are cold.”

Wei Ying shrugs. “It’s fine.”

The man inserts his cup into the tray and takes his gloves off, which –

“No, it’s fine, no need! I never carry gloves, and A-Yuan always scolds me for it, but even if I do, I always forget to wear them, or I lose them, so I never even carry gloves."

The man takes Wei Ying’s cup next.

“You can lose them, ” he says, taking Wei Ying by the wrist and shoving his hand into the glove. It’s fuzzy on the inside and treacherously warm. Wei Ying’s stomach lurches from the touch of fingers on his skin.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

It’s first snow again, late this year – it’s December already. It’s Wednesday, past Lan Zhan’s bedtime, but it’s snowing, so he made amendments. Wei Ying unscrews a thermos with tea, while Lan Zhan holds out two cups. The tea steams in the cold. Wei Ying is wearing Lan Zhan’s gloves, ultimately too big for him, but he refuses to wear another pair. Any of the three pairs Lan Zhan had bought him.

“You should have worn a hat, ” Lan Zhan says, ever the worrywart. “Your hair will get wet.”

"If i get sick, you’ll kiss it away."

Lan Zhan hums his assent, and takes the thermos from Wei Ying.

The river is already hidden under a thin layer of ice, almost translucent. The snow is soft and slow, like an early morning kiss.

Lan Zhan hugs him from the back, warm, familiar. The river bank is empty, people getting warm elsewhere, on the night of the first snow.

Wei Ying is shivering in the embrace, overwhelmed and grateful. More snowflakes in the tea, on his gloved hands, on Lan Zhan’s hair.

Wei Ying watches the river. He doesn’t feel like it anymore.

к сожалению, в какой-то момент я позволила себе считать, что мнения и поступки людей по отношению ко мне могут каким-либо образом определять меня.

как-то в школе меня назвали девочкой «в теле», и в 11 классе я на личном опыте познала, что такое анорексия и булимия. голод / моно-диеты, таблетки, снижающие аппетит (как побочка не только это, а ещё расширенные зрачки и трясущиеся руки), два пальца в рот, если приходилось кушать со всеми за столом, -8 кг за три недели, выбрасывание еды, пока никто не видит, вставать на весы каждое утро, смотреть на себя в зеркало, презрительно качать головой и быть недовольной собой. в одно утро упасть в обморок, прогулять из-за этого школу, пролежать весь день и спросить себя «и кому от этого хорошо?». в какой-то момент всё-таки взять себя в руки и отступить от всего этого. отголоски прошлого иногда дают о себе знать: задумываюсь иной раз, могу ли себе что-то позволить и как это потом «отработать», мысленно отмечаю, стали ли джинсы с прошлого сезона свободны, боюсь начинать скрупулезно считать кбжу, зная, к чему это может привести. и всё это потому, что кто-то когда-то посчитал меня немного не такой, а я не нашла в себе сил плюнуть в лицо и сказать «слушай, да мне как-то без разницы, мне и так классно».

или когда в отношениях ты постоянно слышишь, что неправильно поступаешь, можно было сделать иначе и вообще ты та ещё истеричка, то после расставания думаешь, что ты действительно какая-то не такая, что никто тебя не полюбит и что так и будешь бить по клавишам и наводить драму на сайте, где никому до тебя даже нет дела.

мне очень грустно это признавать, но я едва ли не с рождения зависела от мнения окружающих, от того, какой меня видят. и сейчас какой-то умник выкрикнул бы «эй, загляни в прошлое, капни в самое детство — причина явно где-то там кроется!», а я бы удивилась в ответ и сказала, что я, напротив, росла в любви, внимании, и семья всегда давала понять, что я важна для них, способная и прочее. так в какой же момент я разрешила себе считать, что восприятие меня другими людьми определяет то, какая я есть на самом деле?

у меня крупный нос, широкие бёдра, вьющиеся волосы, которые всегда старалась выпрямить, высыпающие летом веснушки на носу, которые раньше я постоянно замазывала и ещё всякое, что мне, как казалось, отличает от других в худшую сторону. но почему? как все эти вещи делают меня хуже других? для кого-то всё это может показаться очевидным, но я только-только стала приходить ко всему этому, что, как по мне, уже шаг к победе. да что уж там – уже своего рода победа.

понимаю, что это долгая и кропотливая работа над собой, которая предполагает постоянные диалоги с собой, а так же заранее проработать мысль, что, если иной раз всё-таки начнут опускаться руки, дать себе возможность поплакать в подушку, но не возвращаться к отправной точке, а проснуться на следующий день, улыбнуться себе, приготовить кофе и понять, что ведь всё, на самом деле, хорошо.

а ещё я очень часто в голове прокручиваю любимую цитату: «everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind. always». вы только вдумайтесь, насколько это справедливо.

меня начали диссить с самого утра.

— я подумывала самой сходить, так сказать, за всех и для всех, – говорю я за завтраком. — людей пускают в церковь, и я быстро туда-обратно.

это правда. можете бросать в меня плюшевых СЧ в качестве наказания за мое долбоящерство. у нас случаев ковида мало, и, признаться, я отчего-то очень люблю ходить в церковь на Пасху. я каждый раз там загадываю желание, которое зачем-то сбывается. в этом году, правда, желания не было. но в церковь хотелось все равно. продышаться. хотя, учитывая то, что я, искусавшая все костяшки, в 4 утра закончила читать "Где нет ветров", думала, что меня защитное поле православия остановит еще у ворот.

мама с Ритой кивают так понимающе, что в голове проносится: shit’s about to go down.

— ну да, Настя и ее "мне НАДО на улицу, когда там творится ад", – говорит младшая, жуя бутер.

— гололеда только не хватает, – добавляет мама. закатываю глаза.

— не, – говорит Рита, – зачем гололед?

— потому что это самый настоящий настин уровень, – вскидывается родительница.

оба гоблина ржут.

— она бы во время зомби-апокалипсиса на улицу за хлебом вышла.

— да, и когда к ней бы подошел сипящий зомби, она бы вытащила свой розовый наушник и такая: "что надо?"

опять ржут. Рита заливается от своих же слов:

— а к другому зомби, который шел бы с открытым ртом, она бы подошла и захлопнула его одним пальцем со словами "это неприлично."

мои коммуникативные способности переоценивают, ну да ладно.


— мой, – мама протягивает мне овощи со стола.

собственный lizard brain, как говорит Пчелка, выдает через секунду:

— где ж мне Бичэнь взять? — я хлопаю себя по спине и ржу в редиску.

мама сильно старается, чтобы не бросить в меня чем-то, и отвечает: "сполосни овощи".



сообщение мое: "выкинь мне наушники через кухню"

примерный результат Пасхи: бабушка оценила Сяо Чжаня, он ей очень понравился.

I know it’s hard to be soft

I know it hurts to be kind

I know that when love is lost it’s only fear in disguise

But I still believe the world is beautiful

And I still believe only the weak ones are cruel.

I know so many boys and girls

People all across the world

We walk and talk and think alike

And we all cry the same tears at night

You don’t know me like you think you do.

Ever since my dreams changed I came crashing down like a paper plane

But nothing ever stays the same and all I know is life is strange

I carry along a feel of unease

I want to belong like the birds in the trees

But I’m a machine. An emotional being.

And I smile with tears in my eyes - waving goodbye to the suckers in my rearview mirror

Cause true hearts, they never lie

I like to think about how we all look from afar

People driving fancy cars look like beetles to the stars

The missiles and the bombs sound like symphonies gone wrong

And if there is a God, they’ll know why it’s so hard

You’re not living in this world alone.

We all live in the same universe where the stars collide as the planets turn

Find me

In another place and time

All of the days that we spend apart my love is a planet revolving your heart

I can see the flowers now, and the greenery

I take a breath of air and I feel free

No longer too afraid.

it's 2k19 and I, self-proclaimed woke™ feminazi™, is officially part of brain-washed privilege teenage white girls group who romanticize guys like ted bundy, josef from "creep" and joe from "you". as if I ever left from there lol. but here's the thing, I'm like strongly against invasion of privacy, home violence and manipulation to anyone, but myself. I have always been like this, 9/10 therapists agree. as for the self-defense - everyone has a right to pick up their poison, mine is not even the rarest one, honestly. the truth is there doesn't exist a biggest turn on than a clingy, psycho, possessive stalker, who'd honestly kill you and rape your breathless body if you'd ever try to disobey. I'm all up for that, just end me, for god's sake. I'm not as mysterious as I'm trying to be, but I surely am twisted in a unhealthy way. once a pro-fem girl told me, that sub girls are fucked up by our misogynistic society. it might be partially true, but it's not an easy and, dare I say, a necessary thing to live your life constantly fighting with your subconsciousness.
I mean if you beg to differ, I understand, but hey, remember what I was saying about picking your poison.
what's yours?
be safe.

Нужно уже написать хоть какой-нибудь текст: о жизни, о дружбе, о состоянии дел, об уходе за собой. Но я молчу, закусив удила, меня распирает, как перед экзаменом - хочется выступить побыстрее, выплеснуть, закончить это, но не получается. Воздушный шарик в бронхах сдувается, нажимаются кнопки "разблокировать", чтобы потом снова быть отжатыми назад. Я знаю это болезненное состояние, когда просыпаешься в тревоге и тоске, и спрашиваешь себя - "оно того стоит?", а потом вспоминаешь все неловкие, некрасивые, болезненные моменты, причины и их повторение, и так и остаешься молчать. Застываешь, как истукан, уговариваешь этот мыльный пузырь в глотке: не могло быть иначе. В конце концов, я личность или где?

Читаю так много умных людей, попутно взглядом окидывая масштабы собственного невежества. Думаю об отчужденности от собственных тел, как ее преодолеть, с чего начать, как услышать? Плещусь в тоске и нулевой температуре, как в голубом молоке, слежу за собой, мало гуляю - упадок сил.

— "Анемия" знакомо слово?

Может быть, у меня она не только физическая, но и эмоциональная тоже.

That's how you make a ghost
Watch how you break things you learn the most
Something about the one that negates hope

That's how you loose

Hello everyone! Actually, I don’t even think that someone reads my posts and really interested in me and my life. But it is the best way how to express all my feelings and thoughts now. So, what has happened. We were writing test at the lesson of History on Tuesday. I was preparing for the whole evening and night and was sure that I’ll write it successfully! The next day, when I wrote this test I was on the cloud nine! I thought, that I’ll get high mark. BUUT! The next day she came and told that we don’t understand the material and don’t even learn history. I was shocked, when she read my work. She didn’t mention whose test was it, but I understood, that it was mine. She made an angry face and read my sentences. As a result, I undestood that she wanted to say about my level of understanding history in general. I was disappointed and upset too, because she had never done smth like this before. I am sure, that there’s some pupils in our class, who don’t even try to understand it, but why she didn’t read there works? Hmm…

i am so tired of this world and studying mostly…

Hi, everyone.

Actually, I am not in such a good mood as during my winter holidays.

I had an Olympiad this weekends and as a result I am so tired and exhausted.

I have no desire to study and work hard. I can’t even understand, why I am doing it, because it only takes a lot of time and seemed to me boring and useless. I am talking about such subjects as Biology Chemistry or Physics, for example. All teachers are trying to give us more and more homework, that only make us robots. We don’t have enough free time and thoughts about freedom or happiness.

So, this is all my feelings now. I believe, that I will overcome these hardships and my life will be full of bright moments!

I am so exited now to write this post. Actually, it’s smth new and unusual for me, because I have never written about my thoughts and attitude towards smth in social networks. Yeah, maybe it sounds strange, but I am Ukrainian and decided to have a blog in English. It is a great practice for me.So, I hope, that smb would be interested in my personality and development!


частенько понравившиеся мне фильмы, как и книги, начинают ассоциироваться у меня с определенным временем года. первые "Сумерки" - однозначно осенний фильм. осенью я впервые его увидела, да и вся цветовая гамма фильма с её сине-зелеными оттенками, туманными и холодными пейзажами погружает в осеннюю атмосферу. и в то же время он такой уютный и теплый, с теплыми кадрами и романтизмом - самое лучшее в холодные осенние дни.

к слову, тут Кинопоиск рассказал, почему первый фильм саги не такой уж и плохой - х

Waisting time through the screen

We keep watching routine

Nevermind if we end

Cause we're been so distracted

We didn't even notice

There were something

To care about.

That's all I could say

As I keep pointlessly looking


For something

It doesn't exist

But I still

Keep my eyes on TV

The load sensor is used to detect the change of diesel engine load and convert it into DC voltage output in proportion. The speed control unit is the core of the electronic governor, and the transmission of the self-speed sensor and the load sensor is accepted. After converting the voltage signal to the DC voltage, it is compared with the speed constant voltage.

The comparative comprehensive task is completed by the digital calculation in the microcomputer. Then the digital integrated signal is converted to the analog signal through the DA converter and then transferred to the electro-hydraulic servo valve. Obviously, in steady state, the output of the microcomputer in this way is zero.

However, the speed governor of the external users is constantly changing, that is, the M resistance is constantly changing, so the steam intake of the steam turbine must be changed accordingly to ensure the resistance of the M steam. Otherwise, the speed of the turbine will vary greatly with the external load. When the external load increases, the speed will decrease and the external load will decrease..

Well, let's talk about the speed limit control of these countries. Although it's really cool to drive, there's no need to expect too much. There's a good name for the law enforcement team. The car may cause the safety accidents to occur when the speed limiting device for vehicles is broken, the brake failure or the power shortage, and so on, which may lead to the danger of speeding and even falling in the car. The function of the speed limiter chip is to stop the car and prevent the passengers and equipment from being hurt in the above cases, thus avoiding the occurrence of safety accidents, so the vehicle speed limiter system is an extremely important part of the elevator's safe operation. In general, the speed limiter must carry out the type test before going out of the factory.

What is the working principle of the speed limiter and the safety tong? Speed limiter and safety tongs are very important mechanical safety devices. The speed limiter is connected to the safety rod on the two sides of the car by a wire rope. In order to ensure the speed and accuracy of the speed limiter, a speed limiter is installed in the bottom hole of the well.


Day 1: Your fave book.

Узник Азкабана. Потому что там все идеально. Появление моих любимых булочек с корицей Сириуса и Ремуса, кубок школы по квиддичу, да и вообще герои заиграли словно новыми красками. Люболю всей душой.

Day 2: Your fave movie.

Узник Азкабана. по тем же причинам.

Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angrybecause they’ve ignored important parts of the book.

Узник Азкабана (мне смешно и не смешно одновременно). Очень не хватало кубка школы по квиддичу. Это же было бы супер-круто!

Day 4: Least fave female character and why.

Балтрисса? Она, на самом деле, на столько же ужасна, на сколько и прекрасна. Я не нелюблю ее, просто она ужасный человек и ее стоит опасаться. Начинаешь осознавать весь масштаб ее неадекватности и в дрожь бросает.

Day 5: Fave male character and why.

Сириус Блэк. Возсожно я влюбилась в него из-за Гэри Олдмана (он же потрясающий!), возможно из-за множества хэдаконов. В любом случае, я его люблю бльшой любовью и прониклась его трагедией перечитав книги еще сильнее.

Day 6: What house would you want to be in.

Чтобы попасть в Хогвартс я готова быть хоть эльфом-домовиком.

Но. Я до сих пор не знаю, на какой факультет я бы хотела попасть. Чувствую себя причастной к каждому по-своему. Поттермо отправил меня в Рейвенкло (2 раза), доверюсь ему.

Day 7: Fave female character and why.

Гермиона. Внутри я абсолютно такая же, как и она.

Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson.

Мне кажется, что я обожала бы чары и уход за магическими существами.

На чарах же нужна волшебная палочка! Волшебная черт возьми палочка!

И зверушек я очень люблю. Какими бы опасными они не были.

Day 9: Least fave male character.

Сказать Волдеморт - не читерство?

Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows.

Дары смерти. Это немного безопаснее.

Day 11: What character would you say you are most like.


Day 12: Fave ship.

Я за канон в принципе. Хотя, все еще немного обижена на Роулинг за Невилл/Луна.

(кого я обманываю, я обожаю Сириус/Ремус)

Day 13: Least fave movie.

Кубок Огня. Очень невнятный и с множеством упущений.

Day 14: Team Voldermort or Team harry.

За Гарри! (За Орду!)

Day 15: Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only)

Оууу… Ремус Люпин. Билл Уизли. Гермиона Грейнджер.

(по одному из разных поколений Хогвартса)

Day 16: Fave professor.

Макгонагалл. Она супер-крутая! Строгая, но справедливая, всегда болеет за свой факультет и мамочка-гризли для своих студентов.

Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.

Я была в восторге от них. Они очень крутые.

Day 18: Least fave book.

Оу.. даже не знаю. Все люблю.

Day 19 :Do you prefer the books or films.

Книги. Они однозначно лучше. В них столько подробностей, столько мелочей, столько важных моментов. Их было бы непростительно упустить.

Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.

Гэри Олдман! Обожаю его.

Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.

Фред Узли. Как бы не было мне больно от мысли, что Тедди лишился родителей, но все же от мысли, что Джордж остался один мне куда больнее. Он потерял своего близнеца! Это все равно что утром посмотреть в зеркало и не уидеть своего отражения. Словно потерять половину себя. Ужасно.

Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight.



Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.

Рыдать над Дарами Смерти - как смысл жизни.

И смерть Сириуса ударила больно по сердечку.

Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.

Оу. Сложно. Возможно, Кубок мира по квиддичу. Хотелось бы нечто более масштабное. (да, я просто сейчас перечитываю ГП и КО).

Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.

Невилл же должен быть с Луной, эй! Столько предпосылок! Это разбило мне сердце.

В остальном все прекрасно. (Но Альбус Северус действительно идиотское имя.)

Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.

Глаз крысы, струна арфы, пусть вода превратится в ром!

Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.

Плащ-неведимку, конечно же. Это довольно практично. Да и васкрешать мертвых как-то неправильно, а власти над всеми мне не хочется.

Day 28 :Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.

Oliver Boyd & the Remembralls - это любовь.

(The Remus Lupins - вторая любовь)

Day 29 :Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.

Я не смотрела, так что не могу сделать об этом вывод.

Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you.

"Гарри Поттер" это очень большая часть жизни для меня. Начиная с самого дества, когда я первый раз посмотрела "Гарри Поттер и философский камень" он тесно переплелся с моей жизнью и я никогда не устану перечитывать, пересматривать и любить всей душой этот мир.

Posting testimonials from your customers is a superb method to manufacture your expert believability. You should remember that you are the main individual who can't build your validity.

Being imaginative with where you post your testimonials

Generally, you may not consider posting your testimonials anyplace but rather on the customer's page (or in a region devoted to testimonials on the different online life channels). In any case, if you restrict the spots where you put testimonials, you are not utilizing a critical ability that can truly help your business a lot according to business expert, SunriseNews.co.

Why testimonials are essential

Testimonials are essential for some, unique reasons, including for the most fundamental reason of all. A testimonial contacts individual on an enthusiastic/human level.

Testimonials make individuals feel better and they propel individuals to enlighten other individuals concerning them. That goes far to building the connection between the individual who has posted the testimonial and the individual who has perused the testimonial. In the event that a man is persuaded that you have offered an astonishing item and additionally benefit, that individual will probably need to purchase what you are offering. For what reason wouldn't he or she need to get the best thing that is out there. For this situation, your item as well as administration.

It is protected to state that a testimonial is much more ground-breaking than any substance that you may have on your site. That is for the basic reason that the substance that shows up on your site was made by you. Then again, testimonials are not made by you. They are made about individuals who trust in you and who put stock in your business. Truth be told, they have confidence in you enough to impart that data to other individuals whom they know and trust. It is sheltered to expect that they wouldn't sing your business' commendations on the off chance that they didn't have faith in your contributions.

Getting your prospects off of the fence

In the wake of investigating the substance on your site, your forthcoming customers may at present be undecided about what you and your business bring to the table. Be that as it may, if that is the situation, once they have perused the testimonials from your customers, there is a likelihood that they will feel more anchor about the nature of what you are offering and of their choice to purchase what you are offering. Those testimonials may have the majority of the effect on the planet.

Sympathy with the customers who composed the testimonials

The quantity of testimonials that you post on your site and on different parts of your online nearness is less critical than what those testimonials say. Be that as it may, what is critical is the possibility that your intended interest group individuals can relate to what those testimonials say. They have to feel that they can identify with the experience that the customer had (and conceivably keeps on having).

Change isn't simple however some of the time it is important

In all actuality individuals for the most part don't care for change. In any case, now and then, change is vital. All things considered, you must roll out the improvements that need to happen as simple and as easy as could be expected under the circumstances. In the event that a man is happy with what they have, they won't be slanted to roll out an improvement. In any case, on the off chance that they feel that there is something out there that will serve their necessities all the more viably, they will in any event think about rolling out that improvement. In the event that they read your testimonials, it might simply be the push that they have to approach your side of the fence!


As you are contemplating how to use your testimonials, there are a couple of imperative ideas that you will need to remember. As a matter of first importance, you should ensure that the testimonials that you post are clear, succinct, and extremely significant. It is critical for you to recall that once you get a testimonial, you gathered change it at all. The words have a place with the other individual. You ought to arrange your testimonials in a sensible way. That will make it as simple as feasible for you to benefit from your testimonials and they will enable you to cause the most extreme effect for your intended interest group. Testimonials cause individuals to copy the encounters that other individuals had with your items as well as administrations. Keep in mind, the more significant testimonials you share with other individuals, the more they will be slanted to think toward you.

Do you have to send reports or ship things for your exchange frequently? On the off chance that this is the reason, at that point you should make a legitimate research of the administration choices that the messenger organizations give in momentum days. All the organizations chiefly utilize rumored administrations of package conveyance that charges overwhelming rates. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you need to guarantee protected and opportune conveyance, you should dependably pick an administration as indicated by the conveyance needs that you have. The dispatch organizations, nowadays, for the most part accompany shifted administrations. In any case, dependably consider picking an organization that offers numerous conveyance choices at pocket-accommodating rates. Here are some factors for you to remember before hiring a delivery or courier company for the business according to Clear Publicist, a popular business blog:

1. Type of Delivery Service

Being a business person, you should choose the sort of administration that proficiently meets the transportation needs that you have. In any case, this significantly relies upon the volume and the tally of bundles. Plus, you should consider the separation and pick an administration based on how far and where you are exchanging the packages. On the off chance that a man is shipping the materials having extensive volumes over a long separation, you should pick national or else the provincial cargo transporter administrations. Then again, for single day conveyance inside 24 long stretches of light bundles and little records, select the confided in neighborhood dispatcher or messenger benefit.

2. Security

Prior to choosing a dispatch office, watch that the organization has the permit to direct exchange the particular territory. Additionally, ensure that the organization protected and fortified.

3. Speed of Delivery

Conveyance speed is a pivotal factor and the exchange holders primarily think about the speed of administrations before agreeing to an organization. Now and again, the business visionaries run over specific circumstances where they need to surge the requests. In this manner, they should pick an organization that offers various conveyance administrations like medium-term administrations, single day administrations, crisis administrations and significantly more. Picking such an organization can spare the exchange notoriety that you hold.

4. Reliability

At the point when a business person guarantees a conveyance, he or she, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way tend to offer reliable service. In this manner, the exchange holder must pick an organization that promises him or her to offer tried and true administration. Get some information about the bundle of the conveyance benefits before thinking about an organization. Additionally, look at the survey and appraisals of different messenger organizations on the destinations through the Internet.

Alongside this, you should likewise realize that the aggregate methodology of a courier company that incorporates the appearance and introduction if the staffs, drivers' vehicles mirrors the business to an incredible level. Accordingly, pick an organization where the drivers are sufficiently adequate and similarly keep up the perfect methodology of vehicles.

The first thing that I've done before writing this note - I found the last one. The differences between the privious and this months are so huge! Now I feel like I found new company, new friends and new family. It is a very interesting fact that when I say "Bye! Till tomorrow!" and I really want to see them all tomorrow and want to go to university too. This story is about my dream. A half-year ago I was worried about the life I've achieved. I couldn't believe that I would stay all-day-long reading some books in English, for example, Mathematics in Economics, Macro and Micro. It should be noted that I was planning to go to the energy masters degree, but, fortunately, I passed the most complicated exams at school and now I'm here.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Всем парням, которых я любила раньше

Год: 2018

Страна: США

Слоган: «The letters are out»

В главных ролях: Лана Кондор, Ной Сентинео, Джанел Перриш, Анна Кэткарт

Описание: Привычная жизнь Лары Джин Сунг Кови переворачивается с ног на голову, когда все письма, которые она писала своим возлюбленным, неожиданно попадают в руки к адресатам.

My life was a mess, but I could clean my room.”

Buttering a roll, my dad says, “I like Peter.”
" You do?“ I say.
Daddy nods. "He’s a good kid. He’s really taken with you, Lara Jean.”
" Taken with me?“ I repeat.
To me Kitty says, "You sound like a parrot.” To Daddy she says, “What does smitten mean? Taken by her?”
“It means he’s charmed by her, “ Daddy explains. "He’s smitten.”
“Well, what’s smitten?”
He chuckles and stuffs the roll in Kitty’s open, perplexed mouth. “It means he likes her.”

Peter: So if I went all the way across town, to get you something that you like, then that means…
Lara Jean: You must really like yogurt?
Peter: You are impossible.

It’s scary when it’s real. When it’s not just thinking about a person, but, like, having a real live person in front of you, with, like, expectations. And wants.”

Why? Why is that scary?

Cause the more people you let into your life, the more that can just walk right out.

You were never second best.

Мнение. Я очень люблю подростковые драмы. Я слышала о книге и знала о способе, которым пользовалась Лара Джин. Но я и представить не могла, что могут снять фильм по этим книгам. К слову, наткнулась я на него случайно, когда зашла на сайт Netflix. Картинка была почти на весь экран, и глаза мои обратили внимание на название. Загуглив фильм, я с восторгом пошла к Даше, чтобы скорее начать смотреть.

Я не пожалела о времени, проведенном за просмотром. Потому что картина окутывает своим теплом и легкостью. В фильме нет пошлых сцен, и все смотрится достоверно и искренне. Во время просмотра у меня было чувство, будто я опять вернулась в школу и все это происходит со мной. Я даже несколько раз обронила слезки. Мне так понравился фильм, что я пересматривала его на следующий день (да, такое со мной изредка бывает). Словом, фильм идеален для просмотра с подругами в выходные дни, или когда вам очень грустно/тоскливо/одиноко.

resourses x, x, x, x, x, x

With the substantial innovations that we have actually seen in innovation over a previous couple of years, without a doubt among the coolest and also most hassle-free up as well as coming creations are most likely to be employing home automation installers Sydney to manage whatever in your residence. Automation could be so hassle-free due to the fact that you could regulate lots of features throughout your residence with a straightforward one touch or movement into a control pad. There are several fantastic means automation could be valuable to your day-to-day life.

Home Automation Installers Sydney

Residence Automation Offers Convenience

Among the very first means, automation is making our lives simpler as it would certainly permit you to regulate all the illumination in your home in the power of your hand. State you are lying comfortable on the sofa, all covered with a comforter, as well as you, recognize you have to transform the light in the kitchen area off prior to you could view your flick. Or your children are pursuing the evening as well as you could inform that they left all the lights on upstairs, with numerous automation tools; you could regulate that quickly without leaving the sofa. Lower the lights or transform them off, you regulate it in your hand. With automation, you could shut down lights in any type of space from any type of space, therefore, conserving on your own loan on your electrical expense.

Residence Automation Supplies Benefit

One more fantastic advantage of hiring a home automation installers Sydney - smarthomeworks.com.au/service is the capacity to utilize the drapes as well as blinds from the remote. Among the most awful times is when you obtain comfortable on a sofa to see a film as well as you see that irritating glow beaming off of the TV. Well, say goodbye to stress due to the fact that with an automation system, you could manage the blinds as well as drapes from the convenience of your sofa. Say goodbye to destroying your convenience to be able to see the TV. With automation systems, all that power will certainly relax at the grace of your fingertips.

House Automation Gives Simpleness

With automation systems, the opportunities are unlimited and beyond your imagination. You are likewise able to regulate the temperature level of your home easily without your presence at home. You can do it while on your way home from the office, or simply drinking your favorite coffee at the nearest restaurant. It additionally allows you to establish your house safety and security system from the convenience of your room without needing to stroll downstairs as well as inspect if you were not sure about what's happening in the dark. The countless manner in which automation systems could be useful as well as boost your lifestyle as well as make points in your family run even more efficiently and also effectively. It really is just one of the lots of innovations of the future that are most likely to profit our lives for many years to find.

6ix9ine feat minaj - fefe
Iggy azalea - kream
mike will - rake it up
lil pump - drug addicts

pirsa- i love it

Sea of bees - Wizbot

Isn't it something in your eyes
Isn't it something in the smile
Isn't it something that can change my point of view
Could it be the lost that i have found
Could it be the way that I'm nailed straight to the ground
Could it be that your the one for me
Help me please

кстати, всю музыку, загружаемую мной за последний год и которая совершенно точно проигрывается можно найти по тегу dariamusic

Alt-J - Breezeblocks

Do you know where the wild things go?
They go along to take your honey, la, la, la
Break down, now sleep
Build up breakfast, now let's eat
My love my love, love, love

Please don't go, please don't go
I love you so, I love you so

Matthew West – You Are Everything.

I'm the one with two left feet, standing on a lonely street
Are you everything you hoped you'd be I got somewhere in between?
I'm spinning like an autumn leaf, bound to hit bottom sometime ,
Where would I be without someone to save me.
Someone who won't let me fall, you are everything that I live for
Everything that I can't believe is happening
You're standing right in front of me.

5 куплетов или песен

Loc-Dog- Крепче

Чувства - это сила, будь свободным
Поднимай звуковой сигнал на оба монитора
Помни, мы за кнопочкой повтора
Мы за мир, мы за звезды, не на плечах майора
За царствие природной красоты

Наш романтичный 21 век
Можно тащиться пару лет
Чтоб не найти потом на теле даже пары вен
Мы тоже часто видим пару, но это врядли
Сложилось, что в наших кругах одни шалавы

И не втереться в друзья без души даже с этим телом
Ведь, детка, мой климат-контроль -
это форточка в подъезде
Моя батарея - солнца лучи,
и меня хватит лет на двести
Пока твой голос честен и твое сердце неиспорченно
Стучит вместе с ритмом этой песни

Эй, пацан, держи огонь в глазах
Будь собой, кем бы ты ни был
Чтобы было время, чтобы кем-то стать
Честность, возможно, была, если пишут в книгах
Но скорее не такая, чтоб где-то да подъебать

Калибр моего оружия - ноль
И я за мир во всем мире
За то, чтобы души знали покой
Не обывательски-обычный
Просто, чтобы привычно, вдохнуть свежий воздух
Над головой увидеть неба безграничный свет

twenty one pilots Heavydirtysoul

Nah, I didn't understand a thing you said,
If I didn't know better I'd guess you're all already dead,
Mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch,
Saying stuff like, "You only live once. "
You've got one time to figure it out,
One time to twist and one time to shout,
One time to think and I say we start now,
Sing it with me if you know what I'm talking about.

Gangsters don't cry,
Therefore, therefore I'm,
Mr. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm.

Can you save, can you save my—
Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
Can you save, can you save my—
Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
For me, for me, uh
Can you save my heavydirtysoul?
For me, for me, uh
Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

Maintain your air-conditioner and also, you'll not just conserve cash on power, however you'll likewise prolong its life-span, conserving loan on expensive very early substitute. A caravan air conditioning Brisbane requires normal focus on make sure it's running at the greatest effectiveness. The most effective time to utilize these ideas is right before each cooling down period starts.

Caravan Air Conditioning Brisbane

Your heating and also allbrandcs.com.au - caravan air conditioning Brisbane system will certainly contain either a heating system as well as Air Conditioning or a heat pump, which both heats up and also cools down. Both kinds will certainly have an indoor system (evaporator as well as blower) as well as an outside device (condenser coil as well as compressor). These directions relate to a whole-home air-conditioning or heat pump system.

Turn off The Power

Because of the threats of functioning about power as well as the air-conditioner's relocating components, it's vital to entirely shut off power to the device. On the outside condenser/compressor, seek an outside shut-off box near the device. Inside, additionally transform the power off at the breaker box.

Get rid of Particles

On the outside condenser/compressor, eliminate the follower cage. Making use of a screwdriver or wrench, eliminate the bolts and also raise the cage or follower grill far from the top of the system. Manually, or with a wet/dry vacuum cleaner, tidy fallen leaves and also various other particles from the inside.

Tidy the Fins

Eliminate the external covers as well as utilize the brush add-on on an effective store vacuum cleaner to get rid of all outdoors dust. After that, utilizing a mild stream from a yard tube, spray via the fins from the inside out to eliminate any type of accumulated dust or particles from in between them. Never ever make use of a stress washing machine, considering that the stress could harm the fins. If the fins are especially unclean, make use of a readily offered fin cleansing spray (offered in your home renovation facilities; review and also adhere to producer instructions).

Correct the Fins

Given that any type of decrease in air-flow with the fins could decrease performance, very carefully align curved fins utilizing a butter blade or readily offered fin-straightening device. Be mild to ensure that the tubes ingrained within the fins is not harmed.

Tidy Location Around the Device

As soon as do with the cleansing, change the follower cage. Rake back leaves as well as particles outside the condenser and also cut down branches and also plants at the very least 2 feet in all instructions to make sure appropriate air movement around the device. Throughout cold weather when the condenser is not being used, it readies to cover the top of the system with an item of plywood or plastic to maintain particles from falling in. Nevertheless, do not entirely cover the system's sides, considering that wetness could accumulate within as well as create deterioration. Likewise, an entirely covered system urges vermin to construct nests within. Eliminate any type of cover when the system is running.

Prior to you take into consideration where to take your car for repair and maintenance, you have to recognize the distinction in between both. Regular upkeep products and Brisbane automotive service are those detailed in your automobile's proprietor's handbook as part of the version's solution timetable. They are planned to maintain your automobile in leading operating problem. Fixings are solution that has to be executed to deal with a trouble. Where you take your automobile might rely on exactly what has to be done.

Brisbane Automotive Service

Set up upkeep can be carried out at any kind of dealer; you do not need to go to the one where you got the automobile. Similarly, you could take your automobile to an independent auto-repair store or franchise business, which are usually less costly compared to car dealerships.

Since upkeep things are rather fundamental, nonetheless, any kind of specialist car store need to have the ability to do the essential jobs.

Fixings could vary from standard jobs such as a brake task or auto-body repair work to complex solution such as revamping a transmission or identifying an electronics-system trouble. Most likely to a dealer if your vehicle is covered by the initial guarantee and also you desire the supplier to spend for the repair. Make use of a car dealership, as well, if your cars and truck has actually been remembered or is the topic of a "solution project" where the car manufacturer uses to remedy a problem. If you have an extensive service warranty, you'll have to examine the terms to see that need to execute protected fixings.

A Brisbane automotive service - sandgateautoelectrics.com.au must have the ability to deal with most typical repair work. Shops that concentrate on your lorry's brand name are most likely to have the appropriate training, tools, and also updated details. A great specialist will certainly allow you recognize when an issue calls for a journey to the dealer or a specialty store.

Yet determining a technician you could rely on for your vehicle takes a great deal greater than allowing your fingers do the strolling. You need to do a little antique sleuthing. There's no solitary hint to just what makes a great service center, yet right here are some points you must search for:

Discover a look for your brand name of vehicle

Numerous garages focus on particular makes. Those that concentrate on your kind are most likely to have the current training and also tools to repair your lorry.

Ask your friends and family

Specifically look for suggestions from those that have a lorry just like your own.

Look for qualification

Offer the store a trial run

Prior to your vehicle requires a huge repair work, you could wish to check out some neighborhood shops with smaller sized fixings or upkeep things, such as oil as well as filter modifications.

Inquire about service warranties

What sort of assurances does the store give on repair? Guarantees could differ significantly amongst stores, so inquire about them beforehand. Utilize a typical repair work, such as brake job, as your overview.

Make certain the store is convenient

Also, the most effective store could not deserve the initiative if its hrs. contravene your routine or you have couple of transport choices after you hand over the cars and truck.

Here are a number of reasons why folks purchase the best spas gift card for other people to celebrate exceptional events. For starters, there are cards available to invest at all kinds of businesses. Alternately, gift-givers may also buy debit gift cards which may be used in just about any kind of business. Simply speaking, the gift-giver has tons of alternatives. Discover some other explanations for why these cards are popular with gift-givers!

Someone could purchase the best spas gift cards which are worth any quantity of money. Another individual might purchase a $100 card to his parents in their wedding anniversary. Normally, shops, restaurants and other companies sell these cards even quantities of cash so the trade is as straightforward as you can.

Pick a Spa Gift Card together with the Present Recipient in Mind

Lots of folks enjoy giving those cards as presents since they can select one which allows a friend or relative to see a place they enjoy. For example, a 100 card which goes to a buddy's favourite day spa would offer her the chance to treat herself for a day of pampering. A spouse may give her husband a card which belongs to his favourite steak restaurant . He will be delighted with the possibility of enjoying a tasty meal without needing to cover it!

Unlike other gifts, a card into a favourite eatery or store does not have to be decorated with intricate wrap paper or maybe a decoration. Most stores and restaurants decorate their cards using the title of the company and an appealing layout. There's absolutely no demand for a gift-giver to invest additional cash on decorative information.

Some gift-givers appreciate how these spas gift cards do not need to be used straight away. The gift recipient gets to think of what they need for many days or maybe a couple of months. On the flip side, the receiver is free to devote the card straight away if he or she favors. Most cards contain specific details about use. Lots of cards never expire and some do not charge any fees in the event the card is not used within a particular quantity of time. The receiver of a card may use it in her or his leisure.

Online or In-Store

Gift-givers adore these cards since they may frequently be utilized for both online store purchases. This is just another element of advantage added to a thoughtful present. It is a simple procedure for a individual to devote their card online in a shop or a different business enterprise.

In the end, those who purchase the best spas gift cards for loved ones are receiving them something that they will surely use and appreciate. If the card belongs to a favourite company, the individual will be anxious to escape and devote this generous gift! No need to stress yourself thinking of what kind of gift should you give, for there are the the est spas gift card that is always beneficial and great to be given as a gift.

Честно говоря, я думаю, это какая-то болезнь. Слушать и слушать и слушать одно и то же, пока тексты не полезут из ушей, а лирика не начнет снится в диалогах. Возможно, это психическое расстройство - нечто вроде преследования жертвы, изучения ее привычек и повадок, только аудиовизуально, и, увы, бессмысленно. Нет, я конечно могу много чего вообразить, чего не надо бы, но что толку? Гортензии смотрят на меня грустными лиловыми глазами и почти не пахнут, рыжий кот свернулся в клубок, как маленький, на крыше, а кошечка ушла. Я сижу на иголках и этой своей любимой группе, изучая собственные желания и степень разочарования в жизни. Я боюсь и жду завтра, я жду пятницу, жду, когда высохнет платье, которое лучше бы не стирать, жду, когда я смогу наконец отдохнуть, когда я осмелею или разберусь в себе, когда пройдет это суморочное время, я жду и жду и жду…

Make revision to a dream while you wait in the van

Hey wait

Great smile

Sensive to the faith, not denial

But hey, who's on trial?

It took a life span with no cellmate,

The long way back

We speaks about the travel

Yeah, we think about the land

We smart like all people

Feeling real tan

I can take you places

Do you need a new man?

Wipe the pollen off the faces

Make revision to a dream while you wait in the van

These days, rubbsih removal is emerging as a significant action to guarantee you a pleasant environment for healthier living. To meet this growing demand, many rubbish removal businesses have arrived at the marketplace. Every one of these businesses promise you to provide exceptional quality functions in the cheapest prices. They promise you that they'll clear unwanted clutter and crap carefully and efficiently. But, you'll discover a difference in what they say and do in fact. A wrong decision could lead to wasting of money and time. This is the reason why finding an expert rubbish removal organization is a challenging task. But, following a few helpful ideas may assist you in finding out a expert crap clearance firm.


This is definitely the main point to think about in the time of picking a corporation. So as to do it, you want to study about the neighborhood rubbish removal businesses. You may ask your friends and family regarding the very best service supplier in your region. Taking the support of the world wide web is a fantastic idea. You may look online with different search phrases that are most applicable to rubbish removal. With this technique you can readily discover the title of those firms supplying rubbish clearance service in your area. Create a list of those firms. Once it's completed, begin searching about the businesses one by one. Proceed to their official sites. Carefully examine the testimonial and support segments. In case the provided services match your requirements, it is possible to mark the business as your preferred option. Now it's your turn to experience the reviews and testimonials posted on several sites. If you find the majority of the reviews are favorable testimonials, you can choose the business under consideration.


Pricing comes only after standing. Request a few rubbish removal firms to deliver you their estimates. Today earn a comparison of their costs and the services supplied by the firms. Try to select one, which will be offering the highest quality services in the cheapest prices. Here you have to examine the prices and the amount of services provided under a service. Only considering costs isn't great constantly. There are various additional variables to take into account. You have to be aware of the grade of the service along with also the expertise of the business. You need to be well conscious of the rubbish removal techniques and recycling policies of an agency supplier.


Justifying the ability of the business is consistently excellent. It ought to be taken under consideration. An individual has to be quite clear about the potential of the provider. You ought to be aware of if the corporation may give you quality functions in the competitive rates. Assess whether the business ensures healthy cleaning by employing many environmentally friendly cleaning stuff. Know if the business has implemented a broader array of functions. Attempt to acquire a firm specializing in the service which you're searching for.

These are the 3 major facts to think about prior to employing a specialist rubbish removal firm.

The NDIS is one of the forms of reform or help. With the support of NDIS, handicapped children, grownups, adults may all work as their own aspirations in life. Exactly like NDIS, a number of different organizations are focusing on providing a much better life for those who have disabilities including kids, adults and elder citizens. However, as a normal people, do we handle handicapped individuals appropriately in our everyday life? It's somehow a harsh fact that discrimination does not exist within our society. That happens because we do not know. There are few items NDIS provider kids with handicap expect from this planet, for example:


All handicapped people from kids to mature has got the fear of confronting people. As in the modern world, human beings have been projected as ideal physically, there's absolutely no space for individuals with physical deformity. We are all inclined to deal with physically challenge individuals with empathy. The very last thing a handicapped individual would anticipate is somebody feeling shame for them. Showing sympathy is the function as the most debilitating and debilitating way to take care of a disabled individual. Rather than feeling sorry for them, we have to take them for. Make them feel necessary and we have to make them understand that their disability is not something to become worried or embarrassed.


We ought to honor and treat fairly. Though they give particular hospitality because of their nature, they nevertheless have to be treated just like any other individual. As an example, if you're speaking to somebody with hearing handicap, avoid crying at them while speaking, rather talk lightly and let them watch your face. Learn how to respect their private space. By way of instance, do not push an individual's wheelchair without their consent, they may not want to help you at the moment. Aside from that, always include them in discussions, do not neglect their remarks. Simply since they are disabled, that does not mean that they do not anything to say.


Whether it's psychological or physical support is the one which each disabled person would anticipate. We have to give them inspiration to try in their lifetime. Do not body pity, condemn, bully, tease or offer. Empty guides about the might have and should have. It's not necessary to always help if you find a physically challenging person. A world of encouragement. Do not hurt their feelings and ruin their self-respect to boost their own confident. Do not hurt their feelings and ruin their self-respect by not supplying them moral NDIS provider offers support.

Disability is not a curse, it's the gift given by god. It's extremely easy to judge an individual by using their handicap, but it's difficult to live their lifetime. Do not clip their wings due to their handicap, rather have them fly outside their limits.

You are going to need a driving assessment amputation if you have one or more limbs amputated and face difficulty in driving. Such an evaluation may not be required if you have minor disabilities or amputation. Some of the cases of minor disabilities include slight variations in lengths of limbs, amputation of toes, or mild joint stiffness. If you have serious amputations, you may be asked to undergo a special review.

Serious Amputations

If you have serious amputations, you will be required to have relevant vehicle modifications or special aids so that you can drive safely. Examples of serious disabilities and amputations that require driving evaluation amputation include:

* Loss of one or both legs

* Serious impairment in any leg

* Loss of one or both arms or serious impairment

* Loss of 3 or more fingers of a hand

When you want to resume driving after having an amputation or you are learning to drive after an amputation, it will be required to inform the licensing authority.

Driving Assessment of Amputees

When you want to drive again and apply for a license, you can be asked to undergo an assessment. If you are rejected the license, you may again appeal for an evaluation. When you have an amputation or disability, it will also be required to inform your insurance company about your condition. Depending on the result of the driving review amputation; you should also inform the insurer about any adaptations made to your vehicle or any limitations that appear on your driving license.

The Assessment Process

When it comes to driving test amputation, you will be required to approach an occupational therapist. The therapist is going to first assess your medical and mental condition to determine if you can drive safely. This is the initial part of the evaluation process. Based on the therapist’s findings, they can also suggest an on-road review to be conducted by a driving instructor.

* Occupational Therapist’s Evaluation: Your occupational therapist is going to perform a physical, visual, and cognitive evaluation. They will also check your medical history. They are going to consider how fit you are medically and mentally and will identify any issues. Then they are going to come up with professional recommendations about adaptive modifications to your vehicle. The therapist can also determine if you need on-road assessment by a driving instructor.

* On-Road Evaluation by Driving Instructor: If the therapist recommends an on-road navigating exam amputation, a driving instructor will assess your driving skills and abilities in a vehicle with dual controls. The therapist may also observe you during the test. The on-road test checks your driving abilities and spots any issues by allowing you to drive on a route you are familiar with.

Thus, depending on your performance in these tests, the occupational therapist can make professional recommendations. The results of the auto-drive examination assessment amputation can include making modifications to your vehicle so that you can drive safely, placing certain limitations on your driving, or preventing you altogether from driving.


If you have had an amputation and want to drive, you may be required to undergo driving assessment amputation. The assessment is conducted by an occupational therapist and the results can determine whether and how you can drive.

“When I was obsessed with Panic! At The Disco.
“ - I can’t. he’s so cute, he’s so cute. Come on, he’s like Jesus and chocolate. Just look at him!”
Then I realized it really wasn’t about the music.”

Love, Simon + Panic! At The Disco References

Regardless of, every household has a kitchen area, however, a lot of them do unknown just what kind of cooking area they come from, thus the need for kitchen lighting design. Have you ever before categorized your cooking area? What sort of cooking area you have? Is it a rustic or nation design? Where design you wish to transform it, nation to modern or rustic to a streamlined modern-day cooking area? Someone like the elimination of all additional devices develops their cooking area to transform it into a minimal cooking area.

Kitchen Lighting Design

So, it is a reality that you need to understand about the kitchen lighting design you intend to make right into your kitchen area improvement. Whatever it might be, you have to maintain compared to factor in your mind that the cooking area is the only room where we invest one of the most beneficial time of our life. In contemporary idea, kitchen area is not just an office of preparing food. It is utilized as an analysis space; playing video games with your children or talking with your close friends also for organizing an event in the weekend break. In this perspective, you have to think of the enhancement of design as well as additional worth included products in a kitchen area along with the regular daily-useable devices.

Creative thinking continues to be behind each of this revaluation, as well as an important part of that imagination results illumination in an appropriate reliable preparation. The correct illumination style depends upon the design of your cooking area and also on your individual psychology.

There is a huge range of illumination components for the cooking area beginning with the island lights, necklaces, light fixtures, track lights, recessed lights as well as under cupboard lights. It is not that you will certainly be taken into consideration as a great developer if you make use of all type of lights her as well as inside the cooking area. Every design of illumination has its personality and also worth. A few setups of lights often functions far better compared to a lavish setup of all pricey lights. Success is restricted in the preparation.

In the beginning, you need to separate the parts of the cooking area inning accordance with the sort of job. The workplace for preparing food is fairly various in capability as well as the value of the space of your kitchen area where you normally do some crucial documents or check out publications. Every component needs to be lit up by its very own relevance and also different interest is necessary to be attracted to each and every location. This sort of differential lights is called accent lights.

For instance, if you wish to place a unique focus on a stunning huge paint or other artwork that is held on the wall surface or if you place some unique recipes planned for your family members to offer a shock on the table, you require a type of recessed cooking area lighting fixture or straight mounted lights for that. Those lights can be guided by a certain item and also placed added accent relative to various other things.

Under closet, illumination is an additional design of lighting to produce a fantastic destination on the counter leading location which every proprietor prefers to concentrate on optimum. These lights are most cost-effective as well as are really soft as well as reduced. You could have numerous attractive under cupboard lighting fixture within seventy-eighty bucks. Usage most modern-day backsplash ceramic tiles with matching shade as well as structure inning accordance with your selection as well as the motif of the cooking area to include a unique worth of destination. Usage dimmer buttons to regulate the illumination and also the state of mind of cooking area at the various time as well as in various demand.

When you design the landscape of your home, something that you should not neglect is the lights. Lighting from lighting designs Sydney is a really various ability as compared to the remainder of landscape design as it calls for a great understanding of the buildings of light along with the functionalities of mounting an illumination system. In this write-up, I'll be discussing the best ways to obtain one of the most from your yard illumination as well as how you can make sure that you utilize an eco-friendly lights system.

Lighting Designs Sydney

The most effective means to begin creating your lights is to attract basic representation of your yard as well as where its highlights are. You need to likewise attract where the power factors get on the map to make sure that you recognize where all the leads from the illumination need to wind up. When you have a map, you could begin to select where you would certainly such as the light to concentrate. Do not attempt as well as choose a great deal of various prime focus due to the fact that this will generally wind up looking as well arbitrary as well as messy when the lights get on. Rather you ought to just choose one, or an optimum of two locations in the yard where you assume the lights must be concentrated.

When have you actually selected were and also exactly what you would certainly such as the lights to brighten you have to think of what it costs? illumination you are most likely to utilize. You must never ever make use of excessive illumination. The concept isn't really to produce a daytime result in your yard in the evening since not just will this not look excellent however it is additionally light contamination. Rather, attempt as well as discover a means of discreetly utilizing lighting to highlight one of the most appealing locations of the yard. Be considerate of the remainder of your community as they are not likely to desire great deals of light contamination every evening.

Due to the fact that the lights are most likely to get on every evening in your yard, you need to consider the best ways to be eco-friendly as well as lower your power expense. You could obtain solar energy exterior lights for this. They are additionally helpful due to the fact that you do not need to fret about positioning them near a power outlet.

The good idea regarding outside illumination with the help of lighting designs Sydney is that it is very easy to mount and very easy to walk around. Therefore, you should not hesitate to experiment a little bit with various illumination settings and also designs till you locate a configuration that you like one of the most. While attracting a layout of your yard is a great way to obtain your initial suggestions, you would certainly marvel the number of wonderful mixes of lights you could locate when you begin to experiment. If you want your landscape to turn into something great, then lighting is your key.

Не ходите, дети, в магу поступать. Она вас сожрет и не подавится. А вообще, вообще, вот чисто по-человечески обидно: пять лет жизни отдать Университету, чтобы он в летнюю сессию так с тобой обращался.

А Аркадный Огонь - вечен.

A thousand girls that look like me
Staring out at the open sea
Repeat the words until they’re true

Cover my eyes electric blue
Now I can’t get my head around it
I thought I found it
But I found out I don’t know shit
Now I can’t get my head around it
I thought I found it
But I found out


Now you’ve got me so confused
‘Cause I don’t know how to sing your blues
Jesus Christ, what could I do?
I don’t know how to sing your blues

Now I can’t get my head around it

I thought I found it, but I found out
Cover my eyes electric blue

Cover my eyes electric blue
Every single night I dream about you
Every single night I dream about you
Cover my eyes electric blue
Cover my eyes electric blue
Every single night I dream about you
Every single night I dream about you
Cover my eyes electric blue
Cover my eyes electric blue
Every single night I dream about you
Every single night I dream about you

tony stark still carries that damn ridiculous flip phone steve sent him on his person AT ALL TIMES. he’s out on a walk and then sbam, he has it. he keeps it charged. keeps it around, close, in his pocket, in his hand. the only way he has of contacting steve, the only possibility he has of ever hearing from steve again.

Can y’all believe Tony was more nervous about calling Steve than facing Thanos?

Ну что. В первый день нового года, я, как обычно, бесилась, и, как необычно, зачем-то напилась. Видимо, чтобы потом полночи размышлять о водке и собственной жизни. Вирджиния Вульф не читается. Вообще ничего не читается, потому что надо же сосредоточиться, а это решительно невозможно. У меня тут еще на проводе готовый-на-все-мужчина, выложившийся на максимум, который терпеливо ждет, когда я приду в себя. А я не хочу приходить в себя. На айфоне не работает Touch ID, бабушка ждет, что я буду убираться на кладбище, никто не даст мне денег на коррекцию зрения и новые шмотки, и, самое главное - на ноутбук. Нечего надеть под новый жакет, который был получен странным и не очень красивым путем (какой-то патриархальный флэшбек с прикидываниями гофрированным шлангом). И посреди всего этого безумия - май, и +27 вчера и +13 сегодня, и так всю неделю (ну хоть не снег, хотя на 9.05 обещают). И - посреди всего этого безумия - новости от Флоренс, чистые, безумные, яркие, глубокие, в 4-ый раз точно в цель бьющие…"posing unanswering spiritual question in a pop-song - we'll probably never found out, so we can dance about it". И я бьюсь об заклад, что она влюбилась, что все это так сплетено паралельно, специально, удивительно. И ты снова выживаешь, впитываешь, выпиваешь до последней капли кажду строчку, каждую секунду, каждый звук того, что сам сказать не мог.

"…There is a bigger heartbreak underneath. You don't love yourself"

At seventeen, I started to starve myself
I thought that love was a kind of emptiness
And at least I understood then the hunger I felt
And I didn't have to call it loneliness

We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger

Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free
The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me
Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen
We never found the answer but we knew one thing

We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger

And it's Friday night and it's kicking in
And I can't dress, they're gonna crucify me
Oh, but you and all your vibrant youth
How could anything bad ever happen to you?
You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment

I thought that love was in the drugs
But the more I took, the more it took away
And I could never get enough
I thought that love was on the stage
You give yourself to strangers
You don't have to be afraid
And then it tries to find a home with people, oh, and I'm alone
Picking it apart and staring at your phone

And it's Friday night and it's kicking in
And I can't dress, they're gonna crucify me
Oh, you and all your vibrant youth
How could anything bad ever happen to you?
You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment
I forget to worry

как только я остаюсь наедине с собой, я хочу сдохнуть. я не могу писать песни адекватно, потому что чтобы выразить то, что я чувствую, нужно просто два часа орать и плакать в микрофон. я не могу слушать музыку, потому что ничего не достаточно для того, чтобы резонировать с моей обидой, болью и огромной, необъятной злостью на себя и на все. дабстеп, техно, индастриал, ebm - ни ху я. хожу по дому в нижнем белье и танцую под 'i don't fuck with you' (I DON'T GIVE A FUCK BITCH I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU OR ANYTHING THAT YOU DO DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU OR ANYTHING THAT YOU DO), но это приносит облегчение минут на 5, равно как и I'm still standing элтона джона. в берлине мне было очень классно и хорошо и свободно, а здесь все снова навалилось, какая-то необъятная боль и чувство полной потерянности во всем. для меня самое тяжелое - это ситуация ничьей вины. мне никто не изменил, меня никто не бросил ради другой (хотя в общем-то это тоже честный поступок, если измены до расставания не было (если не считать сам факт влюбленности в другую изменой, у каждого свое определение)) и мысль о том, что моя вот эта необъятная боль она абсолютно полностью моя меня убивает. мысль о том, что он про себя и другие люди тоже думают, как он правильно поступил, не стал обманывать, ВОТ МОЛОДЕЦ, УУУУУ КАКОЙ СМЕЛЫЙ ПОСТУПОК, кидает меня в ярость и заставляет чувствовать себя абсолютно беспомощной. и еще конечно классическое "НУ ЕМУ ТОЖЕ ПЛОХО". ДА МЕНЯ НЕ ЕБЕТ БЛЯТЬ, МЕНЯ НЕ Е Б Е Т. меня не ебет, что человеку, которого я любила больше всего на свете, с которым я хотела провести всю жизнь, сейчас "тоже плохо", потому что Я ОКАЗАЛАСЬ НЕ ТОЙ, КАКАЯ ЕМУ НУЖНА, ВОТ ЭТО БЛЯТЬ РАЗОЧАРОВАНИЕ, КАК ТЯЖЕЛО. сука, просто уебите меня, просто нахуй размажьте меня по стене, соберите остатки и выкиньте нахуй

so here's the thing. i've done a lot of thinking and now i feel like i've reached some sort of closure. the other day i was talking to this girl and it felt to me like she was everything i am not. she had all those guys proposing to her and generally being crazy about her all the while she was really practical and didn't really love any of them. and i was like: jeez, why can't i be like that? why am i always putting my heart out and getting awfully hurt in the process? but then, while we smoked outside, she told me: 'i'm so jealous of people who can love like that. i've never felt it. you know, i love those creative people who always seem to have something going on for them. sure, they feel depressed most of the time, but god, do they burn.. and i feel like a lightbulb who just goes around and emits this really weak light. not burning. sometimes i try to create some sort of fantasy for me when i get bored. i convince myself that i'm sooo head over heals with someone, that i can't live without them. it's never true'. and it dawned on me. she wanted to be me. yes, i got hurt a lot in my life. i am crazy emotional and sensitive. sure, experience taught me that sometimes i need to tone it down a little. no one is obliged to deal with my mood swings and fits 100% of the time. i need to work on that. but on a deeper level, there is nothing wrong with me. i burn. i put myself out there. i know what's it like to feel the highest highs and the lowest lows. i have that to offer to the word. someone out there is going to be crazy about that, someone out there one day is going to cherish that in me and feel lucky. sure, it will involve a lot of work anyway. but this time from both parts. and that person will love that crazy flame i have to offer. just like i loved his (although much short-lived).

It is never too old to learn. What should you do to contain a relationship is a hard lesson that everyone should know. So you might want to read the following things. Do not even browse through the beautiful Asian ladies photos on an online dating website.

do not over-update everything

You know, just because your girlfriend was sighed while you were cutting cucumbers. Just because of your girlfriend once you go to the room, does not mean she's cheating on you. Because of everything their partner does. They do not keep their eyes open.

Do not live in the past

normal people do not dwell on the past, because every normal person is focused on living in the present. Your hot girl from Asia may have had multiple boyfriends before you, but you can not change that. No need for a freak out about something that had happened before this girl fell in love with you.Live in the present, and treat the past as a source of inspiration.


Ровно четыре года назад случилось то событие, которое перевернуло с ног на голову не только Южную Корею, но и весь мир. В этот день потерпел крушение паром SEWOL, перевозивший 476 человек (по большей части учащихся средней школы) из Инчхона на Чеджудо.

На сегодняшний день 172 человека спасены, обнаружены 299 погибших, 5 человек числятся пропавшими без вести.

Жутчайший сценарий для голливудского фильма. Повесть о потерянном времени. Песня безысходности. Суровая правда жизни.
Не придумали ещё таких слов, чтобы описать чувства потерявших. Даже спустя 4 года я чувствую пустоту. Человек, который там не был, чувствует пустоту, а что тогда с теми, кто прошёл через семь кругов этого водного ада?

«Дети не должны страдать из-за ошибок взрослых. Никогда.»

Когда добро восторжествует? Хотя нет, добро - это другое. Когда восторжествует справедливость? Почему из-за того, что кому-то срочно понадобились деньги, погибли дети? Почему же невинные дети пострадали из-за жадности взрослых? Как с этим бороться? Как снова научиться жить родителям погибших детей? Каково утешение для тех, кто не смог даже попрощаться? Деньги? Льготы? Разве это поможет вернуть утонувшие "цветы жизни"?

«The saddest thing about Sewol disaster is that the young people are taught to respect the older generation in the Confucian and hierarchical society, but the adults abandoned them in a crisis and the system didn’t save them. The captain and most of the crew abandoned them. 2/3 of the crew survived, and only 1/3 of the passengers made it to dry land. »

В марте 2017 года, спустя три года после крушения, была проведена операция по подъёму затонувшего парома «Севоль».

'The Sewol ferry was lifted in 3 days. The waiting took 3 years.'

Повернуть время вспять невозможно. Хотя бы раз в год давайте вспоминать о тех, кто до последнего "подчинялся системе", о тех, кого сгубило воспитание. Давайте учиться на своих ошибках и быть хотя бы наполовину человечнее.
Давайте не забывать маленьких ангелов, которых бросили на произвол судьбы взрослые.

#Remember0416 #세월호

× cr. to the owners

How we eliminate trash and crap is something that lots folks do not think about broadly. We often underestimate the crap and clutter that we have piled up and accumulated within our premise already. These kinds of scenarios are the ones where it is helpful to think about an expert Sydney rubbish removal company for your home or business.

If you are handling a particular scenario, such as seasonal cleaning, moving into or from a place, or cleaning up after a bigger than normal occasion, it is possible that the quantity of garbage, trash, and clutter that you need to dispose of may be notice greater than normal. In these kinds of scenarios, it might be that your normal garbage collection is not sufficient to accommodate the debris that needs to be eliminated, or that it will not have picked up or dealt with at the proper time period. In this kind of situation, calling the aid of a trusted rubbish removal firm is a fantastic plan. These professionals specialize in carrying away all levels and sorts of trash. A business offering garbage or garbage removal in your town will have the ability to pick up and get rid of any quantity of garbage that you place out. Having to hire such firm, all of the crap elimination procedure will be handled by these experts, without you needing to do anything. These experts are well-equipped with the appropriate materials needed for the crap of discarding a job as well.

Another crucial service offered by personal garbage and trash hauling companies is having the ability to remove debris that's oversize or otherwise away from the purview of classic garbage services. If you are getting a brand new washing machine for your house, as an instance, or a brand new. If you require anything along the lines of an appliance, or on a personal junk hauling business. This way, you do not run the risk of having a fine for improperly disposing or dumping of your waste , and you are going to find the unwanted substances from your own hair. Eliminating old appliances is such a daunting task specifically for those bigger ones. You need to haul them away to where they are allowed to stay. With an expert Sydney rubbish removal company, you will not need to be bothered with these problems.

It is usually not necessary to hire a person for a personal junk or trash removal firm for each and every trash situation. But if you have to remove more than a normal amount of garbage, then it is undeniably a need for you to ask the aid of an expert Sydney rubbish removal for you to effectively and efficiently eliminate your rubbish. Having such firm will be an advantage especially with the fact that they have the appropriate and complete equipment, plus the knowledge and training in handling and dealing with all sorts of waste. With them, you can take care of all your waste in the most conveninent way, no hassle and no more stress.

After the original cartridge is used up, we are faced with a problem, how to replace toner cartridge after the original cartridge is replaced, a number of problems should be paid attention to during the replacement process, or it may result in the installation failure, or the overflow of the toner. If you're not good at it, check it out.

1. Open the printer and press the power button.

2. View the information display window of the printer to determine the ink amount. If it shows, "toner is used up", you have to replace the finished cartridge.

3. Open the printer door and access the toner cartridge. Maybe you'll have to hold down the release button and pull over to you.

4. Remove the used cartridge from the printer. For some printers, you can hold the blue release button and the cartridge bracket on the side. Once unlocked, pull up and take out the cartridge.

5. Change the cartridge. Take out the new cartridge and gently shake it, which will help to completely distribute the toner cartridge. The color tag pulled out of the cartridge. This removes the masking tape from the bottom of the cartridge. Be careful not to touch the image drum at the bottom of the printer cartridge, because the stain on the light-sensitive drum can cause the printing quality problem. It should be stuck in a safe place, in line with other ink cartridges. You'll know it's the blue release button that you're looking at. If you return to a locked position, your cartridge is safe. In the cradle of the device, be sure to close the cartridge and close the cartridge around it. Be ready to use your printer.

6. Print test pages. Your computer will automatically recognize the new cartridge installed. Most computing opportunities ask you if you want to print a test page to make sure the new cartridge is functional. Click ok. The computer will scan the printer Settings and eventually produce full-color pages.

In the end, if you have any questions about the toner cartridge, please consult INK E-SALE. INK E-SALE has several kinds of toner cartridges, for example, brother toner, canon toner, samsung toner and so on.

How to master the scale of love is troubling, too cold is iceberg, too hot is volcano. As a tender and shy Asian woman, something you have to learn when you gonna to acquire a Western man's heart.

The following 5 suggestions are for reference only:

1、Never say too much i love you. Casro has an insight: a woman should never let a man know that she loves him, or he will be arrogant about it.

2、Call him only once a day. Hang up before he did not want to cut the phone. Maintain a sense of mystery because no man likes a woman who babbles.

3、Keep an ordinary heart. Very few people love only once in their lives, and in nine cases out of ten, love ends with a breakup.Be yourself then not only youself and him will be easy in daily life.

4、To indulge too much becomes cowardice. No one owes anyone, and he is blessed to love him. In love, both are the main characters, to have their own opinions, everyone should know the appropriate of rejection.

5、Never get involved in financials. Money is a sensitive topic, love men and women involved in the real interests of the case is not rare. Emotional to feelings, money to money, or should be clear, so as not to lose the wife and fold.

Finally, respect is an art which everyone should learn in life.

Finding the right or the ideal caterer is very important because it is essential in ensuring that the event or the party will be a successful one. Whether you are planning a simple gathering with friends, an intimate reunion with your family and relatives or a great celebration, where you will be invited by a reliable caterer. You can not expect to have a fun-filled and memorable party if you try and do everything on your own. You will definitely need assistance from professional staff and from trustworthy.

There are a few things that you need to know when hiring paella party catering services. First, you have a lot of companies that can offer you with this type of service. You can try and do some internet research. If you check out the list of caterers in your area, you might get overwhelmed by the numbers. To help you with this, here are a few things that you need to do first:

Make a List of Questions- You have to prepare for a series of questions. Here are some of the things that you might want to ask these companies:

  • How much does your services cost?
  • Do you offer promos or packages?
  • What are included in your services?
  • Do you offer other services like venue styling, etc?
  • Do you provide your clients with a contract?
  • When is the payment needed for your service? Is there a reservation fee? Do you require an initial deposit?

Think about Your Demands- When we say demands, this includes the amount of food and drinks to be served. Think about what type of paella do you want to have. Is there a specific food item that you want to include on the menu? Do you want to cross out a particular item like seafood because you want to avoid food allergies? How long will you need the caterer's services? Make sure to finalize all of these. Then, they can tell you.

Check out their Reputation- This has something to do with evaluating the quality of their work. This is not only their quality. The way they are. You can easily check this out. Check out the Facebook reviews or look for mentions on Twitter. There are tons of reviews that you can check there. If not, you can visit online review sites such as Yelp or Better Business Bureau. There, you can check out how people check out which catering service providers are best rated or liked by the reviewers.

A hair salon can be a place where a person is mostly out of compulsion, when it is mandatory to get a good haircut. Although there are a few who may visit them out of choice, like while getting a new hair style, a mustache job, etc. But for me, that's hardly the case and consequently I look forward to hair salons. Well, to be precise, one can find a lot of hair salons in the vicinity but then there are some other things that can not be compromised upon in addition to getting a neat cut. I think many people can find these 'other things' too much on them.

The experience of craftsmen must be known

It is very important to know the kind of hair that can be provided by a hair salon. Many hair salons near me have a catalog or a booklet that I can expect from them. This type of booklet can be really helpful in finding out the offerings of the business. It can also provide good insight on the craftsmen's experience in the trade. Also, there are salons that have everything about the business that can be arrived at easily. Now, each time I make up my mind, I choose to visit a new experience.

Convenience and ambience does matter too

Most hair salons near me. In fact, a place where I landed for the 30 or 40 odd minutes, I do it the same way. I always try to find out the conveniences and ambience of the place before I take the call of hair cutting. For instance, in the summer seasons, it is essentially important to have air conditioners. I believe most people would also share this concern genuinely for all the frankness.

Any type of offers can be useful

There are hair salons near me that offer many types of offers and discounts. Some offer a 10% discount on the first visit and there are others that give a 15% student discount and so on. Well, these things can be invited to the point. Anyway, for some people, these discounts and offers can vary from person to person.

Last but not least, the cost of service should be competitive and economical. I am fortunate in this that the hair salons. Although these are some of the most reputed brands in the business. It can absolutely lend a value for the money.

The christening gown signifies an exceptional treasure which is a keepsake intending an important event for your child. In terms of choosing a christening gown, there is a huge selection of gowns to check out. It's the most likely the second primary, the piece of apparel, and the mother will purchase the gown. Therefore, you would certainly want to pick up the quality of the christening gown which will last forever through the decades to give you an enduring treasure of nostalgic recollections.

It's simple and easy to find beautiful christening gowns, the problem is in the presence of the christening gown that suits you, your infant, your situation and that suits your financial allowance! Therefore, you ought to make your choice carefully. Based on A Maker Of Beautiful Christening Dress From Sydney, you should consider the following when picking a christening gown:

Traditional or Modern?

The style of the christening gown is a significant choice. It's just a few traditions and personal taste. Do you want your child to wear the christening gown which you wore when you were christened? Or do you imagine the latest approach, perhaps a little tuxedo design outfit for your little guy? Choose a christening gown or christening costume that will have your beauty.

Focus on the fabric. Pick all-natural fibres that breathe well and comfortable to the baby. Fabrics like 100% cotton, linen and raw silk are great materials for christening garments. These vintage fabrics have been used for decades in the making of baby christening gowns and outfits.


White is the most well-liked choice for christening gowns, but it does not mean you are limited to that one color. You could choose any color of your choice based on what you would like to symbolize. White, however, is the desired color for a christening dress as it symbolizes purity and youth.


The climate, obviously, is a crucial concern when selecting your baby's christening gown or christening outfit. If you reside in a location where it is warm and sunny, you may want to choose a short sleeves and lighter in weight fabrics like silk or cotton. In much cooler climates, you will certainly want to think about a christening blanket, bonnet or hat and sweater.

Trim Details

Look closely at the tiny details. Are the buttons sewn on correctly or will they fall off the first time you button them? Are they proportionate to the dimensions of the christening gown? Does the color of the buttons match up the gown? Make sure the lace is suits in color and is proportionate to the dress. Are the buttons and lace connected so that you do not notice the edging?


You will need your baby to be as comfy as possible. When choosing the size of your baby's christening dress make sure the garment has enough room to move around without the cutting into his / her skin. Always verify sizing charts for proper fit. Watch that the materials are soft against the skin and do not cause itchiness.


There are plenty of accessories designed for your baby's christening, it's simple to get a little obsessive. You will need, at the lower levels; shoes, socks, bonnet or hat along with slip (for a girl's gown) and a bib to guard the town. If you reside in a much cooler climate, it's sensible to add a quilt or sweater to your list. Other terrific additions include; a christening holy bible, bracelet, or baptism towel. Do not forget a muslin upkeep bag to protect your dress after the ceremony.

Christening gowns can be dull or fancy but should be made of the best material and stitching. Christening gowns or clothes should be worked out as well as as comfy as is possible.

1. When was the last time I told myself “I love you”?

2. Am I a better person today, than I was yesterday?

3. Are my actions guided by love, or by fear?

4. Am I a good example for those around me?

5. Is the life that I am living the life I want to be living?

6. What would I do with my life if I knew there were no limits?

7. Do the people I surround myself with add any value to my life

8. Am I a Human Being or a human Doing?

9. Am I following the crowd or am I listening to my own heart and intuition?

10. What would I do differently if I knew nobody would judge me?

11. Do I treat myself with the love and respect I truly deserve?

12. Why am I so uncomfortable with talking to people I don’t know?

13. What is one thing I could start doing today to improve the quality of my life?

14. When was the last time I told myself “I am enough“?

15. When was the last time I heard the words “I love you”?

16. When was the last time I did something nice for myself?

17. When was the last time I learned something new?

18. When was the last time I did something fun?

19. Am I a happy person?

20. Am I a source of inspiration for my friends and family?

21. Who inspires me the most in this world?

22. If I were to give one piece of advice to a newborn child, what would it be?

23. Am I holding onto something I need to let go of?

24. Is there someone who has hurt or angered me that I need to forgive?

25. What can I do today to live a better life tomorrow?

26. When was the last time I read a book that had a major influence on me?

27. When was the last time I said “I love you” to someone?

28. When was the last time I made a new friend?

29. Does my presence add value to those around me?

30. Am I a pleasant person to be around?

31. What parts of my life don’t reflect who I am?

32. What has my heart and intuition been telling me that I might be ignoring?

33. Am I on the right path?

34. Where am I not being honest with myself and why?

35. Who is that one person I can talk to about just anything?

36. Am I comfortable with being uncomfortable?

37. Do I enjoy my own company?

38. Can I be alone without feeling lonely?

39. What is one thing I love the most about myself?

40. Do I take things personally?

41. What makes me happy?

42. What do I think about when I’m alone?

43. What am I most passionate about?

44. Where will I go after I die and what’s going to happen to me?

45. Who are the people that believe in me?

46. What do I want to be remembered for?

47. If I were to die tomorrow, would any of this matter?

48. If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?

49. Do I love myself as much as I expect others to love me?

50. What am I most thankful for?

Are you planning your first spa treatment? No worries! Here is your guide that you can sit back and enjoy your day.your guide that will take you through the process.

Many of us have a gift card lying around for a Day Spa Paddington Sydney but we are not concerned about the whole process. The spa day at Paddington Sydney is for you to relax and enjoy and not to add stress to your day. First of all, it is absolutely ok to feel a little anxious. Anything new always brings in a feeling of anxiety. Once you are aware of what is to be expected, you should be encouraged to enjoy and relax at the spa. Maybe the following reads will help you with that.we're anxious about the whole process. The spa day at Paddington Sydney is for you to relax and enjoy. First of all, it is absolutely ok to feel a little anxious. Anything new always brings in a feeling of anxiety. Once you are aware of what is to be expected, you should be encouraged to enjoy and relax at the spa. Maybe the following reads will help you with that.

What to do when you arrive?

If you are looking for a spa and have not made the appointment. The day spa Paddington Sydney always takes extra efforts to ensure that their clients are comfortable. Hence they would be more than happy.extra efforts to ensure that their clients are comfortable. Hence they would be more than happy.

While you are at it, you could also ask for the details of the treatments. This information should help you in deciding what you would like to get done on your day of spa Paddington Sydney.also ask for the details of the treatments they offer and what are the prices ranges for them. This information should help you in deciding what you would like to get done on your day of spa Paddington Sydney.

Make sure that you let them know about your gift card. You must ask all the questions you need.

Appointed day

Paddington Sydney. Paddington Sydney. You might be asked to fill in with your personal information and some health concerns. If you have any questions or concerns about the content, you can ask the staff and they will help you with the form. You must confirm the services you are booked for and also find out about the duration of the treatment. Please keep in mind that you are here for a day of relaxation. Hence, the time should not be on your mind.

During the treatment

You will be given a specialist for the spa treatments. They might ask you some general questions about your skin or any allergies that you might have. You must talk to them frankly and share any concerns. Only then will they proceed with the process. If you are not sure or sure.will they

If you are booked for and do not know, they will not be comfortable with the process.knowthey will make amends to it.

We hope that the above information was helpful and that you have a great day at the spa. You are sure to come out fresh and rejuvenated to the core.

Finding some of the best massage Sydney especially for men is now a lot easy to find. Yes, this is because of the fact that this kind of pampering is now becoming a trend among men and now is very much available at Fleur de Lys Medispa . While it is true that massage regardless of its type are more popular among women there are now a lot of men who are also open to their cravings for this kind of personal pampering services. Due to its popularity, more and more spas and massage parlors are now sprouting like mushrooms in different parts of Sydney and the neighboring places. But the question is how you are going to pinpoint which of the many salons and massage parlors catering to this kind of service are really the best for men. How are you going to find it out? That is actually an easy task for anyone to deal with. For you to be able to find some of top massage-centers Sydney is to set some parameters for it. Here are some of those that you need to take note:

  • The reputation for quality service – this should be the very first area of concern whenever you will be looking for the best salon that offers different types of massage especially for men. Make sure you will only get this kind of personal service from a provider known for the kind of services they offer. For you to ensure getting the best pampering that will surely relieve you of muscle tensions entrust yourself to a massage salon known for their real good quality service. You will know it according to the feedback and reviews from their previous clients. This is one of your guides to be able to get the best choice.
  • Pool of licensed and experienced therapists – the next important thing that you need to make sure when looking for the finest massage Sydney is the skills and expertise of their therapists. You must only choose a salon with a pool of certified and truly experienced therapists. Make sure they will be able to provide you with one that can literally address men’s passion for hard pressure when deciding to pamper yourself with this kind of pampering need.
  • The kind of pressure – because of the fact that most men would prefer hard pressure for massage, it should also be among your parameters when choosing some of the excellent massage in Sydney. It is therefore among the many essential things that you need to consider when deciding which of the many service providers for this kind of massage should you choose. The best massage around Sydney for men is one that also has a pool of masculine massage therapists who are truly an expert on this kind of service. Indeed it would also be a lot important to request for a therapist who can truly afford to provide hard pressure for men to be able to truly appreciate awesome massage Sydney at Fleur de Lys Medispa.
  • Summary

    This article centers it discussion about best massage Sydney especially for men. Readers are somehow guided to get the right choice on it.

    What is an 'extortion' of offence and just what are the penalties?

    Based on a Firm of Criminal Defense Lawyers From Melbourne CBD, a person who can make any pointless demand with menaces:

    (a) with the objective of obtaining a gain or of leading to a loss; or

    (b) with the objective of influencing the exercise of public duty, is guilty of an offense of extortion.

    The highest penalty imprisonment for ten years.

    A person is guilty of a much more serious offense of extortion if the individual commits the extortion by accusing an individual.

    The maximum in these situations is imprisonment for 14 years.

    What is a ' demand with menaces ' offense and what exactly are the penalties?

    A demand with menaces is "unwarranted" unless the person thinks that he has she has fairgrounds to make the demand.

    Menaces include:

    (a) an express or imminent threat of any motion detrimental or uncomfortable to another person; and

    (b) a general danger of detrimental or uncomfortable action that is required because of the individual making the unwarranted need holds a public office.

    A danger against a person unless:

    (a) the threat will cause a person of normal stableness and courage to act unwillingly due to the threat, or

    (b) the danger could cause the particular person to act unwillingly in response to the danger and the individual who makes the danger of the susceptibility of the particular individual to the danger.

    Is it required for a benefit to having been obtained?


    A person is still able to be convicted of extortion or blackmail even though the benefit (or demand) was by no means actually obtained.

    For example, if you risked someone else and they disregarded your threats, you can still be convicted of blackmail.

    The issue is whether or not to gain gain or result in a loss. The mere idea that no loss or gain.

    Also, it is important to realize that it is tangible (that is passed from one individual to another person).

    What must the Crown prove?

    In an extortion / blackmail issue, the Crown must prove, beyond a reasonable question, that an individual:

    Made a pointless demand with menaces; and

    In doing this intended to:

    (a) Obtain a gain

    (b) Result in a loss or

    (c) Influence the training of a public duty

    Can extortion or blackmail happen without words actually being talked or written?

    Yes. Extortion or blackmail can happen through actions, for example, body language. It can be an express or signified treat. For example, a threat might be as easy as waking or a head at an improper time. If this is the case, the Crown needs to confirm that the person was in the meantime.

    How can you get a premium if charged with extortion or blackmail?

    There are many factors that a Court will think about when sentencing a person charged with extortion or blackmail. Matters that could reduce a include, but are not restricted to:

    • If it is your very first offense

    • You present good character references

    • You display a need for therapy

    • You show real remorse

    • You prove that you will endure extra-curialism (i. e. That you experience outside the Court's sentence)

    What is the highest penalty for extortion or blackmail?

    Extortion and blackmail are extremely serious crimes. In NSW, extortion and blackmail, bear the optimum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and this may increase to 14 years if the offence is irritated.

    What are the possible defenses to a charge of extortion or blackmail?

    • You deny that you extorted or blackmailed anybody

    • You deny that your steps are constituted by menaces any danger and were not "detrimental or unpleasant"

    • You deny that there was clearly any intention of getting a benefit or leading to another person loss

    • You claimed that you were driven to extort or blackmail.

    "Considering how insane my life has been this week, kissing Warren in the middle of a deadly storm didn't feel that strange. It felt like we were flipping off the cruel universe… and if I was going to die, I wanted one kiss from a boy I cared about."

    Я доиграла-таки в Life is Strange (вроде как, с четвертой попытки).
    И омг, как же я люблю Уоррена, он же лапочка.

    Wedding period of time is about to dominate the interpersonal calendars of the many, and if you’re clever, you’ll appear prepared. How can one plan for the slew of “I do’s”, you ask? Well, obtaining the grooving competencies not out of par is probably the initially order of business. You’d hate to feel confused on the dancing floor. And also, if you’re single, exactly how are you going to match anyone by simply staring from the sidelines, swirling your iced-down drink around? That’s no chance to enjoy yourself.

    The bride and groom don’t should get all of the enjoyment. You may also have a lot of fun at the wedding day when you learn a few truly amazing dance methods, letting you experience a lot more assured and also willing to rejoice.

    You Ought To Get Wedding Dance Lessons If…

    You’re The Mother And Father of the New Bride or Maybe the Groom

    Because you knows the majority of the citizens, there will probably as well be a large amount of focus on you. Your pals, spouse and children, as well as brand new in-laws are just waiting for you to enlighten them—don’t let them down! That is your own opportunity to create a great effect.

    Wedding day preparing is known to get all sorts of anxiety on the household of the happy couple. The wedding celebration is the instance to at last take pleasure in the fruit of your labor––celebrate and even bash such as you mean it.

    Utilize this possibility for come up with a celebratory, expert dance to begin one’s own child’s new chapter of existence. Because of wedding photographers, your dancing will probably be a gift that retains on providing.

    You’re In the Big Event

    While an affiliate of the gathering, a big part of the function is to assist take the gathering. In case simply no one’s on the dancing ground, it’s the job to just go start the entertaining. With awesome techniques under the strip, you’ll create the dance floor an encouraged, celebratory, and secure location.

    The reason why be an important part of the gathering, but is not an important part of the PARTY? You’re honoring considered one of your dearest friends’ spousal relationship; dancing about this!

    Set off to viral with the rest of the bridal celebration and thus build a wonder dance that bangs everyone away and provides you with your own 15-seconds of popularity. The dancing learned from Care To Dance these types of groomsmen did was an immediate impression.

    You’re A Committed Couple Attending Friends’ Matrimony

    Occasionally functional life gets occupied and even we don’t create sufficient time for those we admire. Use the upcoming wedding party in your own organizer being an excuse to reconnect with your wife or husband. Having wedding party lessons is proved to be even better as compared to counseling. And, yes, you may get your partner to take lessons with you.

    You realize it’s certainly not you will get to wear and have a night out. Let it go slightly and move onto the dance area thinking self-confident. You’ll certainly not would like to quit grooving after you learn how!

    You’re Flying Solo

    Rather than dreading another wedding ceremony that renders you recognize how single you might be, make the most of the opportunity to wow someone amazing on the dancing floor! Number of arrangements are usually more passionate to get together people today as compared to weddings—love is in the air along with the vigor is high. You’ll really like making use of your brand new competencies seeing that an ice-breaker, and also dancing is actually a beautiful function.

    Using wedding dance training is a good approach to encounter a person new. Men and women seize training lessons all the time, and thus it’d be pleasurable that you can perform with someone who possesses the same plan in mind… Perhaps by the next wedding ceremony, you’ll obtain a plus-one to have!

    Wedding Day Dancing Classes to Obtain

    If you’re willing to create those legs of at your feet a little fancier, it’s time and energy to decide on just what kinds of dances to find out. In the end, you’d dislike to enroll in a dance class, only to realize it’s not the best for wedding circumstances. Underneath are our proposed wedding day dancing lessons to make certain you’re wanting to experience the tune.

    Criminal defense lawyers sometimes get a not-so-flattering portrayal because people assume that they defend guilty folks. However, if you are a suspect in a criminal proceeding in Sydney, you need the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer, regardless of your guilt or innocence. Acting as the defense advocate of the accused, criminal attorneys play a crucial part in Australia’s criminal justice system to realize that everyone charged with a criminal offense has the opportunity to protect themselves.

    Defense Attorneys Secure the Rights of the Accused

    Above all, a legal defense lawyer's job is to look after the rights of the accused. Looking after your legal rights under the Bill of Rights was instituted in Australia’s Constitution, criminal defense lawyers are compelled by law to assist their clients by guaranteeing that you are treated fairly by Sydney’s criminal justice process. Specifically, your criminal defense attorney's job is to see that you are permitted:

    —The right to stay silent;

    —The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt";

    —The right to a trial by a jury of your peers;

    —The best way to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures;

    —The right to legal defense

    These rights are guaranteed by Australia’s Constitution and are applicable to most states. Hence, a legal defense lawyer is expected to provide suspects with protection against the overreach of the AU government in meeting out punishment for any individual accused of a criminal offense. If a criminal defense lawyer is not going to render realistic efforts to watch over your rights or provide effective support, he/she risks ending his/her license to practice law or other penalties.

    Criminal Lawyers Defend the Innocent

    The second main role of a legal defense attorney will be always to safeguard the innocent. We view each day about overturned criminal cases where new evidence verifies the incarceration of an innocent person that has served time as a result of an incorrect guilty verdict. Even though, most clients of criminal defense lawyers are quite discriminated culpable in the crime they have been charged with, on rare occasions, some of some lawyer's clients are truly innocent. Though a rare occurrence, innocent people are convicted and accused of criminal offenses.

    To combat the prosecution of their wrongly accused, criminal defense lawyers have to be diligent in carrying prosecutors and police accountable for every stage of their analysis in every case they handle. Because of this, defense lawyers will need to significantly take their role as advisers to the innocent and the not-so-innocent so that that the one to blame don't escape while the innocent are punished.

    Therefore, to accomplish the duty of sustaining a client’s constitutional rights and acting as a watchdog to oversee the behavior of authorities and prosecutors, a criminal defense lawyer must diligently pursue separate investigations to the offense where a client has been accused to secure a trial, then that client is either completely exonerated or that there is certainly enough evidence to prove that reasonable doubt exists to warrant his/her client's release from custody.

    And for the many cases, someone who has already reached the point of a jury trial is accountable, defense lawyers are required to offer every client the opportunity to a fair trial. Guilty or not, everyone else has the constitutional right to have a good trial. With a strong belief within the nature of the criminal justice system, reputable criminal lawyers Sydney recognize the best of each and every citizen to possess representation and sometimes must put away their feelings to signify those who have committed very serious offenses.

    Criminal Defense Lawyers Also Protect the Guilty

    Generally speaking, the persons that criminal defense attorneys like Osullivan Legal represent fall into two categories:

    ·Those who refuse criminal culpability;

    ·People who take responsibility for their criminal conduct

    Criminal defense lawyers sometimes get a not-so-flattering portrayal because people assume that they defend guilty folks. However, if you are a suspect in a criminal proceeding in Sydney, you need the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer, regardless of your guilt or innocence. Acting as the defense advocate of the accused, criminal attorneys play a crucial part in Australia’s criminal justice system to realize that everyone charged with a criminal offense has the opportunity to protect themselves.

    Defense Attorneys Secure the Rights of the Accused

    Above all, a legal defense lawyer's job is to look after the rights of the accused. Looking after your legal rights under the Bill of Rights was instituted in Australia’s Constitution, criminal defense lawyers are compelled by law to assist their clients by guaranteeing that you are treated fairly by Sydney’s criminal justice process. Specifically, your criminal defense attorney's job is to see that you are permitted:

    —The right to stay silent;

    —The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt";

    —The right to a trial by a jury of your peers;

    —The best way to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures;

    —The right to legal defense

    These rights are guaranteed by Australia’s Constitution and are applicable to most states. Hence, a legal defense lawyer is expected to provide suspects with protection against the overreach of the AU government in meeting out punishment for any individual accused of a criminal offense. If a criminal defense lawyer is not going to render realistic efforts to watch over your rights or provide effective support, he/she risks ending his/her license to practice law or other penalties.

    Criminal Lawyers Defend the Innocent

    The second main role of a legal defense attorney will be always to safeguard the innocent. We view each day about overturned criminal cases where new evidence verifies the incarceration of an innocent person that has served time as a result of an incorrect guilty verdict. Even though, most clients of criminal defense lawyers are quite discriminated culpable in the crime they have been charged with, on rare occasions, some of some lawyer's clients are truly innocent. Though a rare occurrence, innocent people are convicted and accused of criminal offenses.

    To combat the prosecution of their wrongly accused, criminal defense lawyers have to be diligent in carrying prosecutors and police accountable for every stage of their analysis in every case they handle. Because of this, defense lawyers will need to significantly take their role as advisers to the innocent and the not-so-innocent so that that the one to blame don't escape while the innocent are punished.

    Therefore, to accomplish the duty of sustaining a client’s constitutional rights and acting as a watchdog to oversee the behavior of authorities and prosecutors, a criminal defense lawyer must diligently pursue separate investigations to the offense where a client has been accused to secure a trial, then that client is either completely exonerated or that there is certainly enough evidence to prove that reasonable doubt exists to warrant his/her client's release from custody.

    And for the many cases, someone who has already reached the point of a jury trial is accountable, defense lawyers are required to offer every client the opportunity to a fair trial. Guilty or not, everyone else has the constitutional right to have a good trial. With a strong belief within the nature of the criminal justice system, reputable criminal lawyers Sydney recognize the best of each and every citizen to possess representation and sometimes must put away their feelings to signify those who have committed very serious offenses.

    Criminal Defense Lawyers Also Protect the Guilty

    Generally speaking, the persons that criminal defense attorneys like Osullivan Legal represent fall into two categories:

    ·Those who refuse criminal culpability;

    ·People who take responsibility for their criminal conduct

    Этот текст мог бы быть о том, какая я идиотическая идиотка, что позволяю себе бесконечно паниковать, срываться и отматывать назад. Ничего хорошего из этого не выходит. Но я не хочу, чтобы этот текст был об этом. Если ты еще не знаешь, не понимаешь, не хочешь понимать уже - мне трудно делать то, чего я не делала никогда (только в мыслях), мне трудно ужиться с мыслью, что меня можно любить долго. Недавно, занимаясь своим любимым делом (ехать в машине под музыку), я занималась другим любимым делом: рефлексировала. Я думала, вот все эти люди, кого мне постоянно предлагают как "возможных друзей", я ведь знала их, я была с ними, я их даже может любила, выслушивала, смешила. Но понимала ли я, что это все временно? Думала ли я об этом, когда планировала старость у камина? Понимала ли я это глубоко-глубоко? Я часто чувствовала себя брошенной. Я больше всего на свете ненавижу чувствовать себя брошенной, больше не интересной, не любимой. Навязчивой, раздраждающей. Я ощущаю такие вещи каждой клеткой, и хочется удавиться. Мама говорит: "Запомни, нет такой вещи, какая бы не была Ане необходима". Эх, мама, ты обречена платить вечно за Бабри с гнущейся талией, за кусок пластика с прорезиненным вращающимся прессом, воспитавшим меня в нелюбви к человеческому телу. Но он был мне необходим тогда, и такое не забывается. Неважно, что - айфоны, пакет с мармеладками, новенькие Clarks'ы, прыгнувшие на меня с витрины. Неважно что. Решили завести ребенка - платите. Решили обидеть ребенка - платите по полной. And it's nothing to do with love.

    Can't remember anything at all
    Flame trees lined the street
    Can't remember anything at all
    But I'm driving my car down to Geneva

    I've been sitting in my basement patio
    It was hot

    Up above the girls walk past
    Their roses all in bloom
    Have you ever heard about the Higgs Boson Blues?
    I'm going down to Geneva baby
    Gonna teach it to you

    Whether in residential or commercial buildings. I bet almost all buildings and wrought iron. This is why a lot of manufacturers are now competing with each other in the market for this particular kind of wrought iron product. The demand for this kind of building fixture also paved the way for its ever increasing popularity and wider market in many parts of the globe. But have you figured out how important thing is fixture really is? Can a residential or commercial buildingstand without this kind of handrail fixture? For some reasons, both residential and commercial buildings can stand still without this fixtures. However, just like any other parts of all edifice, it is equally important and often used for different purposes. Here are the three importance of why wrought-iron handrail is often used by both residential and commercial edifices:

    Importance of Wrought Iron Handrail

    1. Safety - this is mainly the main reason why more residential and commercial buildings choose to have handrail out of wrought iron along its stairways. This specific fixture is made not only to add life to the stairs but mostly to the safety of all people using this particular space in the house or office. It provides them easy grip to hold on to to when climbing up and down the stairs. In the olden days, the fashioned metallic railing was principally created to provide support for the staircase. It is actually a part of the house. As the years passed and construction style progresses, the handrail is being used principally for security, especially for old people to have peace of mind in climbing up and down the stairs.

    2. Style - in modern-day constructing, almost all of the buildings used wrought iron handrail mainly for style. Yes, it is being used to add beauty to the whole edifice. Having intricately made. Many people with a stylish handrail made from wrought iron. A handrail created by using wrought iron is really the case with recycling in the industry if you are talking about style and other aesthetic sense. modern deconstructing, almost all of the buildings. Yes, it is being used to add beauty to the whole edifice. Having intricately made wrought iron handrail

    3. Elegance - even at first glance, a house or an office with shaped iron bannister simply speaks of elegance. Yes, it is part of the human nature to appreciate this intricate work of art. This is why many of the high-end buildings are in the Middle East. Intricately designed pieces of this kind of handrail and add to the elegance of the whole edifice.


    This article is all about iron handrail. It somehow provides readers with three main reasons why this kind of handrail is being preferred by both residential and commercial edifices.

    We all dispose of significant amounts of wastes in our homes or business locations. If we left all these scraps to accumulate in one spot, we would be posing a lot of danger to the people, animals, and pets in the area. These hazards come from the stench and the risk of coming into contact with this garbage. Sydney companies. This is one of the many reasons why people seek the services of rubbish removal. Additionally, these companies understand the best ways of disposing of these wastes either by dumping in landfills, incinerating or recycling. Therefore, when seeking these services, we believe that the rubbish will be appropriately handled without causing harm to the environment, human beings, and animal species. However, there are those rubbish removal Sydney companies that do not treat the customers or collected rubbish as recommended.

    · Their reputation: It is easy to identify a rubbish elimination Sydney Company that has a good reputation and one that does not. Information about a company's reputation can be obtained from friends and relatives. Their feedback provides accurate information on the effectiveness and overall customer service of the company's employees. Additionally, a firm that has created a strong online presence. Checking the feedback from the past customers on the site.

    · Promptness in responding to customers calls: A junk disposal Sydney Company needs to invest in reliable employees who understand the need for prioritizing the needs of their customers. When clients call to ask something about the removal services and their calls go unanswered, they are a proof of unreliability. The promptness also extends to the time they take to the place to remove the garbage. If the company takes more than three days to respond to, or show up to, the site. Clients' dislike such delays especially when they intend to put the trashed space into useful use.

    · Methods of dealing with the collected garbage: It is essential to choose a trash disposal Sydney Company that uses eco-friendly practices of disposing of wastes . Good companies begin by sorting the scraps into different categories; say the recyclables, those going to charity and those to be eliminated by either dumping or incineration. Dumping should only be done in the recommended landfills. Customers prefer companies that dump their garbage responsibly.

    · Excellent communication skills with customers: Some debris removal Sydney companies' staff take time to explain to their customers. That way, they keep different trash bins for keeping the organic and non-organic wastes.


    When looking for an excellent rubbish removal, Sydney Company, ensure that you take the cost factors as well.

    Skilled wedding photographers in Sydney do a lot more than shoot images; they utilize their expertise and training to continually catch those magical moments in a wedding. When you have tried using the service of an expert photographer, you will recognize that.

    However, how would you locate an expert photographer that is ideal for your upcoming wedding? Listed below are the 10 main questions that we urge you inquire potential photographers while doing your hunt:

    1. Have you been really insured?

    In case the response is "yes, " ask as many questions as you need to ascertain whether the partnership is ideal for you personally. In case the response is still "no, " nevertheless, do not push through! Find yet another photographer. What happens in the event that you employ a friend of your close friend and he trips, injured himself or even broke his brand-new camera? You have to get shielded.

    2. How about your credentials and background?

    Let’s say that you are in a job interview, but this time assign yourself as the interviewer. Do not hesitate about asking the photographer about these concerns:

    —Just how long are you a photographer?

    —Where did you obtain your photography training?

    —What do professional photographic organizations you participate in?

    —Are you a licensed photographer?

    —Have you got a degree in photography?

    —Have you ever won any contests?

    The experts have standards to maintain and membership in professional institutions. Whenever you decide on somebody who's licensed or retains a qualification in photography, then you are starting the hunt with calibre. Experts have exceptional abilities and trained in artistry and technology, therefore they understand just how to create exquisite graphics which reflect precisely the image you would like to depict.

    3. Can I see your portfolio?

    A real professional won't have any trouble offering as many references as you want from prior customers, spouses and also fellow photographers. Make sure you telephone the testimonials and discover their feedback on the photographer. Can the photographer catch the mood of your event within her or his photos? Well, he must because this is what he was paid for.

    4. How can you discover this distinct photographer?

    Ask to view samples from a whole photography session or some selection of photographs from a number of diverse sessions to receive a feeling of security of a photographer's work. This will reveal to you how creative the photographer will be and inform you whether he or she's always good…or simply blessed from time to time.

    By entrusting your photos to a skilled artist like At Dusk in Sydney, you will receive exactly what you purchase! An avowed photographer is undoubtedly being a greater level of confidence and knows that your photos are in good hands. Certainly, you are searching for, and almost certainly, love!

    Bear in mind, everyone can have a great picture once in a while. However, while you've just got one chance to catch life's most significant moments.

    Skilled wedding photographers in Sydney do a lot more than shoot images; they utilize their expertise and training to continually catch those magical moments in a wedding. When you have tried using the service of an expert photographer, you will recognize that.

    However, how would you locate an expert photographer that is ideal for your upcoming wedding? Listed below are the 10 main questions that we urge you inquire potential photographers while doing your hunt:

    1. Have you been really insured?

    In case the response is "yes, " ask as many questions as you need to ascertain whether the partnership is ideal for you personally. In case the response is still "no, " nevertheless, do not push through! Find yet another photographer. What happens in the event that you employ a friend of your close friend and he trips, injured himself or even broke his brand-new camera? You have to get shielded.

    2. How about your credentials and background?

    Let’s say that you are in a job interview, but this time assign yourself as the interviewer. Do not hesitate about asking the photographer about these concerns:

    —Just how long are you a photographer?

    —Where did you obtain your photography training?

    —What do professional photographic organizations you participate in?

    —Are you a licensed photographer?

    —Have you got a degree in photography?

    —Have you ever won any contests?

    The experts have standards to maintain and membership in professional institutions. Whenever you decide on somebody who's licensed or retains a qualification in photography, then you are starting the hunt with calibre. Experts have exceptional abilities and trained in artistry and technology, therefore they understand just how to create exquisite graphics which reflect precisely the image you would like to depict.

    3. Can I see your portfolio?

    A real professional won't have any trouble offering as many references as you want from prior customers, spouses and also fellow photographers. Make sure you telephone the testimonials and discover their feedback on the photographer. Can the photographer catch the mood of your event within her or his photos? Well, he must because this is what he was paid for.

    4. How can you discover this distinct photographer?

    Ask to view samples from a whole photography session or some selection of photographs from a number of diverse sessions to receive a feeling of security of a photographer's work. This will reveal to you how creative the photographer will be and inform you whether he or she's always good…or simply blessed from time to time.

    By entrusting your photos to a skilled artist like At Dusk in Sydney, you will receive exactly what you purchase! An avowed photographer is undoubtedly being a greater level of confidence and knows that your photos are in good hands. Certainly, you will possess the graphics you are searching for, and almost certainly, love!

    Bear in mind, everyone can have a great picture once in a while. However, while you've just got one chance to catch life's most significant moments, you ensure the man behind the camera would be a master.

    Choosing what type of massage is best for you personally is not usually a very simple undertaking. On average, massage specialists will concentrate on a focused or complete body massage therapy. It is excellent for you to select one of the best massage therapies for you as per your needs. Many of people prefer to get full body massage service for them.

    Directed treatments concentrate on a particular area of the body that needs rubbing. We frequently define these ranges as trigger points. When they are massaged legitimately they release any developed bunches of muscle tissue which have been activating distress and agony in different portions of the human anatomy. Be as it may, massages are not done exclusively for pain alleviation. Reflexology may be your demo of massage for focusing on particular areas in your own body to help in directing your own body frameworks.

    This kind of massage isn't for diminishing torment, but rather to make your whole body more capable from side to side. Another focused in massage therapy program concentrates on the cranial sacral region of the physique. This alludes to your head and neck. It's best in mending TMJD, cerebral distress, and neck and back distress. Directed massage treatment is excellent for anyone with a particular variety of distress.

    Swedish Massage: Once we typically imagine massages, the huge majority imagine full body massage approaches. A Swedish massage is also an exceptionally mainstream treatment system which includes rubbing against the profound tissues in the system. This guides in discharging any metabolic wastes and tight muscles which might distress you. It additionally realigns your whole skeletal frame and enhances your general movement. This massaging technique works by using prolonged strokes, kneading and friction with the fundamental purpose of boosting circulation and promoting comfort. The level of pressure can be soft, moderate to hard. Check out spa services at FleurDeLysMedispa in Sydney and experience their best.

    Sports Massage: It's similar to a Swedish massage, however, it's equipped more towards athletic or exceptionally energetic individuals. The last sort of full body massage treatment is outfitted towards particular conditions. For instance, pre-birth and geriatric clients can find massages which can be written only for them. These massages are exceptionally delicate. They concentrate on delicately discharging metabolic tight and develop muscles, while additionally tenderly realigning the patient's skeletal frame. A definitive objective as a primary concern is always to enhance the pre-birth or geriatric patient's general versatility.

    So how would you decide between focused or complete body massage treatments? Decide whether you are focusing on the general health that a complete body massage offers, or around the off likelihood that you're essentially expecting to revise an area of never-ending torment or some certain condition that's significantly impacting your quality of life. Particular locales of your own body are regularly better treated through a system like reflexology. in case that you are yet uncertain about which treatment procedure is ideal for you personally, then stop into your local massage parlour and request a specialist. This expert ought to really have the capacity to figure out which procedure will be best for you personally.

    Even though a huge portion of earth's population drinks wine, a lot of us haven't any clue what’s actually inside the jar in front a person. But the simple fact is that there are over ten thousand unique grape varieties which may be made to wine, and heaps of countries producing wines of every shape and size.

    … and color.

    Wines, you notice, don't just come in white and reddish. In addition they arrive in sorted colors of pink and also orange and brownish (but we're getting way ahead of ourselves).

    The simple fact is that the area of wine is unknown and misunderstood by the typical wine consumer.

    What exactly is an aspiring wine lover to accomplish when faced with mountains of drinking options from your wine shop?

    Here is a suggestion from Dawine: don't stay on your rut. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those grape varieties. However, in the event you'd like to find a happy medium between the ignorant wine consumers, and also the Know-it-all wine snob, then here's what you need to do:

    Know some basic rules

    It's commonly known that white wines go with fish and white meat, and that red wines choose red meat. But that is merely the start of narrative. Wines that are created to move along with food have a significant selection of capabilities. In fact, it is possible to come across excellent pairings that totally go against the conventional wisdom and old school rules. So rather than pairing predicated on color, try contemplating dominant tastes in the weight and texture of a certain dish… and then find wines that work well in combination with those traits.

    What does that mean? Well how about pairing an earthy, soulful salmon and mushroom dish with and earthy, soulful Pinot Noir? Blasphemy? Not in the modern wine world.

    Know it is ok to not know

    Too a lot of us feel as we will need to posture concerning our wine wisdom and wine encounter. You notice that sommelier heading toward the dining table and you also start grasping for wine words that you see in a magazine or attempt to impersonate a spectacle you saw in a picture.

    Look, not many people are anticipated to be conscious of wine. And the sommelier isn't there to quiz you on your knowledge. They have been there to assist you in making great decisions that fit your taste and budget. So do yourself a favor and small up and get several questions for those who will need to.

    Love the experience

    Wine does not have to be approached academically by most people. So don't be concerned about studying up, and focus on appreciating the wine experience.

    Observe those characteristics you prefer and what that you do not like… and utilize that new knowledge to maximize your potential pleasure by researching more and new wines that fit your preferences.

    If your doctor says that you have varicose veins, it means that your blood veins have become dilated and blood has overfilled them. They, therefore, look swollen and develop a bluish-purple color and in some cases red color. This condition is common in women and appears on the lower legs. The good news is that the condition is not severe, but it can lead to other complications in some individuals. Before you start wondering how the situation came up or the remedy for it, let’s help you understand the condition, its causes, symptoms, treatment and everything related to the disease.

    • The causes: Varicosities are as a result of weakened veins in the legs. It means that they fail to work usually resulting in the accumulation of blood and pressure in the affected area. As such, these vessels become not only weak but also large and twisted. Some people develop this condition because it’s in their family. Other causes include aging, being pregnant or overweight or spending most of your time standing or sitting. Standing or sitting for long periods causes pressure to build up in the legs and ankle region. The symptoms of varicoses are readily detectable because the dilated veins are visible and at times discolored. Some patients experience pain and burning sensation around the affected area. In severe cases, the vessels bleed and may lead to ulcers.

    • Diagnosis of the condition: Doctors examine the varicose capillaries when the patient is either seated or standing. They also enquire about other symptoms such as pain in the affected area. In some cases, doctors perform ultrasounds to assess the blood flow around these veins. The severity of some patients’ condition may call for a venogram to make a further assessment of their veins. The venogram is more or less like an x-ray; the only difference is that a particular dye must be injected into the legs. The ultrasound and venogram tests are conducted by theveininstitute to ascertain that the swelling of the veins is not caused by other disorders such as blood clot.

    • Treatment of varicose vessels: Before employing advanced procedures of removing the swollen veins, most doctors recommend a lifestyle change in the form of regular exercises to enhance blood circulation, losing weight for the obese and eating a healthy diet at all times and most importantly, avoidance of standing for too long. In other cases, doctors recommend the wearing of compression stockings. These techniques prevent the swelling in non-patients and prevent the formation of new ones in those who are already affected.

    • Advanced treatment procedures: the severity of the varicose veins determines the kind of treatment one receives. Therefore, if the condition becomes severe, the doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove the swelling. Other forms of treatment include laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, and sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation therapy.


    After the choice of an appropriate method for the removal of the varicose veins, it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions on the after-care treatment keenly.

    Constructors and construction builders who undertake leading ventures such as building commercially made or possibly home attributes, home remodeling or even roof recognize how essential security requirements are for workforce who work on heights. Thus, their main concern is being sure the protection of their staff. You could possibly demand making use of either a ladder or maybe some sort of scaffold device dependent on the purpose of labor. When standard scaffolds may be uncomfortable and even not easy to steadiness and stabilize, there is a reliable and even less difficult solution.

    Vital facts related to scaffolding towers, an exceptionally secure as well as flexible type of scaffold, which is suitable for working around the typical house, is pointed out here below:

    Scaffolding Towers

    Constructed from aluminum or steel, scaffolding towers are notably constant, flexible and then simple to operate. A portable scaffolding structure gives numerous benefits of a limited scaffolding method. Scaffolding mobile towers are easy to remove as their feet happen installed with casters. This proclamation is particularly true for systems which are made out of lightweight aluminum. Just in case, you anticipate using a tower for many jobs, scaffolding towers is going to be especially economical. It might be wise to get a scaffolding site entirely in comparison to hiring one each and every time you may want to work on a level for an extended time. Make sure to consider scaffolding sites of mrscaffold mainly because an alternative to conventional scaffolds or even ladders to make sure that you total your tasks successfully that requirements managing heights. They are generally safer, inexpensive and simple to handle.

    Advantages of Scaffolding

    Standard scaffold techniques typically make use of several help across which a horizontal scaffold is set. Nevertheless, there are ported onto be mentioned here is the much higher the construction, the additional wavering it becomes. Scaffold sites are sturdy and methodically set up and down frameworks that have ladders or perhaps internal stairways employing which consumers might naturally climb and climb down. The structure’s high portion is a powerful system that is definitely usually outlined on just about all several borders by a guardrail. The surface area that is functioned upon could be reached by the part that stay open. Necessary substances and resources might be mounted on the platform as it has got sufficient space.

    Be it real estate plan or even commercial and even industrialized tasks or even undersized to huge mining tasks, scaffold methods as well as extras supplied by us are popular throughout Australia. We have a huge choice of items including scaffold stairs and even ladders, Kwikstage modular and even aluminum scaffold and also equipment, scaffold furnishings, tube lights, parts and even gear. Irrespective of where you might be situated in Brisbane, we are able to help you get started in relation to your own scaffolding demands for the venture site.

    вдохновившись вашими новогодними постами, тоже решила попробовать составить анкету,
    так что вот она - моя первая анкета
    итоги 2017

    песни года: imagine dragons - beliver, alt-J - deadcrush, radiohead - i promise,
    kasabian - you`re love in the psycho, halsey - now or never, depeche mode - going backwards, hardkiss - кораблi, coldplay - hypnotised, the national - day i die,
    u2 - you're the best thing about me
    фильмы года - Ла Ла Ленд, До костей, Бегущий по лезвию, Пираты Карибского моря: Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки
    сериалы года: Риведейл, Скам, Дневники вамира - ох, как я скучаю
    книги года:" Один день" Дэвид Николс, "Невероятная история Muse" Марк Бомон
    события года: кастинг, после которого я осознаю, как мне не хватает музыки в жизни, зависимость от доктора кто, получение диплома бакалавра
    воспоминание года: потрясающий фейверк под хиты рок-музыки на день города
    вывод года: пора научиться слышать себя.

    Подводные световые столбы колеблются, превращают берег в мост. Ван Гог где-то рядом расчехляет мольберт. Керченский пролив освещается волнующимися столбами. Редкие прохожие удаляются прочь, сбегают с моста. Столбы колеблются. Осторожно, двери закрываются, следующая станция Фрунзенская. Мост уезжает, остаются металлические калейдоскопические палки в метро. Освещение вырубает профили из каменных лиц. Шпиль - как башенка на торте, достанется не всем. Не трогай, это на Новый Год. Ты слишком сильно стараешься, оценит-ли? "А, это вы жоржсандизм?". Люди произносят слова мне прямо на ухо, Пол Бэнкс стоит рядом в отличном костюме, всегда готовый превратить секс в поэзию и насмешить меня, Мэтт Бернингер иронично грустит рядом, Ник и его горе в каждой песне, прошлой и будущей, моя любовь в водовороте, и даже Кевин здесь, хотя мы мало знакомы, Кевин, подвиньтесь, дайте пройти Элизабет и Мари, они будут вместе. Световой мост ненадежен. Я была там множество раз. В этом году я сожгла много водных мостов и много утопила огненных. Я снимала с себя людей как снимают одежды в кадре, бросая их на полу, не оглядываясь, отделяя от себя раз и навсегда. Обещала себе не оказываться перед подобным водоразделом никогда больше, но не смогла.

    Oh, when I lift you up
    You feel like a hundred times yourself
    I wish everybody knew
    What's so great about you

    Oh, but your love is such a swamp
    You don't think before you jump
    And I said I wouldn't get sucked in

    This is the last time

    We were so under the brine
    We were so vacant and kind
    We were so under the brine
    We were so vacant

    If I give you a watch, it's expensive and waterproof.Would you put her in the water?Maybe I didn't dare, though I was sure, but I didn't want to be a part of my curiosity, which would really ruin something good.

    But, dare the child, a ten year old dare.The grown-ups told her that the watch was expensive and really expensive, because she was waterproof.Therefore, you must keep good and do not fall out of the water.Well, what a chaotic logic.

    One day, a group of children together, they all showed their watches, red, yellow, green, all kinds of colors mixed, good-looking very.One of them held up his watch and said that mine was waterproof. I didn't believe you to see it. The watch had sunk to the bottom.Take it out and drop the water, but the needle is still going!

    A little girl, her eyes stare blankly wave stare blankly blinked a few times, you looked at the wrist that piece of pink watch, still go, show a very 045 time six point three seconds, she paused, raised his right hand to take off the watch, suddenly remind of mother once said to her, this watch is waterproof, very expensive, very expensive, don't throw in the water.This moment, she hesitated two minutes, want to throw water, like other friends, helplessly watch the ability of the watch waterproof, but also afraid to break the home mother to blame her.She, silent all the time, suddenly took off her watch and threw it into the water.Quickly take it out, the time goes on, the hands still turn.She lifted the water meter excitedly, like a track and field winner holding a mobile gold medal, and I won.It's really waterproof.Ha ha!

    Pack your bags and wear your watch and go home!

    I imagined the little girl coming home.The girl excited to tell mother, mother a face surprise, suddenly face green.

    You, dare how so big, who let you drop in, if true bad what do you do?A: why don't you kids listen to me?

    I, mom, it's really waterproof. It's ok!

    You, disobedient, unexpectedly not obedient.

    So why did mom buy such an expensive waterproof watch?

    " Mom said.Well, then you can't throw the water!I can't do that any more!

    The simple conversation turned back.Mother's logic never breaks.

    The notes

    I wonder where the problem is, the whole thing.

    When the mother, spend that big price, buy the so-called waterproof watch to give the child, in the heart really what is the intention?Waterproof, but not water.This is a complete adult concern and vanity.Just want to show it to you.

    The child?Watch time, waterproof, that means of course you can play with your watch and water, it's that simple!

    If one day you see a child with a wristband, show his wrist watch, say see my mother bought my waterproof watch, waterproof?

    Do you dare to let it go?

    This, of course, is not necessary.Then turn around and walk away.

    Don't be surprised, this behavior, the action, must not be for no reason, this all, there is a trace, the answer is his parents.

    The world of children is so simple and simple, but as long as doping a little bit of the so-called adult world, the child is also suddenly not like a child, but feel like an adult is dull.

    Sometimes, we do pay our dues to pursue more and more, but never think about it. Do we need it?What do we do with these things?If it's just to think that one day you can come out and compete with someone, you don't have to.

    If you need to, go for it.When he found it, he went with him.

    Needless to say, I am not rare, even if others have said so.

    In this way, there are not so many entanglements and hesitations like waterproof watches in life